I should update this really, shouldn't I?

See, the thing is, I have too many ways to talk to the world. And I'm not really in a place to share my writing. Which means that I don't want to either erpeat myself here or put in stuff that would go in my main blog, and I don't have little creative pieces with which to entertain...
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He is actually the first person in a long time with whom I connect with in addition to making mad babies. so no i will not kick him. i will however write random minimalistic comments in journals RIGHT before sleeping~
Sometimes, being friends is the way a beautiful thing IS, not starts or ends. If you stay friends, then you can have all the benefits of the shared company. My best friend is also an occasional lover of mine, but always friends first, and I honestly feel more fulfilled than any named 'relationship' I've ever had. Do what you feel, but don't lose what you have. smile

The Crush is coming to England in the New Year!

smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile

(What? I'm allowed to gush!)
(little whispered note) i like your response to scylla's last entry. SHHHHHHHH! don't tell her i said that!
is that you sel?

hope thing are good!
Having noticed that there doesn't seem to be a link to Friends Journals on the pages of the actual Suicide Girls leads me to wonder - are they allowed friends? Or are they meely kept in electronic cages to perform for our amusement until we get bored and go home, leaving them alone at night to scrabble at the bars and howl for the wild?...
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moods like that entertain me to no end. i do some if my best, if entirely unusable, writing while feeling like that.

its very effective
Surely there shouldn't be rules for them. Or us. Or Cats...



Went to the desntist earlier. OPne minor filling, which was fine but the stupid anesthetic hit my tongue so now everything tastes of styrofoam (to quote Selma). Grr...

Meanwhile, as someone earlier asked to see some of my writing, here's a short story I wrote last year. It can also be found (along with other bits of my stuff) at my site but I thought...
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interesting and bizarre, two things i have always appreciated, but i fail to see the stylistic resemblance, outside the fact that we both apparently want to tell children's stories to adults... or adult stories to children if that suits you better.

i do, however, appreciate the elegance of the faerie tale format you have presented. your language is dead on and your use of repetition proper and tradtional. i am far too much of a modernist to ever be able to successfully write in such a manner. spent many years trying to write in various forms only to discover that i can only write in mine. fortunately, i am content with that, but i envy you you're freedom to play.

regardless of criticism, i thank you for your words and your tale and hope you will grace us all with more of your work.
My DVD of 'The Man Who Wasn't There' arrived in the post today so I am one happy little fox. You know how sometimes you find a film and it's Your Film? Well in some ways 'The Man Who Wasn't There' is like that for me. It's fascinating watching the character just...go through the film, not so much oblivious and ignored as just...not counted. He's...
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now the question i have is am i the introvert, or are you? or are we both introverts who need extroverts to write? or should i just go back to a shitload of amphetamines to take care of shit?

and why do i not see any of this writing? what if i was writing this way before you? perhaps you write like me, hmmm?

and most importantly, does it matter?

anyway, thank you for the compliment (just assuming, as i would guess you like the way you write and so my writing like you is a good thing... though you could be stalking me to kill me to maintain your dominance over the medium... or am i just being over analytical and paranoid?) sorry this wasn't a more coherent and responsive piece. its a real shitty week and i need to go out and kill something.

have a nice night.
Yay! You have a blog. woohoo. The coen brothers are awesome. Someone explained jason webley in my blog. Shakespeare Festival is a yearly adventure, it's just a big theatre festival. Hrrm, I think that that is it. smile
Saw Kill Bill earlier today. I'm not sure y'all really want my opinion on it as I'm very much a 'style *and* substance' kind of girl and Tarantino is mostly about the pretty and not much else. Still, I'm glad I went, even if just for the final fights and the right to now be thirteenth at table smile
OK, how's *this* for a wacky entry!


Wait, no, that wasn't the end of it.

So, if I said that the reason I didn't keep a journal here was because I'm writing a children's book and was worried what might happen if somewhere down the line it got published and people worked out that I wrote it but also looked at nekkid chicks, what...
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If they're digging that deep won't they know it's you anyway?
Madonna wrote a children's book.
It just struck me, maybe if I post things, people will come be my friend!

Well, at least leave comments.

Yes? No? Maybe?