So this week has honestly been pretty boring, aside from a few minor down beats I've been having a good time just working and going to school. Big news is that I am trying to lose a little weight since I am in a friend's wedding coming up in April, and want to look my best in a sweet sweet tux. Biggest problem has been...
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I'm right there with you on the weight loss...but I love to eat so I kinda suck at it. I already have my dress so as long as I don't gain any weight I should be good. My advice on the soda is to go cold turkey...that's what I did a few years back and it helped alot. After about a week your taste buds change and you don't even want soda anymore because it tastes too sweet. I pretty much only drink it now when its watered down with booze. I even have to water down my juice (with real water). And unsweetened tea is a life-saver...or u could do like Suzie and just go diet pepsi all the way (no calories). Anyway, you've motivated me to exercise...I'm gonna go find vkzawa and get in a "morning workout". tongue
So I am doing this because I promised Katella and myself that I would, I am going to start a weekly (at first) blog to talk about important things, air grievances, praise food and generally bullshit on whatever junk matters to me most at the time.
This first one is going to be more for me than for anyone else, but I wanted to set...
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Very nice first post. smile

As for your self-imposed guidelines, you are one of the most positive and upbeat people I know and never negative (aside from that one time when we first met, but u were entitled, lol) but everyone needs to vent sometimes. You may find that this is a good place to do that when needed. I often vent on sg and feel much better afterwards...it is YOUR blog afterall.

Now about the burgers...all I can say is OM NOM NOM. I think you need to post some sexy pics of said burgers...I'm so in to food porn. Also, u must take me there next time I'm in town (which will be soon). kiss
Hi! My name is Chris and I am a nerd. I am really easy going and can be fun to talk to about anything from Alcohol to X-Men. I am casual and quiet, sometimes shy, but always friendly.
Thank you to all the lovely ladies who are making me feel so welcome. Katella you are amazing!smile
Any friend of Katella's is a friend of mine <3