Gott Nytt r!
thank you so much for this!

hey!!! sorry for my late answer but today i wasn't at home :S... but thank you very much for all of your support!!! 

Glad midsommar!
thank ya much! i hope to have more news on the radio show soon! xox
Aw, tack s jttemycket!! Vad roligt att du tyckte s mycket om det. 

So it's time for an update (finally).
The weather is still wild and crazy in Seattle. A week with snow on the ground (more than 12 inches), albeit it is melting right now, has left the city somewhat paralyzed. It has been beautiful though. I like the silence following a snowfall--that and the way it looks as it covers the branches on trees whether they...
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The weather is still wild and crazy in Seattle. A week with snow on the ground (more than 12 inches), albeit it is melting right now, has left the city somewhat paralyzed. It has been beautiful though. I like the silence following a snowfall--that and the way it looks as it covers the branches on trees whether they...
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Thanks so much for the compliment on my Member Review set!
Thank you!
Thought it was time for an update . . .
Where has the summer gone? It has been somewhat elusive but seems to be finishing strong . . .
Thought I should post some more Frida . . .
Here's to extending summer into September!
Where has the summer gone? It has been somewhat elusive but seems to be finishing strong . . .
Thought I should post some more Frida . . .
Here's to extending summer into September!
that sounds wonderful. i love it when the seasons are in the process of changing.
Thank you for commenting on my new set!
Happy solstice! (at least in Fremont)
This weekend was Fremont's (The Center of the Universe) annual solstice celebration--a parade and two-day street fair. While hindered by rain and gloomy skies, it was still a great weekend!
Happy solstice all!
Oh yes, and I forgot the bike riders at the beginning of the parade:
This weekend was Fremont's (The Center of the Universe) annual solstice celebration--a parade and two-day street fair. While hindered by rain and gloomy skies, it was still a great weekend!
Happy solstice all!
Oh yes, and I forgot the bike riders at the beginning of the parade:
It seems as though summer has finally arrived in Seattle!!!
I planted the vegetable garden last weekend: tomatoes, lettuce, beets, white corn, herbs, potatoes, onions. Of course they are largely strange heirloom varieties but then I like the fun and unusual. Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes are the BEST! They did very well last year and were so sweet and tasty.
Bring on sommartider!
I planted the vegetable garden last weekend: tomatoes, lettuce, beets, white corn, herbs, potatoes, onions. Of course they are largely strange heirloom varieties but then I like the fun and unusual. Matt's Wild Cherry tomatoes are the BEST! They did very well last year and were so sweet and tasty.
Bring on sommartider!
ahah you noticed that..
i'm writing it, because if there are some serial killers here at least they would know who could be their next victim
i'd like to add rapers too.. uhm
i'm writing it, because if there are some serial killers here at least they would know who could be their next victim

i'd like to add rapers too.. uhm
Where is Lemland? Is that on land? I've never heard of it. Have you been around Scandinavia a lot?
Heja Sverige!!!
1st verse
Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjllhga nord
Du tysta, Du gldjerika skna!
Jag hlsar Dig, vnaste land upp jord,
/: Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ngder grna.:/
You ancient, you free, you mountainous North
You quiet, you joyful beauty!
I greet You, most beautiful land upon earth,
/:Your sun, Your sky, Your meadows green.:/
2nd verse
Du tronar p minnen frn...
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1st verse
Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjllhga nord
Du tysta, Du gldjerika skna!
Jag hlsar Dig, vnaste land upp jord,
/: Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ngder grna.:/
You ancient, you free, you mountainous North
You quiet, you joyful beauty!
I greet You, most beautiful land upon earth,
/:Your sun, Your sky, Your meadows green.:/
2nd verse
Du tronar p minnen frn...
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Thank you for commenting on my set!
Wait, do you play classical guitar?!!??!?!?!?!
And. p.s. thanks!
And. p.s. thanks!
Gott nytt r!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Thanks! I hope 2007 has been a good year so far.

To what can our life on earth be likened?
To a flock of geese,
alighting on the snow.
Sometimes leaving a trace of their passage.
Wang Wei (670-727)
I love the week between Christmas and New Years. It's a great time to kick back, to rest from the past year's labor and to anticipate the New. I have this sense that 2007 will be a...
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To a flock of geese,
alighting on the snow.
Sometimes leaving a trace of their passage.
Wang Wei (670-727)
I love the week between Christmas and New Years. It's a great time to kick back, to rest from the past year's labor and to anticipate the New. I have this sense that 2007 will be a...
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Thanks for the nice comment on my set!
....eller ska jag sga tack p svenska?

....eller ska jag sga tack p svenska?

Wow, it's the first of April!
Time really does fly when you are having fun. Or just busy. Should be getting a little slack time for the next few weeks. My apologies for being lame about replies; it has been just way too cazy . . .
It was a beautiful day here in Seattle yesterday! One of those awesome spring days with warm sun...
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Time really does fly when you are having fun. Or just busy. Should be getting a little slack time for the next few weeks. My apologies for being lame about replies; it has been just way too cazy . . .
It was a beautiful day here in Seattle yesterday! One of those awesome spring days with warm sun...
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it'll be my first time attending the AHTA's national conference. it's a great opportunity to hang out with my peers and gain new info/ideas about my field of work. these conferences are always fun; meeting people who work in a wide range of health services all with some sort of a focus on horticulture activities as a therapeutic intervention ie corrections, mental health, pallative care, vocational rehabilitation etc etc.
link to site
Thank you for your interest.
link to site
Thank you for your interest.

it's been quite awhile since you've update, huh? hehe At least the weather is finally looking up here in Canada
thanks for the lovely comment on my set

thanks for the lovely comment on my set

Well, I have tried to hold out as long as possible from updating my journal . . . skrtwlr used to tag me on this which prompted more frequent updates . . .
It has finally stopped raining in Seattle! And I am so happy about it. I am sure there is probably more around the corner but a few days for everything to dry...
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It has finally stopped raining in Seattle! And I am so happy about it. I am sure there is probably more around the corner but a few days for everything to dry...
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Where are you.........???

message for you