Well I have made it to Texas all safe and in one piece. Course still got a lil more travel ahead of me will try to get on when I can.
Texasss! <3
Safe travels!
ok boys and girls I will not be on for a few days. getting on a bus tonight and headed for Texas. A couple of days on a bus fun fun fun huh. Talk to you later.
Enjoy your trip!!
You know every morning I log on here and check for the latest. I see what new sets are up, then I check out my friends posts. The last thing I do before getting off here is check all of my friends to see who has birthdays that day.I don't know maybe I am the only one that does that. I would however like to...
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Ok well guess it is about time for a new blog. My paperwork has been completed and I am officially out of the military. What does this mean. I am moving my ass back to Texas. I am tired of not being able to find a good job. Texas is hiring like crazy right now. I leave the 19th to drive back. it means that...
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moving back to texas ehh? should be lots of fun smile ! glad to hear your paperwork finally went through! congrats!
you are the sweetest person ever, and i thank you for That. wink
Well I am still stuck in Idaho. The military takes there sweet time doing paperwork. I was hoping to make it to Texas in time to meet Alyeska but doubt that will happen now. I do hope they hurry up cause I am tired of sitting around on my ass all day. Can't really work cause the paperwork could come in any day. So till...
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I need my dental card to figure out who 'my' dentist is and I can't find it. And my husband REFUSES to believe that I'm allowed to go to any tricare-supported dentist/doctor even though CRDAMC's appt phone line said I can.
and once he realizes he has once again fucked up, i wont be there, im better than that! lol smile
Ok so the countdown has begun for my trip. I will leave Idaho on the 6th ans head for home (Texas). Now it is just a matter of deciding what I will take with me when I go. I am sure I will get into more details of the trip later. Right now however it is my favorite day, Friday the 13th. I always love...
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wink thank you sir!
Ok well looks like I am getting bad at keeping up with this blog. Well the end of the month is coming fast. Then I can get the hell out of Idaho. One quick stop in South Dakota for a day or two then I am Texas bound. Of course this makes me extremly happy. After all I am going home. I just hope that...
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Ok, for those of you who actually read my blogs here goes. Well had my last drill weekend with the reserves last weekend. They are processing me out. They say that I can get back in in 6 months if I can meet the body fat standards by then. Sad part is if they did the test now I would pass. That 400 I spent...
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Thanks smile
So hot!
Damn looks like it has been awhile since my last post. Quite a few things going on here. I gave my two weeks notice yesterday at my job. They got me going out and pressure washing the cars on the lot in 30 degree weather. Fuck that shit. I will explain more later now I gotta get bundled up cause I gotta go do it...
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oh, Elmo is definitely going. not that i have anything against puppets....i just don't want them in my sanctuary
A veteran is someone who puts their life on the line so people can protest the government. They fight and all too often die so you can talk shit about them. They do it to guarantee that you can do this. So you can protest about a child molester not being a bad guy. Many of my friends have never come home from trying to...
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That is exactly what I thought. You seem to understand my mom pretty well. It's nice to hear it from another adult. I'm just going to continue to stand up to her and watch her ruin the relationship.

Thanks! I wish you did too!