what's another ounce of pain
on the hundred pounds that i contain
the cold hard slap to the face of reality..yet again...
i don't know why i even try, every time i start getting up its just another boot in the face frown
putting in time until i get a chance to escape to something else, anything else
decided to give up drinking for awhile after saturday, too much stress and too many pent up emotions come out when i drink anymore
i had had a good night, but careened into self destructive asshole mode as soon as i got home
kept drinking even though i was already near blacked out, had phone conversations i don't remember....
i need to get some shit...
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another week gone with nothing accomplished
not sure how i can manage to blow off class when i'm only taking one, but i do
work reaked of fish tonight
three or four cans of samon got runover
i didn't think you could manage to make a building that size stink everywhere, but it proved quite possible ARRR!!!
yahoo for spring break, or, in my case, working...
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Well.. a day off work but i'll probably sleep through most of it since i haven't hit bed yet. Too much that needs done today so I probably won't get any of it done. Working constantly but still always broke sucks. skull