Viva la Internet, I guess.

Okay, so the story goes a little something like this:

I had this friend in 7th/8th grade who I had a bit of a crush on. I think she sort of knew, but we were both awkward, wierd, nothing ever came of it and she moved on when we went to different schools for high school.

Okay, so fast forward...
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today i downloaded some bright eyes. i think i'm starting to like it. eeek
I will send it soon. It currently resides in my sister's car because she loves it so much. Evidently it already has one fan. I will try to send it out by the end of this week. kiss
Sometimes I worry that I've lost the plot
My twitching muscles tease my flipping thoughts
I never really dreamed of heaven much...

I didn't get home until the sun was already coming up this morning and then I didn't get out of bed until it had already begun to go back down. A wierd sleeping pattern evolves when you goal for the evening is to...
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awww. blush
Electric Six song. Dance Commander. I've had the lyrics wrong for quite some time.

How was Xiu Xiu?
I guess there is not too much to say these days that doesn't sound like the ol' 'whoa is me', but I felt like writing so here it goes.

and the story goes: I don't know what it is, but as of last weekend it just feels like something broke. There was always "something right" that was at least countering the "something wrong" but that...
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I wish I could fix what is broken.

I feel SAD that I was not arround for your proposed date on Yahoo. NO!

frown frown frown
I got all caught up on this thing they call "my.......Space" (stolen sarcasm) It was all bright and colorfull in the beginning. everyone wants to be your friend and give their cute little 2cents and shallow witty remarks. I think the whole town of every town is on that thing. It has to be a conspiracy.I like it here where i can hide out and talk shit on everyone or expess myself in a world without the distraction of fellings and color. myspace is fake. I think I'm going to post some of my innapropriate/darker sg entrys on there and shake it up a little bit. thanks Billy, for this little box on your comment space for me to express my disturbance semi publicly. puke on myspace
At first it seems like a bad dream and you can't claw your way out.
And the plea that you make so you could escape
isn't answered but you'll figure it out.
And all of the nightmares you based your life all around are now coming true...

I love ya.


Because it's true.

I live for carbs. I just thought maybe you were more the veggie type.

I am making you a tape. I bought a little envelope for it tonight whilst shopping with my friend at Kroger.

I'm off to do homework.

But here is something so you know that someone is thinking of you and cares about you.

YAY. Happy yellow nail polish.

Upside down is funny, too.

An anti-meat Smiths shirt in your honor, sir.

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
It scares me more that suicide is not shocking in some instances. frown
She got the zot again? Damn, I can't even begin to tell you how many times it's been. I love her, but she gets herself into a lot more trouble than she should.

odi omnes
I love your mum smile

My ex-flatmate stole Bryter Layter and refuses to return it.

Evil, evil girl.

Sometimes stuff is so comically cliche that you would think that you are living in a work of fiction.

Trying to cancel my Netzero acoount was one of those things.

First of fall it takes about 10 minutes to get through to an operator. When I finally get on the line with this colorful individual I go about the awkward social process of breaking up...
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How is she wild? shocked E-mail me about it. I'm curious.

I had a dream about Bright Eyes the other morning. Probably because I fell asleep listening to him.

I am checking my e-mail in a second and if you didn't e-mail me your address, you are dead meat, mister.

OK. You're getting a letter soon, nah nah nah nah nah...

I took this picture for two reasons.

A.) To show what my expression would be like after drowning you in kisses.

2.) To show you the pink coat that you would've been wearing whilst scrubbing your shower a few weeks ago.

All eyes on the calender
another year passes with total indifference.,.

So it's that day of the year again kiddies. But, it would be so cliche of me, of all people, to start my belly aching. So I won't. Maybe it's because if this holiday fell a week or two later there might be the potential for this year to not be like all the...
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I bought one of the new Bright Eyes albums Sunday. I was thinking of you.

You are my valentine. No frets.

I e-mailed you an inquiry, yo.

Mucho love...o.

kiss kiss kiss
^ aperfectsonnet got kicked off the site?! What happened? shocked
School and going non-stop for 13 hours a day is severly frying my brain so please excuse any shotty writing and grammer that may mumble out of my fingers.

Let us begin...

