it's pronounced "deer-dreh", for those who've never heard the name before. and it's spelled "Die" "R" "Dre".

This sums up my mood very well. I feel like going to self help groups for illnesses i don't have, free coffee, and smoke like a chimney. And possibly get fucked like a school girl by an amazingly hot psycho.
And i don't smoke.

If you could, i'd love if you went and commented on my rejected set.

Keep the comments comin'. I'd love to get paid for this.
I'm feeling kind of rough. If you could possibly tell me a joke, or a story, or do something to make me smile, man, i'd really appreciate it.
Really, i updated my Posse and my fave sets list.
Hopefully, if everything goes okay, i might be going up to Wilmington to visit the fantabulous Suri, as well as the Philly SGs becuase i miss those bitches so.
EDIT: Well, it won't be next week like planned, as i can not currently afford going into DC let alone going to Delaware. ::sigh:: Man, do i need a job bad.
Really, i'd like someone to come visit me, because running around like a chicken with her head cut off is becoming less and less fun.

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So 38 makes me hotter? What the hell are they putting in the water there?
I really should haunt your journal more often, it's an interesting place. Yay for not smoking, that's the one thing that would have stopped me from proposing