Well, Saturday was super awesome fun! I went to my boyfriends' sisters' wedding. Angel looked the same unlike most brides, she hardly had any make up on and the only thing that really made her look like a bride was the dress and the curly hair....she didn't look much different, still pretty in her own natural way. It was great though for a few reasons....key...
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WOW! It must be a girl thing. I couldn't remember one tenth as much about my own wedding 5 minutes after it happened. Now important stuff like deer hunting, that's something else. I remember that cold misty moisty morning at 10:43am four days into the season back in '76. I almost dozed off while sitting on a stump in Uncle Ben's old blind, when suddenly I heard a rustling sound off on my left rear quarter. There it was....

Actually, weddings and things like that are the really important things in life. Treasure your memories. smile
sounds great!

pictures! where are the pretty in pink pictures?!
So I'm modeling tonight at my usual place at the usual time for the usual people. Fun fun fun and 2 hours late I'll be 40bucks richer and I will leave with the satisfaction that I am helping young artists develop a better understanding on how to draw the human figure. I love being the model for the Life Drawing class. I've been their model...
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hi my sweety ...i'm glad....... why?

because i think you are a very gorgeus and special person

Hello and welcome to SGKalamazoo!
So boils and gouls it's been a while since my last post and for that I appologize, I let SG go to the back burner for a little while since I had other obligations to tend to, but now that that's all through I can update everyne on the lack-tacular events that have past. Let's see, I was busy looking for a new job, since...
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Even old geezers like me have battled the fashion Nazis over the years. Back in the olden times I grew a beard. The way women and girls looked at me you'd have thought I was a Nazi. The president of the college I was attending even came over and ate lunch with me to tell me how inappropriate the beard was. Funny thing is, years later, woman and girls thought the beard was cute, and there wasn't a campus without bearded hippies. Then there was my ponytail. "That is not appropriate for a corporate manager," my boss tactfully said. Now I suppose I'm out of it because I don't have tattoos and piercings! It depends on where you are and what your doing as to what is appropriate or not. Fashion Nazis live on both sides of the fence! smile

Super cute picture!
keep working on it, beautiful. Ditch the wedding photographers though wink
Work was interesting last night, slow but interesting none the less. It was dead from 12a.m. til about 3:a.m. then suddenly cars were pulling in the parking lot in droves, which is unusual for a Monday night moving in to the wee hours of Tuesday morning ya know? Well, I had plenty of crappy tables and made little in tips but this one table, a...
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Go for it! Life is short; fame, fleeting! Get all the gusto you can get out of it.
i'm pulling for you.... how exciting!!!!!! smile
So, I had my first weekend off since my vacation and I was looking forward to it until we got my boyfriends kids to the house and discovered they all have poison ivy, that they tried to pass off as mosquito bites, that would be a swarm of mosquitoes for damn sure, so anyway, I tried to keep my distance, but oh no, they managed...
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I had poison ivy last month...had to go to the doctor and get steriods (prenisone i think) but that cleared it right up! I hate going to the dr but it was definitely worth it....i highly recommend it! wink good luck
thanks for your sweet comment on my set smile