You would be surprised how much inspiration and encouragement you can provide to those that know how important you are and how much you are capable of accomplishing. For the people who believe in you, you are a force and a source of real power. I have found both inspiration and encouragement in a select group of people. They know who they are, and they...
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Birthday wishes for Alyssa Campbell.
It may be your long dark hair, or it may be those baby blue eyes.
I know it is partly those long legs, and it is definitely that sexy silhouette.
I love seeing you in those boots, and every color looks good on you.
Your appeal is sexy, and your walk is too much for me.
Your body...
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Day 4, August 5, 2010.
Rebuilding means more than just relationships; rebuilding means re-establishing. It means establishing day to day things and traditions. This does not mean only the same old traditions but also includes new ones. The troubles of the past are behind me and I know the kind of hell that people can create for themselves because I did a real number on...
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August 2, 2010
I know it has been a while since my last post; however, it is with good reason that I have not posted anything recently. First; I have been extremely busy with work and trying to keep up with school. Second; my last post is one that I wanted everyone to read so that those mentioned would know how truly grateful I am...
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A Dark Ending.

This is a new piece but was written almost a year ago. Before you read it, you must understand that it is simply a different form and style of writing; it does not pertain to anyone nor is it about anyone. I was writing alot of love and sex pieces and wanted to explore a darker piece for a change; however, after...
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A crush is a loving thing.

I have been going to the gym for years and do go to work out, stay in shape and be healthy; however, lately I have been going to see a girl. Her name is Kaytlin, and she is the most beautiful girl in my gym hands down. She is usually there at the same time most days, but its...
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A Nervous Game

Walking in the front door takes a few tries tonight. Ever since I realized that there might be a chance that I could be with Alyssa this place has become like a pressure cooker. Its 5:55pm and she may still be here, but she may have already left because her shift did end a short while ago. I should have come earlier,...
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It has never been just about how beautiful you are. It has also never just been about how sexy and popular you are; nor has it just been about how hard working and smart you are. You drove me a little crazy and how you looked at me made me smile, but that is not just it either. Those beautiful blue eyes that I...
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hello kiss
I hope that you have a happy new yearbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin
Christmas with Alyssas Beautiful Blue Eyes.

When we first met I fell so very fast; I've waited and finally Christmas is here at last.
We'll need our first tree to decorate; Just think about the memories it will create.
Ornaments will take years to find; Each one will hold thoughts locked in time.
The tree is only one important step; We still have lots of...
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