ya know those days when you know you shouldnt leave home because you're going to have a fuckhole of a day, well thats how today has been so far and its still early..

i've had two pc's "blue screen" on me with fatal exception errors, one killed its hard drive the other is rebootable but requires a clean windows install being done on it.. i...
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vinyl/CD.....i call em both records.
for that is what they are
were you at the cambridge on Friday night?????

or know anyone that was..?
melbourne was cool, had a bit of fun with the cup on and all that.. caught up with TheCookieMonster, he's a rocking guy, really helped me out with some tips and what not for my mac, he's the best person on a mac..

got too many appointments coming up over the next week, gonna be hectic at work i think.. with any luck i'll...
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cheers thanks mate, I appreciate it, and if you ever want info on property investment, let me know and I'll get it to you.
Have a great weekend
Sorry I missed you on cup day. We, being B and I, had all these grandious plans of getting all dolled-up and heading down to Flemington for the races but as you're well aware, it rained, just a little. We poked out our heads and decided it would be best to stay in rather than get swept away in the torrent.

melbourne cup tomorrow...vinnie roe if it rains, otherwise makybe diva, pacific dancer and she's archie have got my money.. well the bookies will probably have my money by the end of the day but its all fun...

much beer and hilarity will ensue..

just heard the hugest crack of thunder, i think it was thunder.. hope so.. scared the crap out of me no matter...
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I backed Vinnie Roe for a win. mad
I got him in a sweep too tho, so at least I'll get some money back for second.
Were you there yesterday? The speed that storm came in was amazing! Within about 5 seconds it started pissing down, our marqee felt like it was going to blow away, and all our umbrellas turned inside out. Insane.
Still in Melbourne? Must get down their one year. I finally snared a Melb Cup Trifecta (if you didnt get it this year , lets face it, you never will ). It was only 50% but the payout was incredible. Mug money everywhere. biggrin

Oaks day tomorrow, field is a little disappointing. I'll have a bet in the mares race over 1400. I like Solar Antiquity but recent scratchings have got me worried it has a problem. Maybe some more boxing for quinellas and trifectas.
had to get rid of my last journal, it sucked..hrmm

anyways.. i bought an iBook and now i so hate windows pc's..my god osx is the shit.. its so nice in comparison, it's clean, easy to use, makes sense.. loverly..

apart from re-learning "pc's" not much else is happening.. going to melbourne on saturday for 4-5 days, will be good cause it looks like i'm...
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did my advice help?? and no pain no gain blackeyed is their a meet for melb sg's this week?

Are you interested? See email....
damn I have to try the Melbourne Cup day in Melbourne some day...always looks like so much fun! smile
been super slack on sg lately.. havent caught up with a lot of my friends on here, or IRL either, i've been in a fucked up headspace for the last couple of months, maybe even longer now that i'm thinking openly about it..

i apologise to everyone unreservedly..
No worries man, I have been in a fucked up headspace for several years now.... biggrin

BTW.....fun is my middle name.... ARRR!!!
hey... I'll be in adelaide till wednesday... in relation to your email... I'm kind of REALLY over 99% of the australians on this site.. and most of the people in the AU group.. i'm sick of it being so boring and having to encourage everyone for whatever reason...

basically.. I'm going to keep my membership to the site but only in aid to talk with my overseas friends... its been like that for a long time... I know who I like on here and I dont need to be in a group to organise going out with them..

sorry to disapoint you and I know it sounds harsh... but its how I feel..

sorry to hear you are not feeling well... maybe for an outdoors person like yourself winter just becomes too overwhelming sometimes? I'm finally clawing my way out of a funk and its feeling good... when are you back in melbourne? we'll have some beers then...

not a bad weekend.. spent saturday punting on the horses and installing a home theatre system for my oldies.. went alright on the punt, backed in a couple of winners including the trifecta in the cox plate.. the home theatre came out well too.. big arse screen, projector and a nice surround sound setup.. much time spent climbing around in the ceiling running speaker cables...
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P.S. saw this on the BBC football site. Had to laugh! biggrin

No-one's allowed to be uglier than me!
just got home, went out food shopping.. i love the look of my fridge when it's full.. mmm, go me some beers too, i love beer.. it rocks my world..

any, trivial shit aside, have you checked out India's new set.. love how gorgeous is that girl.. And Gadget's new set, and Hexe's new set.. gorgeous, all of them..

works been alright this week, managed to...
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Luv the beer thing too, i'm on a Coopers kick at the mo'.
On to business then, after spending far too long on the form i have manged to eliminate most runners. Disgard any horse that raced last week. Disgard 3yrs olds. Disgard Gai's horse on the grounds of her appalling Melb record. Disgard Intl blow in's. Disgard those out of form beaten lengths in the last runs.
REGAL ROLLER (distance query but form horse)
KINGS CHAPEL (good form set for this race)
FOO (set for this , under the radar)

Starcraft fits the include catagory but cant come at him with the barrier and likely running position, will get into trouble.

