Two Dollar Bills makes me happy! smile

Irish Car Bombs make me drunk! puke

Dads new corvette makes me jealous. whatever

Grandmother diagnosed with a few weeks makes me sad. frown

Hours at work next week makes me relieved. wink

Dinah Shore being next week makes me fucking giddy like a school girl! biggrin

All Hail the mighty pussy wins!
miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!!
when you were rich? lol! what happened? did the stock market fall on your head? or did you win the lottery and blow it on gummy bears for the wee little poor kids in etheopia?

either way, rich or poor, YOU GOT THE WAND!! woohoo! Man Im so jealous I could just pooooooo. But sure Ill play with you! you know what the wand reminds me of? getting ink. Theres nothing like the feeling of getting inked! well except for the violet wand of course. smile

Im sorry to hear abt your grams, are u guys close? My grams raised me, so I will be moving to florida for a little while to take care of her. Bye sweetie kiss
hehe, way cute journal entry! BTW I'm stealing that idea next entry round, so be warned! MOOWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Giddy school girls make me giddy biggrin
I just had the most amazing girl sex! Tongues and clits have such an amazing sybiosis!

I threw a baby shower for my cousin yesterday. God works in mysterious ways bringing a new baby to our family right now. See my Grandmother is dying. For no apparent reason really besides she's lost the will to live. She's a hypochondriac and has complained about pain for...
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Girl Sex! biggrin Awesome.

Pooo ... hot girl sex for you and not me. I dont even want to *think* abt the last time me and a girl had sex, it was one of those "Im only gay to make the boys think Im cool" kind of girls ... and usually I can spot them a mile away. But this girl was a damn good faker. And a money taker. BAH! (is jealous of you now)
I love violet wands, but they are way too expensive for me. Perhaps one day when I dont need like a million and one things I will be able to afford one. smile
Wow! You put me in your faves, thank you so much! I feel so privileged to be on such a beautiful woman's fave list. blush
This thread makes me sad and mad! I want to cry and I want to break something!

I'm sooooooooooooooo excited! I'm moving into the most awesomest situation ever! My best friends mother is buying her a $350,000 condo in fullerton. It has 3 floors, one of which is all mine with a huge bedroom and bathroom. I'm most excited about being able to paint it....
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yay for Dinah Shore...lucky youuuuu! Are you gonna be the only queer girl there who doesn't play golf? lol j/k I can't wait to be in Cali...we're gonna have a blast! biggrin
holy shit...just saw yer new pics... eeek love

nice. very nice. wink biggrin
Please, Please, Please go to Million for Marriage site and watch there movie. When you've done that please sign the petition. I've decided to volunteer some time with the Human Rights Campaign, so I'm starting out getting the word out there to sign. I feel very strongly about the issue of equal rights for all and so should you!

It's raining and I'm all cozy...
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thank you for the sweet comments smile
I know what you mean about that thread that I started. I must fess up to picking an imflammatory title to try to "stir up the shit." Well, I stirred it up and a lot of it really stinks. The only thing I can say is at least the great majority of people on this site are cool and perhaps some of the more clever responses may make some of the jerks at least start thinking about the issue in a less preducial light. Isn't free speech great? puke
Holy Crap! Check this shit out! That chick has the same name as me! How dare she! You know how many people have called or e-mailed me asking me if I married my girlfriend? I'm like a no, that's not even a small possibility at this point! But crazy shit! My last name is rare enough that when I hear someone else with it I...
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Your story inspired me. I just googled my full name to see. 4 pages of results:
P1 - me. all me - my various jobs and studies biggrin
P2 - me and my doppleganger brother (has the boy's version of my name which I go by with most family and friends - apparently he's a swimming champ. Go bro!)
P3 & 4 - instances of both names on one page but not consecutively.

Feeling unique now! biggrin
Although slightly disarmed by the male-me swim-king surreal
I googled my name and came up with nothing guess i have a unique name wheeee smile
Luv Cat kiss

I'm in a mood, I'm not quite sure what kinda mood this is though. I'm not happy or sad or anything. I'm just here.....with a lot on my mind.

Things need to fall into place.
I can't believe you didn't tell me about that ugly lesbians thing!!! eeek
That HOMO thing is kind of real... it is an action a bunch of my friends and I planned and attended. It was mocking Marilyn Musgrave and her kind.
Thanks for noticing!
I love the Rain! I went to go get the mail today and I jumped in a puddle. This made me happy! biggrin

I added a few more pics on here from when a few of us met up at Hamburger Marys. I think they are all sorts of cuteness!

Anyways, I have a job interview on Friday for a big AV/Motion Picture firm. I'm really...
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Cute new pics By the way!
Thanks for the pics! I'll be sure to use the one with me sleeping next to the beer, I love it!!! biggrin

Oh, I love the rain. I went hiking in it yesterday at Mt. Rubidoux. Nice! The mountains snowed and it looks so pretty to walk out of the house and see snow-capped mountains. love *sigh*

Good luck with the job!

We need to hang out again.
And the progress I thought we made regresses. I just got in an argument with my mother about Gay Marriages. All this coverage on the news makes it hard to be around a tv and my folks at the same time right now. She said she didn't want to talk about the issue, that was until I walked out of the room then she preceded...
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As you probably suspect, I am totally in favor of gay marriage provided that the parties are sincere. I will say that I'm a little worried by what's been going on in San Francisco. If the gay community doesn't proceed cautiously, then there may be a conservative backlash that may be able to pass a constitutional ammendment against gay marriage that will last for decades. (like prohibition) That would be most unfortunate. As my recent experience with Tom and Patty showed, the worst case senario is when two people who don't really love eachother get married and have children. Laura told me last week that she was spending the valentine"s day wekend at her friend Gwendolyn"s house. That means that her dad went to San Francisco for the weekend with his girlfriend and her mom went away with her boyfriend for the weekend. They just pawned her off on the closest married couple with a child. I would have taken her in a heartbeat, but they wouldn't even consider that. Boy, it sucks to be me.
Fifth Level of Hell


The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.

whoa! biggrin I'm really an angel, I SWEAR!!! tongue
I just watched the most awesomest episode of the Fifth Wheel! There were 4 really hot chicks all up in each others Kool-aid. Then the fifth wheel was some nasty ass guy. The girls ignored him and hooked up with each other. It ended with an orgy. Wow, I love reality shows!

So I found another way cool quiz. It tells you what kind of...
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Hey Happy Valentines (late) day
Luv Cat
Omg!!! I got Butch.. Level 6, on that stupid quiz. mad Do I look or act butch to you!!! puke tongue
My toothie is all done, yay! Got my final crown after the post and root canal yersterday. Everything only cost $390, compared to $1200+ here in the states. So if you need a good dentist I'll recomend my TJ one. My smile is perdey now!

So I finally saw If These Walls Could Talk 2. I know, where have I been? Dude, Chloe Sevigny was...
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dinah shore. I had fun last year. It's how I became a motherfucker. didn't realize the girl I hooked up with was married with kids. I had asked if she had a girlfriend, she said no. I didn't ask if she had a husband. Ah, the details. I'll figure out closer to the date if I'm going to go. My friend's mom lives out there and put us up last year, although I stayed in the hotel with the mother I picked up.
i had an ex girlie that wanted to do the fistie thing on me... she had small hands so i said go for it... it took a while but was kinda fun... just take your time and enjoy.