it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

Drake is fucking awesome. When i grow up, i want to be like her.

If you could, i'd love if you went and commented on my rejected set. Again.

yeah, so, life is really fucked up. Amazingly fucked up. i come here to escape the drama. <3 I have been blissfully unaware of the supposed drama on here, and i am perfectly content remaining blissfully unaware.
So, in lue (lew? Lieu? Loo? fuck, i don't know....) of staying antidrama... here's some stuff!
Numbah 1: Dino is 21.
It's Dino's Berfday today.

Now go make a card/picture/thing like this and give it to her. even if it's late.
Numbah 2: Videos.
a video of me playing really shitty guitar. I can do better, i promise. i just felt like singing. And i'm flat in a bunch of places anyway.

Every week, Addison is going to post a video of her progress in learning Japanese. Kind of a "learning with her" sort of thing. I told her i would make videos with her to kind of help her along, and maybe possibly learn a little bit more myself.
and holy CRAP! It's editted! Finally, after some 7 failed attempts at editting and exporting videos, something WORKED. It looks like ass, and there's alot wrong with it, but it worked. Forgive me that i'm not wearing makeup, for i am covered in mosquito bites... i had 3 on my face when i took this video.
Numbah 3: Lolsgs.
freaking awesome.

See the rest of the thread and fucking add more here! I did a bunch too.

Dierdre said:
There isn't a Diedre on the site, but there is a Dierdre. ^ _ ~
You were fun to hang out with. It was nice talking to you for more than a passing "hi".
Sorry about that Dierdre I have throughly burned my hands with the a steam iron and am about to look directly into a laser screwdriver. It shall never, ever happen again.
Also, you are awesomeness. I hope to get to hang out again.
Just thought you should know. Hi, by the way.