Open letter to America:
Please people, we are all sinners!
You can keep your crucifixes, well-manicured lawns and award-winning family entertainment. I want to know about your perversions, your obsessions, your secrets - we all have them so get over yourselves. This, such a schizophrenic land, coated with the shiny lacquer of wholesomeness and sanitized for maximum commercial appeal and rolled up in the big...
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Please people, we are all sinners!
You can keep your crucifixes, well-manicured lawns and award-winning family entertainment. I want to know about your perversions, your obsessions, your secrets - we all have them so get over yourselves. This, such a schizophrenic land, coated with the shiny lacquer of wholesomeness and sanitized for maximum commercial appeal and rolled up in the big...
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Late at night I move over you like a thin film of moisture on glass, searching for your hands amid the bedclothes. I take random patches of your skin into my mouth and try to fit your hipbone into the curve behind my knee. My fingers rest on top of your head and my cheek finds your jawbone and I fight the intoxication of the...
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your profile and your journal entry are both so good...i'm feeling it...
like syrup in my ear. yum.
Her eyes are unreachable to me, shrouded by sunglasses, black and impervious like the tinting on a limo window and you desperately need to see who's inside. "How's it going," "Oh, you're pregnant again, congratulations," "how's school", "what's been up" - random meeting, small pleasantries, general agreement on issues big and small. Except for the one big issue, the elephant in the room, the one...
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hey dude. thank you for the super long comment in my journal. i will give you some answers there.
i swear to god i've heard that before...
The third and final installment of the Superkitty Teenage Heartache Nostalgia Retrospective. It's been a cool and cathartic experience to air these old writings, but I'm also glad to be moving on to other topics because I have many other things I need to say in this space...
i slipped into your world
swam through the stifling air
shed my skin
and undercover...
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i slipped into your world
swam through the stifling air
shed my skin
and undercover...
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Take your bow, you've done well! I have to say the classic lines... " my heart and soul, you flushed them down the toliet bowl" has such charm!!
Here it is, more decade-old melodrama. As you'll recall, I am in the process of purging my soul for the new year. I am amazed at how good it feels. I highly recommend it.
you are driving me insane
the frustration is burning
bursting out of my heart
any minute now
i might have to do something drastic
i might have to call you...
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you are driving me insane
the frustration is burning
bursting out of my heart
any minute now
i might have to do something drastic
i might have to call you...
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......Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat. Meow!!!! puRR, pUrr...IGGy RuCKin' fOCKs!!!!!
Oh miss superkitty, how you make me smile!!! Your comments/theory concerning the "devils engineer" are amazing. What a great shot you are....Bullseye!
Just got my Prozac refill...ready whenever you are...
Just got my Prozac refill...ready whenever you are...
Doing some cleaning up and stumbled across some old notebooks from a very long time ago, back when I was very young and very dumb, so long ago that I can now see the humor in exposing some of these works to the light of day for the very first time.
In "publishing" this stuff , I am not seriously ridiculing the deeply confused woman-child...
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In "publishing" this stuff , I am not seriously ridiculing the deeply confused woman-child...
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not to skip over your journal entry that I relate to and laugh at myself for when I find old notebooks but what I really want to say is that's a very sexy pic
Those are pretty good!
Those are pretty good!
My life is a complex collection of pitched battles. I call it, simply, "The War."
It all began in the dark, early hours of a late winter morning as my parents drove, with headlights painted black, to a bomb-ravaged hospital in the Middle East, where they gave birth to a very small, very weak and very angry baby girl.
Barely a few moments old and...
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It all began in the dark, early hours of a late winter morning as my parents drove, with headlights painted black, to a bomb-ravaged hospital in the Middle East, where they gave birth to a very small, very weak and very angry baby girl.
Barely a few moments old and...
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that was fucking cool... I wish i could say something it bit more intelligent about it, but nothing comes to mind.
Got me a new stop on the SG Journal Trail
Got me a new stop on the SG Journal Trail

tell me how to escape the doom of corporate madness and yuppie discust
And thanks for saying all that ... I really hope you get all your birthday wishes, stated and unstated. That rocks!