that looks incredible
I seriously thought of having your rib tatoos as my desktop.
San Diego is coming up this weekend. I get my new nerd tattoo. A cross section of Optimus Prime's face on the inside of my bicep. Woohoo. Plus I get to eat at Rocky's and possibly Hash House. It's going to be a good weekend.
I've been writing pretty much every day for the past month and things seem to be going pretty well. I have been getting very positive feedback from unbiased sources which boosts my confidence in my writing. I mean, I like the stuff I write, but who doesn't like their own writing. The character designs my brother has done for this book are fucking unbelievable. I...
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My little brother and I got to see Gary Numan tonight. He was pretty awesome. Sounds the same as he did back in the eighties. He didn't play my two favorite songs from him(M.E., and ME! I Disconnect From You) but that's alright. It was a little weird though because he moved on from being a kind of goofy British new wave synth guy to...
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Here's the new version of Gary as opposed to the old version above.
I've wrapped up issue number 1 in the writing department, now I just have to wait for my brother to move back from LA to get going on the art. He may have to wait a little because some guy just hired him to do a graphic novel, something about cosmic cowboys. But at least he's getting paid for it.
So after the Comic-con this year I have decided that I don't want to work at a regular job. So my brother and I are going to try to get a comic book published. He moves back to AZ this month and I am hoping to have 3 issues written and penciled by January. I am going to submit it to Image Comics and hopefully...
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i did not. I knew, however that i shared a b-day with jerry garcia....
Oh yeah, here is where you can buy it.
i went to the hash house this morning!!
Once again Turk never fails to amaze.
I need to go back and get something else done by him.
nice, you have the best ink
A couple days ago a friend of mine and I were making fun of the word "booyah" and people who use it, and wondering how it came about. Now I can't stop saying it in that mocking tone. But to get to the point, I was doing an image search on google with the word booyah and this is what I found. I have to...
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"This is quite obviously a projection of your unhappiness and self loathing." - ha ha... that was GREAT!!

Beautiful new work on your arm! Wow! The colors are amazing!

Have a great weekend! Winx from Jinxi wink
Ahh. NEVER believe doctors....for 3 years they ran tests on me sent me to hospitals to have scans, x rays, blood tests, other tests, scans that pregnant ladies have...EVERYTHING! and because they couldn't find what was wrong with me after 3 years, they gave up and said ''it's porbably jsut growing pains''.
The fact that i used to get skin rashes with it aswell....and my doctor happened to be a skin specialist...the two biggest signs of dairy intolerance is stomach aches/upset and skin rash/eczema...
This doctor didnt even mention that it MIGHT be an intolerance to something...ASSHOLE.
My mum randomly had read an article somewhere about dairy intolerance, so took me of dairy (I was only about 8 years old when this was going on) and it all went away after a couple of weeks.
Just incase you do decide to try and cut stuff out, dairy is the biggest problem, then next is wheat/gluten. A lot of people have allergies to them two. But they are in everything! So it'd be easier to stick with the way you eat now...if you can bear the side effects. Only thing is, like me, it might aggrivate it to geting worse, to the point now, where the only things im NOT allergic to, are fruit veg and salad (except corn n strawberries). Oh and i can have rice...but i hate rice...so i dont :p
Lol. Food sucks!
I went back to San Diego over the weekend to finish my half sleeve with Turk from Guru and to get my ribs touched up by Aaron. I was there for a total of ten hours but it was totally worth it. I will be posting pictures shortly.