<b>Michael Phelps: Gutless Wonder</b><br>Smoking pot may be a crime in some backward states, but it's nothing to be ashamed of.<br><a href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1444579/michael_phelps_gutless_wonder.html">http://www.associatedcontent.comarticle/1444579/michael_phelps_gutless_wonder.html</a>

I'm generally appalled at the abysmal state of discourse one finds on the web.
As a poet, the best thing is to lie in the mud
where you're a stranger and try to guess
what might be safe to eat or drink

or count your boss's daughter's tattoos
some dank night, stoned as an outlaw
with your guns on the floor

or plant bombs in golfballs
like seeds of the Revolution
with your pirate buddies

or walk through small...
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Thanks for loving my set smile
As if having a girlfriend wasn't enough, now I have a job.
What next?
Perhaps you'll catch the elusive Happiness beast in your net!
The white owls

pull tired bodies
of the newly dead

through midtown

glancing at my back
and flying low

near the windows
<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/7881/drops6rm.jpg" border="0" width="500" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a>
? no comprendo.
all this talk of withdrawal brought to mind something I scratched out just before this assinine war started. Sadly, it's even more relevant now than it was then.
Operation Double Penetration

Suppose you can't pull out
once you have gone in
swinging like a Saturday night

Suppose the shock and awe
of your initial penetration
are not sublime in any way
just the thuggery...
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I'm about ready to disappear again, for good this time. It's been real.
holy shit man!! and I just found you!!

well hey, my screenname on AIM is happinessOplenty, if you have an AIM or AOL screenname and would like to contact me... I'd give you an email address but I am really too negligent with my email account for it to do anyone any good
IMing does take up an unfortunate shitload of my time. Give me convenience or give me death

If I can save five dollars I'm going to buy a beer
and read this all backwards in front of people who don't exactly care
whether it means anything, so long as it hurts
me to read it and confess everything.

I was in love for a while a week or so ago with someone
who's name I can't mention out of decency. I had...
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Everybody Just Quit

I want to be a motivational speaker
and tell corporate America, quit your job, immediately
I want to carry this message of hope and faith
deep into the heart of Omaha Nebraska via the Overland Trail,
backtrack the Donner party, find them lost in dream,
feed them corn and American beans, walk them back to St. Joe
picking up freight along the...
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::: Applause :::: blush
What a great idea! And everyone must slow down because really there is no hurry- collectively we aren't in a race to get anywhere or do anything.
Regrettably, I am once again late for church. Luckily, there is always football.
I keep telling myself I should go to mass, but I just can't wake up early enough.