i finally saw noah again. we were only talking for like 5 minutes but i think i managed to trick her into thinking im not a total creep and she didnt seem utterly repulsed by me, which is always good. she mentioned that her class was organizing some kind of seminar on saturday and that i should go, but circumstances disallow that. at one point she asked what program i was in, i was like "biology, how about you??" -"behavioral neuroscience". it was like saying "oh, im learning how to add numbers together and find out what they add to, and you?" - "super-rocket-quantum-mechanics-space aged-neural-biological-thearapy". i felt kinda stupid
. the only inhibition i have is im not as talkative as id like to be. stupid schizophrenia. but she talks a lot so i doesnt really show through. and i have tonnes to fall back on if theres a dreaded "awkward silence", we have a lot in common.
i think im going to get the tattoo on my lip redone this week. BIGGER. and i have to find pics of insects to get a better idea for the other tattoo.
hopefully ill be moving january 1st.

i think im going to get the tattoo on my lip redone this week. BIGGER. and i have to find pics of insects to get a better idea for the other tattoo.
hopefully ill be moving january 1st.
Umm...I think that I'll go with the latter statement.

Glad you saw your girly again. I hope things get better for me but hope is the best spice to bring out despair. This problem is becoming more enveloping as days pass.