* New profile pic *

As you can see I was naughty back then as well biggrin biggrin biggrin

I don't remember what happened though. Maybe I discovered porn? biggrin biggrin biggrin

And that's me in the corner. Say something nice to the cute baby.


I'll update before Halloween. Bye for now. Pics on standby.

~ EyesOnly ~

UPDATE: Looks like I won't have time to update until after the...
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You got got by liquor! It happens, I know.

Your CDs will be in the mail tomorrow, signed and all. Sorry this took so long, I should be punished.

Like with no liquor. Oh God, not that...
*tap tap tap*

I wanted to see Kill Bill tonight, but then got distracted and went and saw Sex and Lucia (Luca y el sexo) instead. Read the review on imdb.com. Ok, don't read the review, go and see it.

One of supporting cast, Elena Anaya, made my head swim. My lip is swollen from biting it. I have see more foreign films.

I just haven't been...
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Okay, I can write something nasty, like:

Jesus hates you!

To which you would respond "you are!"

And then we'd laugh.
Update: Just uploaded some cool pics from my swiss Xmas holidays! biggrin

I adopted the format from Tekky's journal and changed the answers. Why not post yours. Your journal or mine.

i n f o r m a t i o n
name: EyesOnly
real name: I'm shy
single or taken: single.
sex: male.
birthday: 24 Jul 1970
siblings: spoilt rotten only child
hair color:...
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Question: Did you get your name from the tv show Dark Angel?
Cool, I saw "EyesOnly" on the boards and convinced myself that if I followed the link it would lead me to EyesOnly himself (from the show). I know, yeah right, but hey, one can only hope! Oh how I loved that show. I'm still pissed it was canceled.

And hey, I enjoyed reading your info up there. I always thought science, overall, was my favorite subject in school but now I realize it was daydreaming all along too. I'm adding you to my friends list. Nice to meet you EyesOnly.

I did my medical to do some scuba diving today. I checked out pretty good actually. I'm happy. biggrin

These days I feel better than I did in years. The gym is beginning to pay off.

Sometime during the next two months, I'll take an entire week off work and do a diving course. biggrin

Take care,

~ EyesOnly ~
short answer: yes. very very.

xoxo zoe xoxo
surreal surreal surreal
i was handing out fliers at the trainstation for a while.
it was depressing trying to hand out fliers to masses of apathetic people. so i gave up and went back to the rallying.
mm apathy and rejection.
which antiglobalisation rally did you witness? (when was it)?

god why isn't my friend here with dvds and a getaway car to get to pizzaland.
why is it cold
why am i tired
stupid q

why scuba diving?

i can't wait for the holidays
i want to spend an entire day vegetating under a tree in kings park. and see the new walk in the trees thing.

looking at your movies thingie...there is way too much crappy anime around. have you seen anything good recently?
i've given up trying to find any anime worth watching.

yay friend here me go now
speak english good
brain small

- pirate z
I bumped into Kimberley on Friday night. biggrin
But sadly, it was only for an all too brief moment. frown
Isn't her set just absolutely stunning. blush love kiss
I remembered all the reasons for joining this site in the first place.

Other that I've been so busy at work, it's not funny anymore. They wanna get rid of all of us. Then why am I working overtime? It doesn't...
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How do you want your CDs signed? I mean, would you like any kind of special dedication?

Cause we do those. Cheap (free).
i'm glad to see i was missed!!

yeah....weirdness with my zipcode...

news: i'm a-travellin' down to iowa city to see some friends and a *friend*

much hearts

xoxo zoe xoxo
surreal surreal surreal
Today I bumped into the girl I had a crush on for most of last year. I had dinner with her about a year ago (if you call sushi in a food hall dinner). I hadn't seen her for nearly 6 months. Good thing, too. I'm so over her. I told her, I'd email her. She smiled briefly and then she was gone.
I knew...
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i have a huge sadbastard list of crushes. it's pathetic. of course i'm too pathetic to actually contact them. this probably puts me into some kind of stalker category.

