I had a dream. In my dream everyone died. Most everyone died but I was alive. People floated through the fog to a gate.
A black dog guarded the gate. The dog decided who lived and who died. Most who passed just floated away. Those he bit passed through the gate.
At the gate the dog bit my hand. It did not hurt me but... Read More
This layoff has done wonders for me. It's the first time since high school that I've really been able to take a break and look at things objectively (I made a budget, even. Exciting: I know). And I've probably gained about 25 pounds in the past few months too. Which is good. I'm healthier and happier than I've ever been
I had a great birthday, despite some foul-ups over the organization of the party. It's nice having friends. O, what a fag I am. High five on Maslow's Modified Heirarchy; I feel like you and I could write a self-help book that would be less lame than average.
Just from your first comment (I'm finally making my rounds)-
They caught the guy!? Do you have a news link PLEASE??? I'm dying to read an update.
I have to watch that Winslet clip later, I'm losing my youtube patience tonight. The volume is terrible. What are those clips from? B/c I saw another one. I know there is filthy language happening? Anyway...oh no, I had a crush on her from Heavenly Creatures. Eternal Sunshine is one of my most favorites too...I cry like such an asshole every time.
That incident falls under one of my big fantasy vigilante categories---the ones where I hear a bad story and say "I hope they catch this fuck and someone shoots him as he's being led into court." Seriously. I say this a lot, I wish there were more psycho vigilantes in the world. !!!
See the busy/distraction thing is something I do all day long. And it works for the most part. Throughout the day I'm feeling better with ideas of things I want to do now. When I first wake up in the morning though it just catches me off guard and it makes me a little sick to remember that he was the first thing I thought about in the morning. It also happens when I try to clear my head to go to sleep. Trying to fight it then is pointless.
So I'm gearing up for "TEH STORM Of TEH CENTURY".
We are supposed to get up to 16" of snow this weekend (ZOMG) and everyone is freaking out.
Never to be left out of public hysteria, meta and I are going to get all the essential supplies: videos, booze, and candy.
While sixteen inches of snow is something I've frequently seen fall in an hour... Read More
i didnt realize you were in Minnesota.
i have a half sister that just moved back there
she sucks
its nothing like greys anatomy
ive never seen the show only commercials
and its nothing like that.
Fuck me.
It's negative 16 outside right now. As in: 16 degrees below zero. It is so cold there are not even degrees that go this low. The temperature has an abscence of degrees. As in: I've got the thermostat cranked up to 80 and its still 68.
Its weird. Having most recently lived in Texas,... Read More
Things seem to moving along well in DrStinkypantsLand.
Last night, a pre-final semester send off for meta which involved some over priced, but satisfyingly stout beers during a showing of Arrested Development (the best, and funniest show known to man) Season 1 at a local venue. Not too shabby.
It seems lately that doing really simple things like, getting a beer or two at bar... Read More
i hate shitty jobs
i dont like work much
at least medicine is interestiong day to day
anyhow thanks for the birthday wishes!
my eyes are gluing shut now
on 29 minutes left on the bday-o-meter.
im so old. blah
-Living with someone (in a non plutonic way) makes being sick worlds different than doing so alone.
-Nailing the person who is now taking care of you twice daily while being sick is probably the surest way to get her sick and become a caretaker yourself.
Have you heard this? I am totally obsessed with it.