yo. that's me on the great wall of china. it's big. i'm little. and i'm saying, " i'm on the goddamn great wall!!!"
just lookin thru old photos... more writing later. and probably a different picture. that hat is stupid.
i only work from 7:10-8:40 at night now ( rill the 31st). today i sat in my pajamas all day drinking tea and screwing...
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just out of curiousity; if you're in korea now, where's home. and what's the #1 reason you're coming home? i like the pic. and do you wear a hat with those cowgirl jammies?
YAY buffy
dear people's moms,
please stop calling your english-teaching sons and daughters out here in scarey-scarey korea and trying to freak us into coming home with all your paranoid propaganda. it's not that bad. no one here is overly concerned. you are being brainwashed, and letting that ignorant texan's media machine put ideas into your head. and to clarify; that james bond movie is a bunch...
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ill have to talk to some of my continental US buddies about that. but of course more specifically... YOUR MOM!!
yea i should have saved it for when it was unexpected.
and to answer your question. me. i want to drink beer and consume as many products as possible that share the name of my favorite feminin product
yes, it's pretty amazing what a difference it makes when you're not in the country that's churning out the paranoia.

*hears crickets chirping*
sunday, after lazy movie watching weekend.
movies seen;
*once we were warriors ( about maoris in n zealand. excellent, but def not the feel good movie of the year)
*fight club ( again, but kickass as always and a nice break after the relentless sadness and violence of the first movie)
*lost highway ( oh david lynch, how i love you. you strange strange little...
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Ahhh, High Fidelity is such a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and yet again wonderful book. I laughed my ass off reading it. Go Nick Hornby! Have you read about a boy? It's also exceptionally hip. I still haven't seen Lost Highway! And I only saw Swingers stoned once. Hmm... I love lazy movie watching weekends. smile
post script: Tell me Amsterdam stories, pleeaase! I went there a couple years ago, it was unbelievable. But I only got to stay for a bit of time... not nearly long enough to absorb the place. telltell. smile
ha. the past few days of class have been awesome. my class is from the seoul campus, instead of the wonju ( where i teach) campus, and they are supersmart and interested in learning. plus, they laugh at my jokes.

class discussions ended up surprising and impressing me. view expressed 9 my class is all men, and 2 women;
*homosexuality; should be tolerated and accepted....
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hey just noticed boondock saints on the fav movie list. rock on. also i have a hero, his name is Ash.
wow...sounds like your having a lot of fun over there plus i agree on how amazing it is that they are thinking those ideas
the upstairs neighbors are chanting and sqealing again. i hate them. they've been repeating the same 2 syllable chant approximately every 3 minutes. i keep thinking it will get old, or they'll tire of it. that they'll start a conversation. i might have to go up there. now they are stomping around... god, i really hate them. i feel the same rage building up inside...
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Yeah for coming home! Where do you call home? Are you coming home for good? Ya, know, I have no idea why you're in Korea save to teach english. Is that a permanent thing, or just for a certain amount of time? I love your new profile pic, btw. very, very cute smile
thai is more complicated than it seems. several similar vowel sounds are distinguishable only by inflection...the "height" of the vowel sound, kind of like how our sentences go "up" for a question - they've got the same thing for syallables... the language has a debatable # of characters as well, between 28 - 37.

but its really pretty looking.

like either of us really give a shit. sorry about the nosy know it all post.
you know? it's true.
wu-tang clan ain't nothin to fuck with.

i wonder what odb is up to these days? his teeth make the world a better place.

tomorrow, i'm having an entire class of student discussions. one group might talk about homosexuality. i can't wait. the last time i did group discussions, one guy told me that koreans and non-koreans shouldn't date because then...
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From an aesthetic standpoint, I find you sexually desireable.


Hahaha, the dangers of falling pop machines has got to be one of the best commercials. How can someone go through life without experiencing these? The trip was already worth the agony to see the commercials. Yes, I am Air Force and a pathetic excuse for that may I add. Government jobs are almost the same anywhere, just with they would give me some hot shower water. Funny, new years day rolls around and at best, a trickle. What is your #18 reason? Your slacking woman. This is how it starts, first you forget to post, then you forget to take a shower tomorrow morning, then forget to turn in your term paper next fall, then forget to feed your newborn baby and then next you know it, your running a herd of sheep in Scotland wondering what the hell happened? Was it due to the price of wool rising in today's market? Who knows.
mild weather makes me happy. now all my clothes work. i'm not made for the cold. i can't thermoregulate. all the ice on the lake is melting. the ducks seem happy. they were quacking around.
where do fish go when lakes freeze? do they get frozen in the water?