moving has done kind of well
all our stuff is in the new house, and so are we and a small annoying dog, so i guess that could be considered a success. but the place is still hell and i'm trying to get used to the fact that i have easy public transport to/from uni now. it's weird.
we're right near the world's freakiest pub, chroming youngsters AND a bottleshop! it's great!
and HBF wouldn't insure us without at LEAST an alarm or grills on every window
what the fuck? get better statisticians and update your database motherfuckers. so, RAC have my business now. fuck you hbf.


the sleepy potty mouth will go now

how nice of me to get on to the internet and swear all over your journal ; )

ah just checked more of your journal
you are a sad nerd aren't you? like me and the rest of my friends wink i should have understood when you also admitted your love for buffy. my christmas is going to involve watching the first two lotr's movies on dvd in my friend's daggy 70's house and then go see the 3rd movie the next day. i'm so excited.
and OH, matrix revolutions 6th of november. i'll be sure to go to a nerdy midnight screening even though it'll be the start of my study week..

gerr sleep

- pirate z
"Dude, I am totally crushing."

I always bump into old crushes (I guess I fall for people too often). And I always feel weird (I guess I'm weird).

And I have a headache. My point?

Howsit! Cheers for ordering CDs! I'll get them to you ASAP.
Thank you all for your thoughts. And yes, Im still among the living.

Ive been busy. Yeah, busy procrastinating. I think some of you can relate with that. Ive got so much I need to get done but end sitting on my butt and doing nothing.
Ok, its not all that bad. Ive been cleaning my computer room (den). Well, thats been a work in...
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Ooh, ooh, choose a gift for me!

I like horses, and ah, horse. Actually I'm pretty indifferent to horses.

So, uh, it's up to you.
i've thought about getting into real estate too - it's a spectacular way to make money, but it's such a pain to deal wiht..

maybe i'll come to australia and be your tenant. i'm serious. i've thought about moving to the other side of the world for a long time...
Its Saturday afternoon and Im long overdue for a journal entry. Let me tell you about my week.

Sat 13th: I returned home from doing some shopping (incidentally, I love shopping) and I was unpacking my groceries. I was expecting a friend to come by later that day so I stocked up on junk food and the all-important alcoholic beverages.
I heard some yelling...
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hope you've recovered from your hell from 2 weeks ago-ish : |
i'm still tired but alive and actually not going through that much hell as everyone else around me. i think i just like whinging a lot.
mmm the whinging
ya i dig the gym. though i've only been going for about four or five months. so i am still a work in progress. i go to my shitty uni gym. this means i have the added embarassment of seeing people i know while i die on a piece of cardio equipment. and it doesn't have a pool and i've been hankering for a swim for a week or two now. arhghg the swimming i am lacking..
if it was SUMMER i'd be at the BEACH. mm beach. and i wouldn't be stressed. and i could sleep in. gaahh sleeping in good.

mm procrastination

- pirate z
Looks like you're long overdue for a journal entry again. You still alive?

Do I hear an echo?
I had a mad of a week and I haven't been feeling my chirpy self lately. I've used up my rant quota for the week with all that crap I wrote in my journal so I'll just shut up for a little while, ok? I just had to get some stuff out of my system, and I thought SG is a good place as any. I'm...
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Life can be good again, now! Forget your worries! Allow me to soothe you.

Cheers for the welcome. It's nice to feel loved. And get happy. Happy is gooder.
Best journal comment I've ever gotten. I'll let you know if I make use of your plan. You can't have the fireman, though, even after I'm done.
Ugh. The weather has turned ugly again in this part of the land where the sun always shines. Grey clouds, rain and nothing else. I guess, we need every drop of water we can get. That is perhaps the one redeeming feature of working in cubicle city; you're safe from the weather and most acts of God.

But not acts of man. You've seen the...
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The weather is clearing up but the forecast is still dreary for the rest of the week. Hope the weekend will be nice.

Rainy days bring out the worst in me. I get moody, sometimes irritable, sometimes depressed, but mostly I escape into my little world. My past. Memories of days gone past. And the many lost loves in my life. Those I had a...
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