Stumbling across this little "photo exhibit on the universal hive mind today made me very happy. Well, this and that weird, persistently glowing orb that was in the sky so much this week (HAH--that joke NEVER gets old in Seattle!) ... Joan Fontcuberta is a prankster/ photographer. He is from Spain. He is kind of silly and serious at the same time, like so...
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tonight i relax and try to sort out my life a little bit. got some financial unmanageability going on... otherwise life is really pretty damn good, not mopey about the date anymore and still looking forward to the nerve girl date tomorrow 'cause she's very cool and looks a lot like maggie from northern exposure plus she's wearing a hell's belles shirt in the photo...
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Ixnay on the D word. I was told by a lesbian that I am allowed to use it because I don't say it mean. Hell, I don;t think I've ever said it.
Maggie from N E!! I just watched some old N E the other day. My ex's sister looks like her...minus the cuteness.
I love seeing a new review come out. All my colleagues labor over their precious music journal publishings and how "oh boy, I got published". Yeah, well I've been published over a hundred times this last year. Now who's laughing? Um...wait, this wasn't about revenge, right?
The ex. with the house and the new Subaru wagon, does not happiness make.
Maggie from N E!! I just watched some old N E the other day. My ex's sister looks like her...minus the cuteness.
I love seeing a new review come out. All my colleagues labor over their precious music journal publishings and how "oh boy, I got published". Yeah, well I've been published over a hundred times this last year. Now who's laughing? Um...wait, this wasn't about revenge, right?
The ex. with the house and the new Subaru wagon, does not happiness make.
Ack! You mean getting lapdances together isn't magical?
the dentist seems cool, he didn't like prod the obviously infected area which is actually a first for me with dentists, whom i do tend to wait until i am in excrutiating pain before i see. he said it looks like i have "a couple root canals" in my future -- whoo hooo! what could be better!?
turned down pain pills 'cause they'll fuck with...
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turned down pain pills 'cause they'll fuck with...
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yeah, yeah...go to your fancy dates.
bros before hoes.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I can't be-f-ing-leave i said that! I roolz.
bros before hoes.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I can't be-f-ing-leave i said that! I roolz.
Is WFMU the station with Laura Cantrell? I lose track easily. Have fun working on the CD-R - maybe you should send them a girl with a strap-on bearing all of your music selections for the hour. (Just slide the CD-R onto the strap-on - all the way down, so it will look like a shiny, abstract patch of pubic plastic - and have her go Greyhound. You're bound to impress someone.)
As for the aspirin, you're a tougher man than I am.
And as for Greta - girl's a poet and she don't even know it.
As for the aspirin, you're a tougher man than I am.
And as for Greta - girl's a poet and she don't even know it.
I have a KILLER toothache think its a root canal for me, at least one -- this pain has been happening on and off for weeks/ months tomorrow morning I finally go in to see the dentist first time in like 4 years (I know, I know) and unsurprisingly my teeth are in horrible shape, argggggh.
I put everything I dont want to deal with...
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I put everything I dont want to deal with...
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I will be working at the coal mine. Going down, down. Working in a coal mine. Whew, about to slip down. Five o'clock in the morning. I'll be up before the sun. When my work day will be over. I'll be too tired for having fun. Lord, I'll be so tired. How long will that go on? I'll be working, going, working. Whew, about to slip down.
I am so queer.
Technically, I will be working with coal. About a thousand years ago, the products I will be peddling were once coal. Now, they are diamonds in Tiffany settings. And they cost an arm and a leg.
I need to buy my mom some sterling silver for Mother's Day with my employee discount. Something less than $100.
I am so queer.
Technically, I will be working with coal. About a thousand years ago, the products I will be peddling were once coal. Now, they are diamonds in Tiffany settings. And they cost an arm and a leg.
I need to buy my mom some sterling silver for Mother's Day with my employee discount. Something less than $100.
The guy who wrote that Lindbergh book that I just read recently published another book on Lindbergh. If it's as sloppily and arrogantly written as this book was, I won't read it. I mean, what kind of argument is, "That's impossible because I say so"? Whatever.
Don't read The Lindbergh Case by Fisher. Read The Cases That Haunt Us by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker instead. They're much more egalitarian. And better at writing. They can parse a freaking sentence, and they don't use dozens of split infinitives.
Don't read The Lindbergh Case by Fisher. Read The Cases That Haunt Us by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker instead. They're much more egalitarian. And better at writing. They can parse a freaking sentence, and they don't use dozens of split infinitives.
damn. the rad waitress girl is "sort of" dating someone who she's been with on and off for four years!
we'd hung out and talked a bit, enough where i thought for sure she'd have mentioned someone, if she was seeing someone, you know? and it wasn't until way late into our thought-it-was-going-pretty-great dinner when she dropped this info. the guy is a rocker in...
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we'd hung out and talked a bit, enough where i thought for sure she'd have mentioned someone, if she was seeing someone, you know? and it wasn't until way late into our thought-it-was-going-pretty-great dinner when she dropped this info. the guy is a rocker in...
