I accepted my new job late last Friday. So on Monday I heard from the recruiter with a few questions and Tuesday morning, the HR department. We agreed on a start date in 3 weeks. While I have some obligations like tomorrow's physical, I do have quite a few things to wrap up and need the time to take care of it. They asked if I could attend a the March session of employee orientation and I explained that I was not available. It's held monthly I've been through the same thing at two other hospitals, so I know it's bullshit.
Yesterday, I get an e-mail, "Your new boss would like to know if you could possibly attend the March orientation." Really? We're going to try playing that game with me. I'll play the one called sticking to my guns. And if you try again, I'll rescind my acceptance. I don't play games like that. We agreed on a start date and if I could attend, I would. But I NEED the time I asked for to wrap up the day trading I've been doing, which may not be important to you, but it's a lot of money to me, so back the fuck off. I can post this here because it's private and it's off my chest. I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come because I'll be back to day trading before the end of the year.
Another note... The list of identification you have to provide to a new job now. This is the first job I've started post 9/11. Thank you terrorists for "hiding around every corner" and making honest people prove themselves. My father said that once we have to go through all this crap, the terrorists have already won. The identification, the pat downs at sporting events, the security at airports, loss of privacy. He was so right.