its hotter than hell and i have to work today, but the good news is my probation is over in 5 days, no more asking premission to leave the state (or looking over my shoulder when i leave the state without asking) other than that im trying to pull out a couple stumps and do some yard work before i go into the kitchen... bleh....
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finaly, i have internet access at my house...
trying to figure out my life a little more, im going back to school, mostly for insurance purposes, but im going to be taking some small business classes and maybe stained glass. a friend of mine is staying with me for a while, and while i *really* like living alone, it has been fun so far (2...
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YAY! stef mark and brian are among my best friends in the world. i love all of them dearly. funny thin is i havent ever gotten around to tell them im on this site....just got an email from stef today actually, i might be the roadie on their tour for a week or so. well compadre im glad we figured that out!
i saw your blades is the MW group, you are quite talented, and much more stylish than the guy i used to work for in new orleans, what kind of "packs" are you making? and keep up the good work wink
Love is our greatest weapon. It is this four-chamber firebomb that levels the playing field along with five thousand square blocks. So light this fuse and run like hell because when this mother-fucker goes off it will be the blast heard round the world, it will shake the foundation and break the spell, and yes, the dead shall rise again.

Heart is hope is life...
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AHHHH! Burkey!!!! I'm so happy you've found me! I miss you so damned much and I'm happy we can stay in better touch thanks to SG. Have you gotten my package yet??
hi there -- i just inherited the metalworkers' group and i noticed that you posted some blades of yours in there a really long time ago, but they're fuckin' awesome. you still in the business?
ok, the website is moved, some pics are up... weather is shity in detroit and i cant get motivated... damn.
i want one of those holsters ! biggrin
been looking for the exact thing for some time now
No more snow frown
so today was a pretty good day, i almost finished annother pack, and theyre getting better (and done quicker) each time. i also was asked about it twice and the people wanted business cards and one guy wouldnt let me leave until i gave him my e-mail. i also got a book on patent law and filing, do thats the plan for tomarrow. i got...
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right on, have you see anything like this before: there are business cards made out of materials like wood veneer or metal that are sweet, but they cost a lot.

I bet you could make a stencil or stamp and print some up on some sheet metal that's the right size and has smooth edges and corners. I'm going to do this myself. I don't have any specific contact info yet so I'm just going to put a logo on one side and do the contact info later.
so i just found out zegota will be playing in detroit! im really excited, the last time i saw them was a year ago, i drove down no North carolina with my old girlfriend and saw a bunch of great people. i spent some time in NC and have forged some really tight friendships, despite the fact i never see them. now i gotta get...
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right on, that's a pretty cool website, I like the layout and your products, lots of potential where you're taking it. So you train with knives in addition to making them? sweet.

that emblem, is it a burning heart?

oh yeah pygmy pointed out to me when I replied to her post to me that when you reply, you reply in that person's journal instead of your own journal.

i knew a girl in philly who asked her house mates in a collective house to feed her mouse while she was gone. and when she got back the mouse was dead because nobody ever fed it. it's funny how the same things happen wherever you go.
yeah, its been awhile, i have,however, been really productive. ive begun (semi) mass production on a backpack i designed and put together a weekend project after a drawing i found from years ago (youll see as soon as i find the damn digital camera) i did a little more work on the site and have been training a little... i should be training alot, a...
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so, i just put up pictures of my kitchen, im so excited, just being in there makes me feel productive. i get to work at my forge this week, i have so much to do, i have to finish a blade i started months ago, than build my closet organizer, couch, entertainment center, bookshelves, chairs (at least 3) plus all my curtian rods, hooks for...
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