Every now and then my register gets messed up. Like 3 days before Christmas -- for example -- when I was debating between letting my phone get turned off or buying my friend the belt buckle she'd had her eye on for months, and some how two crisp 100$ bills got mistakenly placed in with my bundle of 1$'s. Know what I did? Noted it on my reg. sheet and notified a supervisor.
Ethics, dude. You should look into them. In the meantime, count yourself lucky your employers are forgiving.
Thanks. I know how to do .zip files though. The only thing is they are still to big to email and I can't break them down anymore because they don't want that many emails. I'm going to try yousendit.com like one of the SG's suggested. But thanks anyway...
I look up at the stars and am so reminded that I am just a pencil dot in this wonderful world of such unexplainable beauty...That is my higher power...my wonderful insignificance...
HEY I added a picture to that Cover Up Question in the tat group.... Just edited but its there now if you wanna see it? I hope you can see what I am talking about... The artist here are so lame and all about the money I seriously doubt any of them can draw hence I am going outta town to get this fixed... I just hope there is light at the end of the tunnle.... lol. Thanks for taking a look....
And yea I know its a profession I am just bummed the ones I have talked to have given me such lame ideas and excuses to not be able to do anything with it... lol
"By the power of Truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe"
'Vita' - "Life." 'Mors' - "Death."
Why am I posting things in Latin and giving the deffinition? Honestly, I have no idea. I think Latin is cool. I wanted to learn it, hell, I still do. But I only know one person that could teach me and... Well,... Read More
I'm downloading the song as we speak. Always did like Massive Attack . . .
And yeah, my avatar is from Tsutomu Nihei's Snikt!. Not the best storyline of wolverine's but certainly one of my favorite visuals of recent comic history.
See... ...there's a reason for good friends and good times! I had a really bad evening once and I didn't even want to think about going out to a bar...but I got talked into it...ran into a few good friends there and the rest of the night was so much fun, I was completely over the unhappy incident within a couple of hours. And I didn't even get completely trashed!
Whether history repeats itself or not, well...no way of knowing in advance. But sometimes things have a way of going in a whole new direction and turning out even better than the time before, if you know what I mean. Hopefully everything will turn out great for you!
I dream about us each time I fall to sleep and it's perfection. I see myself as I should have been. How I was too few times. How I should have treated her. It's bliss. It's so real too, some dreams you can tell are dreams but not these. I wake up convinced.
I really hate knowing the girl i still love is in somebody else's arms. So i know how you feel mate...You just gotta try and get up on day and say to yourself "This is it, i'm gonna start anew, and maybe try to find someone else."
try not to beat yourself up. i know it is hard. i can kick my own ass better than anyone else can. people make mistakes. it happens. it doesn't seem like it, but someday you will wake up and realize you feel different. maybe a little better than yesterday. it will get better.
Thanks for the compliments on the lighting and photography on LeMorta's set.
As far as the lightening bolts go, LeMorta is a big fan of Marilyn Manson, so when she approached me with the idea to shoot for the set , she said she wanted to pay tribute to Marilyn by appearing as one of the member's of Manson's Military.
A few notes on the lighting-
I surrounded her with those metallic space blankets by hanging a bunch of them on either side of her and even behind the camera and had my lights in between the space blankets. I wanted to flood the area with light so that I could use a high number F-stop, AND a fast shutter speed because LeMorta is a great model and "Self-Poser" so she goes from one great pose to another, and sometimes it's hard to keep up with her.
Last but not least - I read your journal entry, and I can relate but if you will ltake some advice from a guy who's been married to his first and only wife for soon to be 24 years, think about this... Are you surrounding yourself with the people you want to be with in 10. 15, 20 years?
If not, you may want to re-think who you are choosing with friends.
Afterall, isn't the kind of woman and friend, that you want to keep forever, worth your respect, kindness, generousity and undying devotion?
When you leave this earth, what do you want to look back at and say that you have changed for the better?
Just my 2 cents worth.
Best wishes!
Dude that beanie rocks my box... I want it so fucking bad... But apparently Dr. Steel must confirm purchases before he manufactures anything on his site except his music, so we're kinda screwed for now.
Once his music really takes off he should get some ligit merch!
Ethics, dude. You should look into them. In the meantime, count yourself lucky your employers are forgiving.