My account's still active. Didn't expect to find that. But, as with life, I'll roll with it. Until circumstances dictate differently.


My account expires tomorrow and I'm not renewing right away. I might now renew at all. I'm going to see how I fare without SG as part of my existence for a bit and make a decision. Since the change in format, droves of people who I talked to regularly have left the site, leaving it rather lacking in stimulating activity. But the worst blow,...
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I accepted my new job late last Friday. So on Monday I heard from the recruiter with a few questions and Tuesday morning, the HR department. We agreed on a start date in 3 weeks. While I have some obligations like tomorrow's physical, I do have quite a few things to wrap up and need the time to take care of it. They asked if...
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Ugh. That's not a good sign. It's like, 'what about 'I can't make it' do you not understand?'  Things like that have happened to me. Unfortunately for me, I'm poor and am usually going for jobs that are easily filled, so I have to appear like I am the most malleable, if that makes any sense, because I don't have anything to fall back on.
@iggy It makes perfect sense. I've been more fortunate than most in that I've been able to support myself with day trading and have looked all over the country at jobs. Shocked myself when I found one in NJ again. I'm keeping an open mind but if they are game players, I'll lost patience fast. Hopefully this is an isolated incident and I'll be laughing about it in 5 years.

Next year's Super Bowl is scheduled to be played in Phoenix. With Arizona considering legislation to allow business owners to deny service to gay couples based on religious grounds, the NFL has said they will consider moving the game. To that I say: FUCK YEAH, NFL. In an age where businesses don't stand up against hatred and double talk their way around issues, I applaud...
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I was driving home last night at about 1:30 and going about 80 on the highway. I see a car coming up on my left and I glance over as it's moving past me and on the passenger door is the bat symbol. I think I must be fucking hallucinating because the bat symbol is on the car until I get a peek at the...
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Haha that's awesome! Batman on the parkway :)

The job I interviewed for. I got it. The met my asking price, which I honestly thought would price me out of the job. LOL. You see, it's going to be daily commute of almost an hour each way. At least at first. And that wears on a person. I haven't formally accepted yet. I told them I'll have an answer on Monday morning at...
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Oooh Somerset County!! I'd definitely take it if I were you. The commute will surely blow, but if it works out well and you like it you could always move closer to it, like you said. Congrats!!

It's Valentine's Day. I'm not big on "holidays" created by corporations to boost their bottom line, but I can be a bit of a romantic at heart when the mood strikes me. And for the first time in a while, I have a valentine. Nothing too crazy or serious, just someone I've been talking too and have seen a few times. She even shares my...
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I miss New Jersey, but I definitely don't miss those 'winter events'. And it's excellent that you had a special human to share Valentines with!

Up and at them early this morning. Another "winter event" is headed my way tomorrow. According to the radio, it's the 33rd of this season. That is a ridiculous number. I don't know where people are going to put the snow. Nothing has melted, there's ice everywhere. I can only hope that the adventures this winter mean that we are in for a cooler summer....
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When I move about too much in bed my cat thinks I'm playing and begins to attack my feet. This usually results in me waking up rather suddenly, usually from a very satisfying dream. In other news, I am so not looking forward to coming up there this weekend.

Friends... tell me tales of far away lands where it doesn't sleet daily. Where my truck is not covered with ice each day. Where my back does not ache from preparing the beast to transport me on my daily quests. I promise meals, and grog, and hospitality for your efforts. Do such places exists. Humor one who is losing his mind in a barren lands...
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Yesterday, it was in the sixties and sunny in the afternoon. If we get any ice here at all it shuts down the city of Charlotte. Of course, today it's only in the forties, but it's dry and by Sunday it will be in the sixties again. The only downside to this lovely temperate place? It's in the south. 

I've been sick all week. Runny nose, hacking cough. The next sound you hear **may** be my lung hitting the wall. I'm not usually one to complain about winter, but this year, it's been all single digit temperatures. That's a little too cold even for Mr. Snow Miser like me. I have even... hold on to your hats... CLOSED MY WINDOWS. I usually have them...
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@iggy woolly mammath fur blankets, bringing the housebroken sabre tooth tigers in to sleep with them, and lots and lots of caveman sex!!!!!!
Dirty dirty caveman sex!

I give up.

Today, even Christmas Vacation didn't cheer me up. When Clark Griswold vs a squirrel can't do the job, the game is over.

So many dormant account springing back to life. It's like the SG zombie apocalypse.

Quick someone, fetch my shotgun.
Hi! I'm good! Still confused lol. I'm not sure I like this but I hate change in any aspect of my life so. (I know that's bad) ;)