well it's been ten years and a thousand tears and look at the mes i'm in- a broken nose and a broken heart, an empty bottle of gin well i sit and i pray in my broken down chevrolet- while i'm singin' to myself there's got to be another way
take away, take away take away this ball and chain i'm lonely and i'm tired...
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I would like to visit Portland myself
portland AKA (stumptown) is loads of fun knowing right people. hell if not meeting new people there is easy enough if your a socialite.. which I am not .. I tend to be a wallflower *shudder* the thought. bok
I need more work done on my left forarm,,,,, I need more Work... At least on June18 - 20th gonan be a HUGE Tattoo convention in Sacramento.

Ed Hardy.. Paul Booth... Hirotaki from Japan.. gonna B great... robot

blackeyed ARRR!!!
Are you starting something new or finishing
something in progress?

In my candids you can see what it is at right now.. I wanna throw the rising sun inbetween the Rybons and not sure what else... maybe incorporate it with inside arm piece. Mans Ruin..if your familiar with those designs..
I am so bored what to do go sit drink coffee all night and read books or go to one of the Bars and drink till i pass out in my car... hmm what to do what to do.. skull
I hate my EFFing .. Life robot
Well Long story.. I was a tad pissed when I wrote this plz ignore the pessimistic lameness a guy can have at times.
PS: whenever I start hating my life I imagine I could have only one leg or no nose.....sometimes I imagine I could be forced to hand out with born again christians on a daily basis....that generally makes me feel better.
Sweet bike!
When are they going to be ready?

I am restoring a 64 Vespa GS 160.
I am getting a P200 enginge put in, so the purists
are going to just love that.

Not sure about a paint colour yet.?
Broken Hearts. Broken Dreams.. switch blade candy ..

And WTF lend someone your Digital camera for a trip to San Diego and now he keeps telling YOU to come pick it up.. when he should bring it to ME..

mad mad mad mad mad

I wanna post pix of my Pooch and his utter coolness and well maybe some clear picts of.. yours truly.

I need to take a vacation.....
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WOW 72 Hours of No smoking....
This Sux I dont wanna quit but I have to ... Damn Doctors.. 5 + months of larengitus (how ever its spelled) is the Pits so maybe not smoking not talking might actually make it go away instead of talking like a Tom Waits wanna be..
yeah i would not want to be hoarse for that long, being a singer that would be torture. One time when i was tripping on mushrooms someone put on tom waits and it annoyed the shit out of me so now i hate tom waits...so it would be a good thing that you don't sound like him.
Yeah me Sunday and made it through the weekend.. Now I think i will go see matinee of Shrek2.. Cuz I am dorky like that. robot
Well i guess I should write something here.
Hangovers are terrbile and haveing them for 2 days is even worse.
Cool! Why do you live in Sacramento? Come move down here and hang out w/ me! Julie smile
yeah two day hangovers suck.. they are the main reason I don't drink much anymore. I have an extremely slow metabolism, drugs stay in my system longer and take longer to work. I discovered the same is true for alcohol. I take a long time to get drunk, but then I stay drunk a long time, and then i get like 2-4 day hangovers. Plus I am a mean drunk so pretty much a good thing I dont drink much anymore.