Yeah, I'm glad she's still around. Last tape I'd heard of was well over a week after the deadline the fuckers had originally set, hopefully cooler heads will prevail and she'll be released.
The trip was fantastic - I just got back a short while ago...
Just one more thing, when you click on the URL above and minimize the window that pops up, do you see a dotted outline around the text and smilies? If so, do you see a little boner between confused and surreal? Or am I just Delirium?
Nevermind the last question. It's mutually exclusive.
I've yet to go to a burning man...though I've pondered it since just before 99 was born. I have several friends who have been part of it for years..however, at this point, I feel that doing so would further dilute the FAMILY that it has become...ya know...if I wasn't there in the beginning for the magic...then I'm just another person away from it becoming commercialised. I have to much respect for the concept to do it to it...