I do think there should be more pictures of me in the world. I'm not a handsome man but I am fun to look at. I bet my pictures would be very useful in a before and after type setting. Like I could be the chubby guy in the before pics for weight loss stuff or I could be the chubby alcoholic guy in the...
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Well, I recently made it back to Oklahoma from a little vacation to sunny Florida. Florida is a pretty nice place. I lived there for a few years and loved it. This particular trip, however, was less than wonderful. Let me just say there is no shortage of racists hillbilly idiots in Florida. Not to say that we don't have our share here in Oklahoma...
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people like that should be sent away.
i'm so sorry.
Ughh that sucks, I can't stand that shit. Hope she can get past it and realize that not everyone is that ignorant.
This post comes with a warning.
WARNING: Don't Read If You Are A Stupid Redneck Right-Wing Christian

That said, today I got home from work (I work nights) and was accosted by my neighbor. I don't think I have ever said more than hello to this man. Today, however, he decided to let me know that he didn't appreciate my "Jew loving" ways. He informed...
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Not only is he a moron but his pastor is a moron as well. I went to his church this afternoon to speak to the pastor. I thought maybe the guy had been confused...nope his pastor echoed exactly what the guy said. As I left his office the last thing he said to me was that he'd pray for my soul on the day of judgement which is coming soon.
Hey there, how are you?
So, I'm not much of a poster. I try but blogging isn't really my thing. I stay pretty busy with other stuff. Also, I've been gone for a little over 8 months and that doesn't help. I would, however, like to rant for a second. I really think there should be some sort of "driving on ice and snow" class. Anyone in Oklahoma or anywhere...
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Hi. I will be your friend, just based on your rant about people not knowing how to drive in ice and snow. I wrote a blog just like that on my myspace yesterday after almost sliding into a cop who was stuck, and then having to push his car out of the hole he dug with his fancy rear wheel drive car. If you cant drive....stay home. nuff said. Rock on. bok
Fucking douche bags. ARRR!!!
So, it was karaoke night last night at my local barand by local bar I mean the bar nearest to where I am currently working. Anyway, I got way to drunk and sang way too many songs. Songs like Ray Parker Jr.s classic number Ghostbusters. Lets just say it was a pretty crazy night and leave it at that.
Well, it has been awhile since I've updated. That can pretty much be blamed on moving. I just bought a new house and I have been trying to remodel it for the last three months or so. Let me tell you, that sucks! Redoing a house is time consuming and boring. Well I like all the building, plumbing, wiring...but the painting sucks. I know, I...
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I was hung over for three days! That is not a joke. For those of you that read my last entry (posted upon returning home from a night of excessive drinking) you know that I had a lot to drink Thursday night. This led to one of the worst hangovers I have ever had. I had a three-day headache and everything continued to move in...
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The worst I've ever been, I think I had alcohol posioning... I was like 17 or so. It was crazy, in like 4-5 days I spent $400 on liqour, a carton of cigarettes and a pizza. We kind of just drank for a few days... staying drunk most of the time, but the last night we drank so much it was crazy. And we were mixing a lot of different kinds of liqour. BAD idea! The next day everyone else was ok because they mostly drank beer. I actually remember before passing out that morning that we had bet to see who was going to puke first because it was just inevitable. I won by the way... LOL! By about 15 minutes. We both threw up over the side of the porch. Then I guess I passed out on the couch kind of leaning over the side... some time during the night threw up *not consciously* on the floor, fell off the couch, and woke up with my hair stuck to the carpet by puke. Niiice! Then the whole next day I don't think I got up from the couch except to throw up and I was puking blood a few times. And everyone said I looked like I was dead because I was either blue or green they couldn't decide which. So, that was the end of mixing liqours... LOL! But I lived and it sucked... but oh well. Now I can't hardly drink anything and I get buzzed.

dying_incyde puke
hey there,
welcome back to my buddy list wink
ya' fell off the face of the planet, or at least planet sg, ya' should try updatin' some time wink
Well, I went out and got wasted tonight. Why is it every time I plan to go out and just drink a little I end up smashed? I will tell you why: my friends. I mean who can turn down a FREE shot? No one thats who. Jgermeister, Goldschlager, even Tequila, they all killed me. Im sure my friends Jack and Diet Coke didnt help....
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Yayyy for the drunken splendor that I know all too well. smile Hope you're not hung over. skull
Well it has been a couple of weeks since I have updated. I have been busy with...that is a lie I have really just been sleeping and pretending to work. That pretty much takes up most of my time. So, um I have been playing alot of video games too. Wow...my life is pretty boring. Um, I think I am going to lie down now.
Yeah go lay down, it must be really tiring typing since you probably wore your fingers out playing video games. Poor baby... LOL! I know I've been there. Well, don't have too much fun.

dying_incyde tongue
I pretend to work a lot too....! smile
Update with random crap...hmmmm. Well today I pretty much did nothing. I went to a couple of comic book/toy stores and acted like a nerd. In all fairness to me I was accompanied on this trip be a girl friend of mine (by that I mean a girl who is only just a friend) and it was her idea to go. It was not, however,...
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pinball is great
Happy Valentines Day! kiss