So yeah, this is why I don't typically blog :-P

Oh, well, a lot has gone on in my world. I'll try to keep it from getting tl;dr.

First and foremost, it is getting close to time for me to pick my second site for my internship. I thought about the list of sites for a while, and one in particular caught my eye: Anchorage,...
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How's Alaska?
Too wonderful to describe.

I really get how people fall in love with Alaska. It's such a unique place to live that it draws you in. I've only been here a month and I don't want to leave.
Well, I guess all the cool kids are doing it, so I might as well get this started.

My name is Mark. I was born just outside Saginaw, Michigan, and currently reside in Cheyenne, Wyoming. No, Wyoming is not a figment of your imagination, it actually does exist.

I just graduated from engineering school in December, and moved out into that scary place called the...
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Yeah gelatin bonds really well with human skin, hair, and nails.