
In my mind Predators is the worst movie to feature the odd jawed hunters so far. Yes Aliens Vs Predator 2 was absolute crap, but it was always going to be absolute crap. There's no creative talent behind that movie it's just a series of images designed to entrance the feeble minded. This new sequel though has all the hallmarks of a decent night...
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Cheers to whomever has bought us a 3 month extension to the site. Any chance you can let us know who you are so I can thank you personally?
Wasnt me. Did you not get some kind of notification in the email?
So here I am with my first post in the futuristic 2010's, a date that sadly only disappoints. I expected the 21st Century would look at least a bit like Buck Rogers, or maybe slightly Bladerunner ish. Instead everything looks the same and it appears the biggest recent technological leap is a bigger version of my phone without a lot of its useful abilities. Sigh....
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Did you see Dances With Wolves and think "Damn this movie would be so much better if it had 8ft tall blue aliens, monsters, 3D and the machinery from Aliens"? If so James Cameron has something he'd like you to see.

Everything you've read about Avatar is true. It is deriative. It is too long. it is tech demo for future movies.

None of...
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I got myself Fight Club on Blu Ray a few weeks ago and had an odd experience. See I know that I love that film but its been a while since I've seen it and had completely forgotten just how ball blasting awesome it is. I've since then been going through movies I love but haven't seen for a while.

To carry on a theme...
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Given that nothing of importance has happened to me here's a review of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. It's all spoilered because I don't want ruin anything.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Hype wins again, and sadly I'm suckered in again. I finished the campaign a few hours ago and can't help but feel I've been cheated. I'd read about great set pieces and that...
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So anyway I watched some films recently -

Public Enemies

Since I missed this at the multiplex I've been waiting for it arrive in my local shop. I did have DVD rip on my hard drive for some time, but I figured it's a Michael Mann film I should watch this in the best medium available to me. So I did.

The story of John...
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I don't know why I read gaming news, there are precious few games I'm interested in and even the best games produced don't seem to have the same thrilling effect they once had. My PS3 acts mainly as a conduit for the stuff I've downloaded off the internet, or Guitar Hero. But read I still do, seeing interesting things like Polyphony studios now implementing crash...
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The quality of the downloads is why Guitar Hero will forever be a poor man's Rock Band.
Some things I'm enjoying at the moment.


JJ Abrams has clearly decided to follow the career path of people like The Coen Brothers and Pixar, i.e. don't make anything shit. He manages to take other peoples stuff (Mission Impossible / Star Trek) and make them not shit anymore. To a degree he's done a similar thing with "Fringe in taking the bloated mess "The...
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I dont really get the point of Beatles Rock Band, i mean, i know that they are well loved around the world, but ive always seen GH and RB as reasons to rock out and go mental, and The Beatles just seem too mellow for that, for me.

Good blog anyway biggrin