All will be revealed tomorrow afternoon i spose.
Enjoy the race.
India's set wink
I too love beer.

There, I said it. Controversial, I know.
been a slow week, think mainly cause of the heat up here.. 3 days of constant nor westerlies made newcastle fucking hot and the surf fucking flat.. it kinda sucked.. anyways dont wanna bitch too much, coulda been worse..

bought a couple of new cd's this week;

scribe - the crusader
sum 41 - chuck
butterfingers - breakfast at fatboys
28 days - extremist makeover...
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Happy Tuesday!

aaaaw yay!!! thanks for the birthday wishes!!! i am having a great day despite being at work....there's so much comedic value when your boss forgets it's your birthday and only realises at 2 in the arvo biggrin
bought my tickets to PJ Harvey today, december 3 at the horden.. cant wait, will be sooo good.. PJ is the hottness..

got a few waves on the weekend, was only small but was fairly fun..

helped my old man start to install a home cinema today, dunno how but he convinced mum to let him do it.. should be cool once its done, projector,...
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Thank you for the comment on my set the other day! kiss
maldives wave report:

swell built steadily for the first week from 3ft . by friday is maxed out at 8 plus. i broke my leggy (lucky me). freaked out a bit and didnt go back out. very strong winds and lots of rain (sw monsoon season). fortunately the winds was offshore but getting into the lefts which made the rights a bit crowded.

week 2 we had a decreasing swell and perfect wetaher and virtually no wind. average surf was 3-5ft and absolutely perfect.

best surf trip ive had. if you get the chance go for it!
we've got an election in australia this weekend, should be quite interesting.. i think howard will be re-elected for another term, i dont think it will be by much though.. politics is one of those interesting topics that really divides a room, and not in a good way.. i think most people get way to pasionate about what they are saying and tend to turn...
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thanx for the comment on my bondage set biggrin
Hey this is gonna be a little bit of a geeky post on your journal here Jib!
hmmmm, beta blockers. yes its for those in heart attack country. But also good for those who do performance or a little public speaking and get stage fright.Beta Blocker = beta adrenergic blocker, meaning it blocks adrenalin and we all know that the hormones that oozes out of adrenal glands cause the fright or flight response you get when you have to stand in front of pack of people and pretend you know what your talking about.
So basically your still gutless, but at least your not sweating like a pig with your heart thumping away in your throat!
apaprently bigwig musicians chuck a couple down before a big gig, and they are banned in the olympics because the shooters love them y'now becasue they have to be so cool, calm and collected. &shoot shit down between heartbeats.
Not addictive, but not good if you have asthma because u will die.

or I could just get pissed and talk in front of a large crowd. Buts theres no guarantee I'd stick to the prescribed subject.

No surprises in that election huh, but as long as they don't go trying to ban abortion, introduce preyer in schools, making everyone do compulsory army duty or introduce kibbutzism, blah blah blah anything boring & sheeplike. well yeah, I think we aussies will always find something to whinge about over a coldie or over a message board anyway.... skull

[Edited on Oct 09, 2004 8:21AM]
just finished watching "Shaun of the Dead"..

seriously one of the best zombie movies ever!!

go see it when it's released on thursday..


I loved Dawn so I will see Shaun, how do they compare?
Thank you for the sweet comment on my piercing. smile

I'm going to see The Blind Swordsman this Thursday. Shaun is my next film after that. robot kiss
its the monday of the long weekend here, i'm at home doing nought cause i strained a muscle in my side / back.. it sucks..

anyways, surf was solid yesterday, blackies breakwall was breaking around 4-5ft with the occasional bigger set.. was pretty nice waves for a longboard.. went and checked a couple of other spots after i surfed blackies for a while, one of...
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Thanks for the Happy Birthday =)
Was that a muscle in the side/back or back/side?

Hope you enjoyed the long weekend whilst the rest of us worked. Have a good week.