it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".
hey. Buy me stuff.

The darling Soya. I look forward to shooting with her.

I was a little slow uploading this becuase i thought i was going to edit it. But no. I'm too lazy. So here's a 8 minute video of "Ums" and Uhs".
It has been demanded that i update my journal. The downside to this is that i really have nothing to write about.
Working alot on my comic book. A mangakamon moved into my neighborhood, so i've been making alot of really great contacts. i've gone to what, 4 cons this con season, and have yet to pay money? Neat.
No, i don't think i'm going to Otakon. I'm always exhausted becuase they put everything sooo far apart. Besides, it's the same weekend as Pennsic.

I did a portrait of Lulu for her birthday. Dunno if she ever so it, but hey.

Hells yeah, girl! I was actually thinking about that when I woke up this morning, about you mentioning doing a multi together. That'd be awesome...I'll love to shoot with you! So, we'll scheme up some cute idea and find a photographer and it's done! Definitely keep in touch and we'll do it! 

Oh yeah, everyone else. hehe
I can't fucking wait.