So every year at my college they do this tree-lighting ceremony: they cover up the fountain base and put a pretty tree on it and it's very nice and yay and whee. And then everyone gets together one night and there's food and carols and shit and they light the tree. This is fine with me; it's not my cup of tea, though, so I...
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No, human beings didn't happen by the grace and good will of giraffes, they happened by the grace and goodwill of each other. If a nomadic tribesman went hunting and made a good killing, he'd share it with his other tribe members, and in reciprocation, maybe in the next forty five days that he didn't peg shit, the rest of his tribe would share with him-- and they would ALL be strong enough to hunt, or to defend themselves from other groups of enemies. If a hunter decided "Fuck you, this is mine;" he'd a have a hunk of meat and hungry and weak cohorts to watch his back in a fight. There's a natural benefit to sharing.

Global politics isn't that much more complicated.

Within regard to national boundaries, I believe in a basic form of a Social Contract theory wherein if a society supports the Government, it is up to the Government to likewise (and I know you'd cling onto this, but I don't mean it in the outright version) support it's subjects. We turn to our government for protection and we should be protected, be it from terrorists, viruses or horrible living conditions. I don't think just handing a fist full of money to to an unmotivated mother of five is going to do any more good than you would imagine that it would, but lucky, that's not really what happens.
The problem with current government programs is that they take their obligation half heartedly. Yes, they create opportunities for people to emerge from a "life on the streets" but only inso far as to take it to the next level where the government is no longer responsible for their existence and then they the buckle them there. They can take you from gutter to subpar but they don't want you to go any further, they don't trust you to go any further and they certainly don't want previous gutter slime mixing in with THEM.

But that's me getting tangental and off the subject.

I think it breaks down to a very basic opinion on people. I don't think that most people are very bright, but I do have faith in them. I think that everyone has potential to contribute to society and think we're all better off if everyone does.

It doesn't appear, in the stance you've taken on this debate, (and had you chosen one side, I could have just as easily chosen the other), that you do think very highly of people. You think that they're lazy and that they'd cheat you if they could.

There's a chance that we're both right, that people are basically good, occasionally selfish, sometimes surpassingly selfless and often times lazy, but that's hard thing to wrap ones head around so we pick a viewpoint. The good news for you is that when you look for people to fail you, at least you won't be disappointed when they do.

[Edited on Nov 30, 2004 4:22PM]
I didn't mean for it to come out condescending at all, I'm sorry.
And anyway, I wrote round two as it was cutting into my narrow allotted nap time, and post forty five minute sleep all I want to do is retract calling an author you appreciate a bitch, even if I don't like her.

So maybe instead of all that other shit, it's really about who got a nap and who didn't.

I dreamed of vaguely remembered french revolutionists, I hope you don't suffer the same dreams.
I hope yours are of Zach Braff.

Kitty: Friction #29.

Though I swear I didn't trace this, I was amazingly pleased with myself when, on a whim, I held the drawing up to the screen to discover it superimposed almost exactly from the waist up. I drew her a tad long in the torso, but you really can't tell.

Input welcome and appreciated.
You want to draw me? I would be honored to be put on paper by such a talent. *mwa*
You're sofa king hot.
Did a sketch of Kitty last night. Will scan it within the next few hours.

I think I'm going to do several of Santianna next, because she's fantastically beautiful, and there's no way I could do just one, or even two. When I get back to school, I might have to do a few digital, colored ones.
Have just purchased Bond's new CD.

Hot, hot, HOT. I want sex with these women.
I should be writing a paper on Tennyson.

I'm not.

I'm writing a continuation of my story instead, though I'll have to call it quits here pretty soon to get this fucking essay done. Still, I hope I'll have it done and ready for you guys by tomorrow--er, later today. Whatever.

So. Fucking. Hot.

Must have new CD.
So tonight I showed my mom the wings I got for my Halloween costume-- the ones you see displayed in all their Photoshopped splendor in my avatar, there. And this, of course, got me into this whole thing about what ELSE I included in my costume, which impressed her (she advised me to hang onto the garter belt and thigh-high fishnets, which I assured her...
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Tell her that those pics are for the Christmas cards your going to be sending out. The hardcore stuff is for the internet.

The Olympus Stylus 400 is a good camera for what it is. I got one to take with my into the woods on camping trips, or hikes where things got too rugged for my more delicate SLRs. Although it obviously doesnt have the creative features of an SLR, I was reallt surprised with the quality, and ruggedness of it. I take it with me everywhere =o). And if you want digital, with the look and feel of an SLR, the canon digital rebel rocks, I love mine. But its pricey, like 1000 dollars with the lens kinda pricey. If you go film, you can get an awesome camera body for half that ;o).
I've arrived home more or less successfully. As the story goes, what's usually a five hour drive turned into a seven hour drive when I pulled off at the wrong exit to take a piss--this was in Richmond, and taking the wrong exit in Richmond means going into those dark and dirty neighborhoods whose broken streets are criss-crossed with railroad tracks every few blocks. People...
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I really...really, really fucking hate getting lost.

It's the only thing I think I'm afraid of.
I ask directions. It is just that people usually give directions assuming that you know where the fuck you are at, which I hardly ever do.
The unicorn said, "That is true. You are a man, and men can do nothing that makes any difference." But her voice was strangely slow and burdened. She asked, "Which will you choose?"

The magician laughed for a third time. "Oh, it will be the kind magic, undoubtedly, because you would like it more. I do not think that I will ever see you again,...
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Tonight, I took six of my best friends (Nolan_Void among them) out to dinner. It was really good food, and we had a really good time. I took pictures. Then we came back and sat around for a while before deciding to watch Mystery Men, which I recalled hating when it came out--but I was like, 13 or something, and didn't really get the...
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It's 4am. I'm tired. I should be sleeping. But I can't just yet. I've felt the first stirrings of an old passion long dormant, of sunlight long obstructed by windows shut and barred. I want to open them--to let some of the light in, to breathe fresh air and remember. But I have to do it slowly, so I won't be blinded.

A friend of...
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THAT. That is a RANT.
I'm thinking your keyboard took quite the beating as you were pounding it out.

Oh, and you're absolutely right about about keeping a moment. It's actually what I tired to tell her when she was lamenting her ex. I told her that the time she had with him was true and sincere and that it was hers. Nobody else gets that. And who he is now is not who he was then, and nobody is going to get that either. They're moments in time and they belong to her.

So yeah, you and me, we subscribe to the same newsletter on that shit.
I assume you are a Catawba Student? Or Maybe Pfeiffer?
Can I just tell you guys:

So my friend and I are out lying in the sun today, enjoying the day and having a lovely time, when we hear this rustling in the leaves overhead. I look up just in time to see this squirrel PLUMMET from the branches. I'm not even making this up. Squirrels actually FALL. And this one fell like, twenty feet!...
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About that "gusher" thing...... You are my hero.

That's all.