i'm listening to a dub group from new zealand. i think i like them. i want...
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I dunno man I just met them working at Starbucks
My best friend is named Rob too but I call him Carter
Since I am the most important Rob in Florida
So anyways, he knew some English folks, and we frequented
This bar and we just became a group
They've basically adopted me as one of their British buddies
Since I'm as much into Footie as they are
Carter got me into Manchester United
Ive always been into Holland and England in general

When I went and visited the girls in Orlando I saw a shitload of British Pubs up there. Its crazy..I didnt know Orlando/Kissimmee had so many English punces there. Must be the whole "Brits on Tour" thing with Disneyland and shit
I cant write or read Thai, only barely learning to speak it. I leave on the 10th of feb so I have some catching up to do.....

fish go to the bottom, unfrozen, and hang ther til spring.........I would love some of your students letters. I read, was it an advertisment? you posted awhile back. Confusing and funny as hell. They would work perfect.... Have you ever heard of a book called "Letters from a Nut?" Its a collection letters and responses from this guy that does things like write hotel companies asking for a reservation and warns them about his level four bed wetting problem. Prisons, asking if he can give out his homemade yogurt in the death row section, "it has a calming effect." Very funny reading; may take a certain sense of humor??

#19. Rednecks
dooo dee doooo.... long lazy weekend, not much to tell, folks. some wacky kiwis i met at the sasha show came up to visit. on friday i drank half a bottle of red wine, and then drank a bunch of beer.

red wine + lots of beer = rowdy girlcat in the evening/sad girlcat next day

so that evening consisted of a lot of hollering...
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Is that hooker hill in Itaewon? We will get drunk together before you leave alright? Your little butt cant out drink me and I am a lightweight. Bwahahahaha. Damnit, I cant believe I missed Sasha. Im listening to him right now.
Is that hooker hill in Itaewon? We will get drunk together before you leave alright? Your little butt cant out drink me and I am a lightweight. Bwahahahaha. Damnit, I cant believe I missed Sasha. Im listening to him right now.
ok, i'm switching pictures to the fuzzy hat picture. usually i look like this, because it's sooo cold out and i have to wear a fuzzy hat wherever i go. well, and i don't always have a beer in my hand... not when i'm sleeping, anyway.

not much going on today. 20 something days till i'm home. seems like as good a time as any...
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Dangerous with those pills they give you. I know being in the job I am in, we arent able to go to any pharmacys here. We have to get our medication from the hospital here which consists of mostly motrin to solve any problem and maybe a decongestant. they dont care about us. well its friday night so i better get going to do something or forever hold my peace. Is that a Cass beer? I prefer that shitty OB Lager myself or maybe some Hite.
Dangerous with those pills they give you. I know being in the job I am in, we arent able to go to any pharmacys here. We have to get our medication from the hospital here which consists of mostly motrin to solve any problem and maybe a decongestant. they dont care about us. well its friday night so i better get going to do something or forever hold my peace. Is that a Cass beer? I prefer that shitty OB Lager myself or maybe some Hite.
this is me with glasses. hello bathroom mirror!

oops! i erased this whole journal entry. how did that happen? computers have the uncanny ability to leave me feeling both confused and stupid.

in lieu of a new journal entry i leave you with an excerpt from a student written advertisement from one of my classes. ( going through some old papers) assignment: write an advertisement...
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Did you get the new DWR catalog? The one with the Eames Management Chair in Apple-colored Hopsack on the cover?

Oh my god... That's my dream chair.
that is the most brilliant advertisement I've ever heard.
i think about food a lot. not in an obsessive way, or in some sort of mental realm which would eventually lead into disorder. just in the way that i sit and daydream about the good things in life. it's amazing how we human creatures have elevated such a simple life function ( eating) to an art form, to a true pleasure, a complete sensory...
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My most incredible food experience had to be in Seattle. At a place called La Vita Bella. They had these cheese crepes there that were unbelievable. Quattro formagio (4 cheese) crepes that knocked me over with delight. I don't know if my eyes were open at all throughout that whole meal. Sensuality was redifined that night and my perception on the world completely changed. It was a magical meal.
I think solo Morrissey is more satanic.
I dont know what you would call the
"November Spawned a Monster" video but he did look quite fierce!

"National Front Disco" baby!
big fat sigh as i sit here at my desk after going back to work, after a lame new years in wonju... it's hard to get the world revolving again after it's been on breezy lovely hold.
pictures are forthcoming...
actually i don't have many adventure stories. Here's the beginning:

We got to Bangkok and that day took a plane down to Hat Yai, a...
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I want to go to Lipe.
I want to go to Lipe.
Tell me about the beaches. although I do want to go to Chang Mai, I must know about the beaches. beaches beaches beaches. sun and beaches. no frat boy or hippies. I live in Oregon, Im around them all the time. I want beaches. cool locals and maybe some non American travelers.
oh and do post what you ate because I love Thai food. Panang..........I ate it tonight!!
monkey..will report more whne concious