I was arrested for soliciting the other day when I picked up my mom from work
On a scale from 1-10. What's your favorite color of the alphabet?
*millionaire by sperm count only
So I wanted to share this cuz it was so incredibly random and cool .
I was taking out the trash and sitting on top of the trash can just chilling was a brown dove(pictured below).
I thought it was interesting because I don't see them alot.
Anyways, I was able to quietly walk up on it and pet it for a few seconds before...
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The average Falcon lives to be about 20 years old.
So any Falcon that age is considered a "Milennial Falcon"
Why open your legs when you can open a Bible?
Uhhhh....that's more fun lol
There's no wrong way to eat a reese's.....unless it's out of your weird uncles underwear