So yeah, still no interenet in the ol' apartment. I guess by Tuesday says my roommate but I don't have much faith in that since she said they were gonna send us a...
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First of all, DSL does indeed come in a package. Just hook up the modem, install, and you're ready (I've had two DSL accounts over the past few years, so I know how this shiznit works!)
Secondly, I'm probably gonna go to the Nada Surf/Velvet Teen show, since I bought tickets for it and all... But believe me, I wish they were on separate days; I've been wanting to see Polysics for a while! If you want to go to that, you should buy tickets online ASAP since the place is so damn tiny. And tell me how the show is.
happy valentine's day, billy.
Okay, I just got done swimming laps (for the first time in like, four years) and I think I almost had a near death experience. I new it was gonna happen but I forgot how quickly one gets exhausted by it all and how hard it actually hits. After twenty minutes of swimming I crawled out if the pool and went back to the locker...
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I remember the worst thing about swimming is how spazzy it made my hair and drued out it made my skin for the rest of the day. Although I should mention that my high school pool was half chlorine and half urine.

Is the new Neva Dinova album as good as their last one? I really liked it, but haven't heard anything from the new one.
Oh yeah, an update for upcoming shows: Polysics (Japanese nerdy Devo-esque synthpunk) are playing Hotel Utah on Feb 25 (the same day as Nada Surf and Velvet Teen, frown ) You should really go to one of those two shows.

And man, you gotta love San Francisco's public transit system! Do you live off of Taraval or Judah (I think those are the ones with trains)?
Coco's totally flirting with you! How cute! I'd pay to have Coco flirting with me on my journal.
Okay-well actually I'm broke right now-so I don't know how I'd pay-but whatever.

We shall begin the mail fun again or soemthing. Someday when you have more time. I'll even try to start it or something.

This boy over here goes ridiculously long times without washign things, too. It kind of scares me. He makes me feel like a freak cause I usually do laundry once a week. Boys are strange.

I don't know how SGSF works. Maybe Tuff doesn't do the vouching thing. Maybe you have to meet the man or something. Or you could just take Coco out on a date and then when she saw how cool you were-she could put in a word and then your problem would be solved. It really isn't like a popularity thing or whatever. I can see how it seems that way-like they're just too cool for you or whatever-but once you get in and see how freaky some of the people who come out are-I think you'll understand why they don't let just anyone into the groups.
I've came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter how much I drink, I'm gonna still have a splitting headache of a large caliber either way. Be it two drinks or ten, I have a hell of a time making through the next day without it feeling like the bridge of my nose has been smacked with a ballpen hammer skull

I've also come to the...
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it was the song that started it all for me....

*gigglez* the dancefloor pic isn't as revealing as it sounds
but you can see in the comments section here
Raincloud of Doom is right! I'm with you on the hatred of those SF yuppies - the worst by far are the ones driving the BWM or Mercedes SUVs, or the Hummers, taking up 2 lanes during rush hour. Yeah, dude, we get it. Your rich and have no penis. Let it go.

As far as good shows go (you asked about that last week in my journal... it's been a while) - Noisepop has some good shows coming up - Nada Surf with Velvet Teen is the best indie/emo show so far this year, Mates of State should rule, and Hot Hot Heat with Louis XIV should be fun as hell.
Okay, so the last entry was sort of boring so, yeah.

Locker rooms are just as awkward and weird as I remember them. I was just in one about an hour ago and it was the first time since high school but that stench seemed like it never left my nose. I had to rent a locker in the gym this semester because I am...
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You're kissing your elbow
You're kissing your reflection
And you can't understand why all the other boys are going for
New, tall, elegant rich kids
That's true. The end is kind of cheesy.

Damnit. Where do you work? What do you do?

I am so tired. My eyes... blackeyed They aren't looking too hot.

Me likes Nick Drake. He makes me happy. I am all dreamy now.
Ah yes the awkwardness of only having access to the internet is a public place. Always feeling like eyes are burning you when you are writing emails. And as for this site...I've just decided to say "fuck it" and no longer worry who is sitting a row behind me and seeing every journal that I bring up.

Maybe it is sort of easier to do...
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maybe you just need to come out and socialize with us more. you know we won't bite.. unless you ask. wink
What are you going to school for? I don't think I ever asked that, which is odd... Anywho.

The colleges in Ohio aren't so much full of hipsters as they are Abercrombie and Fitch wearing conservatives. Yeah, it kind of sucks.

I used to have social anxiety. A lot. Then I met my best friend Jessica, and she is so outgoing that it sort of rubbed off onto me. Now I am a ton more outgoing. I think if you met the right person and spent enough time with them, you would be more comfortable with your socializing abilities. Worked for me, anyway.

Or you could just come to Ohio and live with me and screw everyone else.