Well, it's ben a long time since I posted anyting here. Not a whole lot has been going on for quite some time, but funally, all of that has changed! After the long process of getting my VA disability compensation claim, then enrolling for benefits, I applied for Voc Rehab through the VA, and this process is almost done now! I've done everything required of...
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just got tired of my blog saying the same thing from like, a million years ago
The service oaths you posted almost made me piss myself.
well, last week was interesting..... on three occasions over two days I had people trying to tell me where I can and cannot work. It just blows me away. People who live near the beaches that my tribe is allowed to harvest shellfish on seem to think that since they can't do what we can, it must be illegal for us to do it! One...
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happy birthday!!
well, dammit..... just put new clutches in my bike, then on the first ride my transmission broke! and it just HAD TO BE 4th gear, which is the most expensive gear in the tranny!
well, my ride around the loop went well, even without my warthog. i've been back to the section of highway where it fell off, but couldn't find it. but i got a new one now, and the universe is back in balance!
well, i got to go riding today! my buddy Jason and I went on about a 150 mile loop south and west and came back home. nice ride, except for the crosswinds blowing sand in our faces by the ocean! oh, and the cop who pulled us over for speeding. he let us off with a warning, though. we're now planning a ride around the...
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well, the burning hellfire is back in the too-high sky. it's time to start practicing for my trip to Sturgis! i'm going for some long rides with some friends of mine in the near future. last year i didn't make it to Sturgis for lack of funds, this year i am GOING, come hell or high water!
Well, still not much going on around here. at least i'm working, though. i'm a hunter/gatherer! seriously, i hunt some days, and on others i get paid to gather oysters. $2 a dozen my not sound like a whole lot of money, until you consider i can pick up 55-70 dozen oysters per opening. sure, i's stupid grunt labor, but where else can i get...
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damn, it's been a long time since i was on. still not a whole lot going on, spent the last month in New Orleans with the national guard. now i'm all unemployed again.
once again, it's been a long time since i was on here...... not a whole lot happening now i'm off active duty and looking for a job. job hunting sucks ass!
it certainly does. I settled for telemarketing, hopefully you can be more choosy
but freedom is sooo sweet