If it's the last day of shooting, the light is beginning to fade, you aren't wearing your glasses, you are wearing loose-fitting shoes, and you have to tote an antigue rifle that you have promised not to drop-- do not run down the long, steep, loose-soiled hill a second time. Let the cut on your arm from the first take be a warning, as the...
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The show went well last night-- 2nd performance of our Fringe show, "Serendipity." Had a Black and Tan with folks at the bar on the corner afterwards (an odd mix of Indian decor and Heavy Metal music.) We got to trading stories about the first records we were given and the first records we ever bought ourselves. Mine, in the above order, were Kiss, ROCK...
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Well, the opening went well Friday afternoon. Had almost a full house. Quite a surprise for an afternoon show. Another surprise for me when the stage went to black-out at the top of a song and I put my hand in the wrong position for the first chord-- splamm... Thank god the music in the show is a little odd and the chord 1/2 step...
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well now, that was really sweet of you. i avoided the uptown art fair at all costs. it was easy because i was moving anyway smile.

40 watt bulb eh? those guys rule. especially drew...love love love. did you go to palmfest to see them?? i go to almost every twin cities show they do. i even made it to mankato for one. maybe i'll see you out?

Yeah, I can see the appeal of staying away from the art fair; but, I'd never been and I was sitting in on a song with The Junkyard Lilies playing at the Old Chicago bandstand. Poor pouch looked pretty thirsty standing out on that hot asphalt. I'm living in a no-pet-zone, so I take the chance to mouch other people's pet-love whenever I can.

Yes, Drew is one burnin' hunk o'man. And an enviable songwriter. I caught them one night out in Silver Creek, just the two of them-- I never realized that Drew is also an excellent guitar player. Had the chance recently to hear them at a private party party in NorthEast and hang out with him and BJ. Good people. I've sat in with them a few time playing harmonica and enjoyed it immensely. I just invited them to play a set at a fundraiser this winter at The State Theater. I hope they'll save the date for me. So, yes-- I try to see them every chance I get; but, ususally that means when they play in MPLS, which isn't often enough for my liking-- so, yes, I probably will see you illuminated by the 40 Watt Bulb. I'd go check their schedule, but I'm afraid I'd lose this browser and I hate it when that happens.

I'll be joining you shortly in the spirit of moving. End of this month, beginning of next I'm moving over one building and up a floor. Going from a one- to a two-bedroom apartment. Taking on a roommate to reduce expenses and stick a cattle-prod to my fantasy of a $0 credit card debt. Yee-hoo.

Revisiting this memo-- didn't realize Palmfest was in MPLS. Think I was thinking of one of the camp-out fests, like the Big Wu doohicky.

Also, wondering if I'm using this site correctly in terms of comments and links, etc. If you notice that I'm doing stupid things, please point them out to me. I've not found much in the FAQ's to help me understand "the flow".

[Edited on Aug 11, 2005 11:40AM]
The Fringe show I'm in opens this afternoon at 5:30 at the Red Eye. It's called "Serendipity." I'm accompanying the cast on guitar (me and a gal on accordian-- it's a good sound.) I've acted in theatre and pretended to play guitar and cello in shows, but never actually played. I'm hoping the old adult a.d.d. takes a rest from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. today....
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