it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
hey. Buy me stuff.

In light of Flux leaving, i thought i would glorify her hotness one last time. cuz man. She was as smart as she was hot. Fer real.

Hey folks. I know, it's been a while.
So i went to Fire's event on July 12th, and it was nice.
by sassie's man.

These others are by Scottsmallin. He's one hip cat.

There was a ton of people that said they'd come out, and totally didn't. SHAME ON THEE.
So you folks in the DC area totally need to go and see this play.

I did all the graphical bits to it, and TheInsomniac is directing it.
I will be going on the Wednesday show and the Sunday show. Who wants to come with me?
So since i have no VBlog this time, you gamer loves can enjoy this.


*sigh* i misses you