I'm finishing with this whole Suicide girls thing. I'm just a bit over it. But if you want to continue to read my blog then go to: http://gen.synthetique.org/

Bye y'all. smile
........and to this day they continue to call her "Spastic geni". The End.

My Essay on why I hate most parts of Christmas. By Geni.

I hate Christmas because I have this weird dislike of opening presents in front of the giver. They look at you with all this expectation that it's going to be the best present I've ever gotten ever, it's splattered all...
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Hmmm... crying --> (grows up) --> boobies. That does make sense.

I'm feeling kinda lonely about the whole Christmas thing. I reckon it's the lack of partner that is the big deal, although now that I think about it, not going to Brisbane this year to see my family is a significant bummer on things too. There'll be no Christmas dinner either.

Christmas carols are the devil. The only exception is if they are sung by Muppets. Especially Rowlf the Dog.

Everyone is growing old when it comes to this sort of thing. confused I know how you feel.

Did you get your car?
I did indeedy, I will post a picture of us together at last very very soon. smile
That seems like a good, solid set of wheels. I wish you luck. smile
I'm trying to juggle everything, being as non needy as possible to my boyfriend but still spending time with him, spending legitimate time with each of my friends (especially the many I've been neglecting these last few months), buying Christmas presents that are actually good ones, buying a car, borrowing money from my parents for said car, creating my business plan for my Design studio,...
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Yeah, I know what you mean! I suspect however, that the balloons had something to do with Breast Cancer Awareness Month (took those pics back in October), what with the pink colour and all.

The good thing about not visiting my family in Brisbane this year for Christmas is... less people to buy presents for. biggrin

shocked That is, without a doubt, the hottest picture of Lauren Ambrose I have ever seen. I most definitely would!

Don't you just want to bang her?! (Lauren Ambrose)

Yes....yes I do oO

It has been awhile.

Fetish Ball was pretty great, was disappointed by the stage shows a bit but we had a good time anyways. Kept having these fantastic conversations with strangers whenever Sam went off to the bathroom. They just came up to me. I spose there is a lot to be said for the ease putting with a beside manner of a skanky nurse's...
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I soooo want to see the pics of you guys at the ball! I bet you both looked luscious. Show me, show meeeee!
PS I'll be seeing you both NEXT WEEK! Drunken meals at the Mexican all round!
I loved Little Miss Sunshine! Did you like it?
I'm okay. Back on normal again. Found a job I really want as a Junior Designer at a web design studio. Got tickets to the Fetish Ball. Sam and I are okay I think. I have no money. Less than none. Actually quite a significant amount less than none. Went grocery shopping and did major health shop. Hesitantly told Dad that I'd play with Tennis...
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Sorry but the drinks went down really smooth tongue
Listening to: Tried listening to the Kaiser Chiefs but it made me want to throw up. Watching: Nothing. Reading: Nothing.

After the relatively more 'upbeat' entry this one will be a bit of a shock I spose. Tis the life of someone who is on the verge of every single different emotion all the time...

Sam. I asked him to stay over last night, was...
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After a few hours of sobbing on the floor...I'm exhausted but okay. I've talked to him. My life feels like such a mess.
OHhhhhhhh Geni!!! I love you so so much! I really feel for you so much reading this stuff about what you're going through. If only we could choose who we fall for life would be a completely different kettle of fish. I think you're amazing and so strong, I'm really proud of you for following your heart (I mean, come on. What choice do you really have in the matter? Imagine if you had decided not to pursue anything with Sam because "everyone warned you not to". I don't know about you, but to me that sounds way more dangerous (not to mention completely inhuman) than current circumstances.)
Not trying to cheer you up or anything so annoying as that, these are just my comments after reading your poor blog.
You are NOT an idiot! You are a fantastic funny cool SMART girl and I love you THISSSS much. xoxox
Listening to: Kooks. Watching: Seinfeld. Reading: Marie Claire.

It's been awhile since I've even wanted to post an entry. I'm mainly floating along, waiting for change. I spose I shouldn't wait for it, it's not like when my moods are stabilized that I'll suddenly be all happy and dandy with my life. Just another excuse to wait and try and ignore my rapidly fleeting options....
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Hey sweet pea
I love reading your blog entries, even if reading between the lines they sound a little despondent sometimes - it can be hard to tell though, you are very clever at using humour to mask painful-sounding situations. I like knowing what is going on in your head and your life since we can't really keep in touch any other way.
I really hope that I've been a good friend to you Geni - sometimes I think that I've done some stuff that must be kind of annoying (I cringe when I think about when you first told me about the whole Sam thing!). Argh!!! Also I guess I just haven't heard from you in awhile and you know my personality, I always think the worst even though I try very hard not to (last night Jeremy said he'd be back from a ride "later on" (I was expecting him around 8ish). Past midnight and he still wasn't home, and had left his cellphone in the flat too so couldn't call to set my mind at rest. When he finally came in at half past 12, I pounced on him and burst into incoherent tears of rage/relief - just a little thumbnail sketch for you!)
You sound kind of like things might be looking up - the overall tone of your entries seems more upbeat anyway. "Dreamy" is definitely the right word, Miss Dreamboat!
I can't wait to see you again and give you a gigantic hug and just hang the fuck out.
Love you lots Missy, think about you heaps.
7:23PM Tuesday, 24th October 2006

Listening to: Ben Harper - Live from Mars. Watching: Fifth season of Six Feet. Reading: I'm way too fickle when it comes to books, I wish I could just sit down and stick to one again but my concentration levels are still lacking.

Well you know that when it's been awhile since I've written, it means I've either isolated myself...
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I just had to say hi because of your awesome screen name. smile
hehe aww smile
hows you?