That's right. The morning I left for Texas, there was almost two inches of SNOW(!!!) in MA.
Can you tell I was happy to go to a warmer climate for a while?
After massive traffic on the Mass Pike, my buddy Justin dropped me off @Logan Airport around 8-ish.
I had never gone through security before, but it was a breeze, piercings and all. That's the American Airlines sign. Apparently I'm still learning how to use my camera.
Breakfast of Champions...a Sausage McMuffin. And
yes, mock me if you must, but I read
The New York Post, and
enjoy it.
After a while (my flight wasn't until 11:40), I was starting to get pre-flight jitters. So, I was willing to leave the airport and have to go through security
again, just to go outside...
...for a little chain-smoking.
Thankfully, the weather had changed to rain before I even got to Logan, so I decided to take a pic of the view, if you can call it that.
After getting on the plane, I'm surprised I didn't have myself a nice little panic attack. I certainly came close to hyperventilating, though. Thankfully, getting a call from the airline the night before and getting a non-stop flight due to overbooking probably helped.
After we leveled off, I calmed down a lot. Being in coach, this was my "lunch."
Yay cloud things!
I have a thing w/pictures of bathrooms. Sadly, I didn't get a choice to join the Mile-High Club, so don't hold your breath.
This was as we started our descent, as I noticed buildings in Texas are...
I thanked the numerous heathen deities for letting me touch down safely on my very first flight.
already I felt welcome. It was soon after I was greeted by the beautiful and awesome
sillyokio! (I didn't get a picture, as she forbade it @the time.

A drive to Lewisville soon made it's way to another first for me...
...a trip to Sonic! Root beer and onion rings were had. And they were good.
A view from my temporary residence, as I enjoy the Beer of Texas (I'm not sure if that's true, but it
should be), Shiner Bock.
After some waiting, we received a visit
JacksWastedLife, where he made his presence known.
Though, let it be known, he saw my bare ass as soon as he came in the door. After a yummy pot roast dinner, we decided to find something to do w/our night.
It's like Dave & Busters, but cooler, or so I was told. Many video games were had, as was alcohol.
He's a flirt, he is, he is. What kinda girl does he take me for?
We had to...milk the get tickets.
I was obviously doing it wrong.
We then went back to Okio's for more beer and
Harvey Birdman. Fred then said farewell, and we turned in for the evening.
Is texas worth visiting? I want to see some romantic and cheesy old west stuff mostly and buy a frilly country girl dress and eat a lot of beef.
In response to your comment: I'd really love to tell the world what I think of them, but sadly I have to live with them and if I tell everyone they suck, who am I going to complain to?