I am soo confused.

I broke up with my boyfriend as I had feelings for another guy. And we were kinda sucky like he knows now he treated me shit. So Ive been hanging with the other guy and partying...alot... but my ex really wants to be with me. But I dont wana get hurt again and treated like shit.

I want everything he has...
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i agree with mindriot that he will wait if he loves you. Take your time to make a decision and do what will make you happy.
well if he really loves you, he can wait for you or maybe you need a time alone and him too, and wait the time decides.
okay so my previous journal entry was vague so if I want some advice I gotta give all the details, well explain myself abit more, but thankyou to the people who did try and help!

I started to like a friend of mine, I told my best friend Adam who went and told this guy. I stayed at the guys house last night due to...
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Yup you are right you are 19. Everything you are doing is well...... just perfect! Good luck smile
All I can say is... if that was J's response, then it definitely seems as though you got out at the right time. Not telling anyone about the break for a while should give you time to think about it clearly. As bad as any relationship can be, it takes time to get over it: make sure you are not thinking about J or anything from that relationship, and that not thinking or caring about it is natural, because only then will you be in the clear to think about starting something new. If you still have hang ups of any kind, you'll only plaster them over whoever you go to. Personally, I'm a fan of Archie comics, so take that for what you will, and remember that you did what you felt was right by you.
So I did a pretty bad thing last night.. felt kinda good just not morally good.

I think I 'm breaking up with my boyfriend today. Its the right thing to do for many reasons. Thing is I'm not heartbroken or looking to get back with him so I could probably still hang out with him straight away after and be alright.

Last night I...
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I'm coming from six months of the single life after being in a four year relationship that included three breakups. Talking about him being quiet just makes me wonder about the other details, what happened between the hours of talking and the next morning. Usually guys are more talkative in the evening settings anyway, and if it was the friend evening that you wrote about in an earlier post that'd explain it.

As to whether he's genuine and good or reconsidering, I'd wait to see if it was just the one night of flowing compliments and conversation or what. Given your situation, I would easily see him wanting to avoid any chaos that anything could bring.

I'd suggest thinking about you and J first and foremost. It doesn't take too much reading for me to feel that you have an up and down going on, and that's usually not good, especially if you can't talk about your spats. The biggest warning I'd give you is that if you put one foot in a new door before the other foot's out the old door, you're likely to get slammed on one or both counts. If you are beautiful and hot (which anyone here will likely tell you) and liked and would be treated like gold last night, then it should still be the case in a day or week or month when you've planted your feet firmly inside or outside the doorway you're currently straddling.
i agree with Paradym. only time will tell. some guys will tell you want you want to hear and promise you the world aand then....disappear and act as if youre a casual person. dont be to quick to judge either way, but do resolve your other relationship first, and not always but isometimes (f you cheat on a guy, the guy you cheat with will probably never take you seriously because he can suffer the same result)
I so have an article on mookychick.co.uk on the myths and how -to's of dreads biggrin yay me!

counceling has been helping a bit, ive gone 3 days without freaking out and pissing J off! ha! but I mean, it is pretty good, cause right now I am so close to freaking out but I am not cause the thought of freaking out and ruining my...
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i have a theme yay i have come up with several, i will do the one, submit it and fingers crossed!!!! I really want this!
Best of luck! smile
awww good luck my fingers are crossed for you ....a lots of hugs have nice new week!!!kisskisskisskisskisskisskiss
I actually came home wednesday night, he hugged me and picked me up and we had good sexy time tongue yeah boy!

I'm going to look for a place in a few weeks and move out, give him space!

Sooooooo Im still really looking forward to taking some pictures some good old sexy pictures tongue me and jamie are going to take pictures of us, real artistic...
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Im dressed in the sexy topshop silk black dress he met me in and ive lit candles. we made this book a while back to put pictures in, letters, train tickets and stuff that we do together, and i have that with me.

im just waiting for him to come home and i hope this will work, ill smile at him and say nothing but...
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Whoa, I like the way you plan. Good luck!
who could resist.. go with the funny, its always a winner.

good luck and fingers crossed
Well things are....okay..ish...
its just gotten to the point where whatever i say he rolls his eyes at. i cant have a proper conversation with him.
its just not working out, he seems mad at me more than anything, and i mean anything, just mad at me.

i wana go out on the town.
dress up, feel sexy, and hope someone hits on me since...
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i know it doesn't really help to hear this, but even from the other side of europe you seem sexy!
maybe the independence of being in your own place would suit ya for now sweetie smile
Sooooooo i think im heading for absolute fucking horrific heartache very soon..... fucking hooray.
Maybe I should prepare myself for heartache and when it happens just say "well we had a good run"

i fucking love him.
but im an asshole.
i fucked it up.
ive lost him.
ewww...not good! Im sorry sweetie! Take some pills and go to sleep!
Anyone got any good tips for a flat stomach??
Im weaning myself into being vegan again, before I dropped straight into it and barely ate and ended up quitting.
So now I try not to have dairy, I only have organic dairy. And Ive been on the treadmill more, about 3 times a week I try to be on there, Im trying not to eat...
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I got nothing I'm afraid. My stomach hasn't been flat since I was 16. I've stopped even trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to resist the pace at which I gain it. I know genetics is a cop out, but I do think your upbringing has no much bearing on a persons self control and ability to moderate what they put in their body, and for all that my folks did right - they didn't pass that on.