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"sleeeeeep beckons..."
so does the broadway group
so does the broadway group
Perhaps it's better this way. Sometimes a charming little quirk like the sound effects thing can get to be like fingernails on a blackboard after the bloom is off the rose.
the dinner with the rad waitress is in an hour, at my favorite sushi joint, hooray!
i am nervous. i've got my brown cowboy shirt with white embossed flowers on the lapels and the back in the dryer now with a wet towel (to "iron" it) and i've got to go and clean out my truck in case she needs a ride though we are...
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i am nervous. i've got my brown cowboy shirt with white embossed flowers on the lapels and the back in the dryer now with a wet towel (to "iron" it) and i've got to go and clean out my truck in case she needs a ride though we are...
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i haven't seen dirty 3 since 95, i think, when their 2nd (or first?) relaese on touch and go came out... i was doing the zine in chicago at the time, so i saw *everything*, and i was tight with the T&G people... i saw Rachel's first public performance, *that* was amazing...
I love Voltaire!
"deep thoughts" with mike mcg (and three of his favorite rockers):
Is it wrong to understand
The fear that dwells inside a man
What's it like to be a loon
I liken it to a balloon
I danced myself out of the womb
Is it strange to dance so soon?
----T. Rex
He who binds himself to a joy
Does the winged...
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Is it wrong to understand
The fear that dwells inside a man
What's it like to be a loon
I liken it to a balloon
I danced myself out of the womb
Is it strange to dance so soon?
----T. Rex
He who binds himself to a joy
Does the winged...
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When choosing between two evils I like to try the one I've never tried before.
-Mae West
God I love her!
-Mae West
God I love her!

Its hump day, its overcast. I feel like Im on cruise control today. Not good, not bad, just sort of a little bit numb. Tomorrow I find out if the polyp removed from my esophagus is cancerous or not. Or not. It better be or not!!! Doctor said he thinks it was or not when he removed it it was all pink and rosy. Just...
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Two night ago I was at a boring show in someone's living room -- bunch of listless nu-school emo kids. I excused myself to the kitchen for some pretzels and diet root beer and what did I see??? A magnet on the fridge advertising a show last May for Carrisa's Wierd. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Very odd and I felt two-feet small for a second. I guess one of the chicks there is in a punk band that opened for CW. No one really shared in my excitement, as I would have to explain the SG thing.
foxxy..........hump day........
Hey thanks so much for all the birthday wishes! 35 was a tough one at first cause as I approached it I realized the million and one unrealistic goals Id set for myself in the back of my head, things I was supposed to have done by the time I turned this age (you know, have published 3 books, had at least one major museum...
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Hey, no fair working your mojo like that while I was all sorts of unaware.
happy late birthday!!

amazing music this weekend thus far -- jolie holland, iron and wine, yeah yeah yeahs, thermals, rosie thomas, and the fabulous decemberists -- wow. plus some serious hanging tonight with my total crush of the year, jolie and her friend whatserface from the be good tanyas (jolie used to be in and named that band.) jolie and i took a great walk together after her...
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Hey sorry to have missed your b-day...hope it was a happy one. I'll take your non-updating for the last couple of days as a sign of good and busy times.
1) Um...probably my first CD player back when they were "new technology".
2) Any article of clothing my mom ever bought me.
3) Some friends of mine threw me a surprise 30th BD party. It was pretty rockin'.
4) Overrated? Not when I was 10. Now, it's just another step closer to the grave.
5) Prince Charles. he "cool"?
1) Um...probably my first CD player back when they were "new technology".
2) Any article of clothing my mom ever bought me.
3) Some friends of mine threw me a surprise 30th BD party. It was pretty rockin'.
4) Overrated? Not when I was 10. Now, it's just another step closer to the grave.
5) Prince Charles. he "cool"?
LOL!!!!!! Gerbil village!!!! Oh man...that made me laugh to think of little Mike sitting there as a kid with a gerbil village...aghast at the fatehr eating the babies.
1. A copy of the Hobbit -- 1979
2. probably socks, though i would welcome them now
3. I can't remember
4. Yes, and i think it's sort of blocking out my b-day memories.
5. Siobhan from Bananarama.
6. What are some of the most important things that happened the year you were born
A - Hendrix died, the Beatles were pretty much over, George Crumb wrote "Black Angels" -- the latter is my favorite.
1. A copy of the Hobbit -- 1979
2. probably socks, though i would welcome them now
3. I can't remember
4. Yes, and i think it's sort of blocking out my b-day memories.
5. Siobhan from Bananarama.
6. What are some of the most important things that happened the year you were born
A - Hendrix died, the Beatles were pretty much over, George Crumb wrote "Black Angels" -- the latter is my favorite.
This is brilliant. Thanks for the tip.
If you'll excuse me, I have to go slice a rack of backbacon. I betcha I can find the hidden visage of Dick Cheney within the fat and gristle.
(Edit - leering mug du Cheney found. I asked him about the Nerve girl. He said, and I quote, 'the girl is mine, the dog-gone girl is mine, I know she's mine 'cause the dog-gone girl is mine'. I know not the code of which he speaks bu I'm currently researching Rashi's Talmudic commentary for a reference.)
[Edited on May 11, 2003]