so I sometimes browse the local section on here to see people around the DC area. It seems like there are way more people in Maryland on here than in northern Virginia or DC. I wonder why that is. Are Virginia and DC people squares, whereas Maryland people appreciate naked indie type girls? It's weird.
so I went to New Hampshire for the primaries, it was a pretty awesome experience. I volunteered for Obama with a couple of my buddies who are all Iraq war vets. We did some house to house stuff, a little of bit of visibility (holding signs) and also met tons of folks. We hung out with some Texas state senate staffers, an NFL player, and...
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so I never update this. But I'm going to New Hampshire for the primaries, that should be cool, and I got a couple of things published in The Onion in DC. Other than that, mapping away at the job.
so this is a little old, but Halloween is my favorite holiday, hands down. Everybody has fun, and there's rarely any crap going on, like people sad on Valentine's Day, family feuds on Christmas and Thanksgiving, etc. The whole goal is to dress like something funny (or unoriginally sexy, for some girls), and that's awesome. I pretty much never stop laughing on Halloween, and I...
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Now THAT is sweet!
It wasn't awful. smile
so I've seen a bunch of movies lately. Here's a couple

"Choking Hazard," a Czech horror movie about zombie woodsmen who attack a philosophy class. Sounds awesome, right? Unfortunately it was just a lot of non-sequiturs, and not the good kind, just random unconnected things happening. It kind of seemed like the movie was cut heavily, taking out all the parts that helped the plot...
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How was Michael Clayton? I think I'm gonna go try to see 30 Days of Night this week.

Nothing prestigious. One is debt collection in Minneapolis and one is sales here, but I'd go back to finish my degree in January.

30 Days of Night is like a scary vampire movie I think. Looks good!
so I got a new housemate and he has a Wii, which is fucking awesome. both my arms are tired now because i'd switch. mainly baseball, but we all got drunk (there's 4 of us and my buddy came over too) and played Wario Ware, which is a ridiculous random game. It's actually kind of a work out too. I highly recommend.
I love my Wii. But I go for those quirky games like Cooking Mama and Elebits. I've heard rumors of Katamari....I will be in heaven.
Cooking Mama? that sounds nuts! do you flip food and chop and stuff?
so I just saw that movie "Syriana." Good stuff. Kind of disabused me of the idea of wanting to be in the CIA. But it's a good flick about oil companies, politics, and so on. Check it out.
so here's a song I've been enjoying recently: "Thou Shalt Always Kill" by Dan le Sac vs Scroobius Pip. Scroobius Pip is the rapper/singer and Dan le Sac is the producer/beat guy/what have you. It's got a good beat and an anti-pop culture message, though I feel like it's borderline "Wear Sunscreen." Anyway, enjoy.

I wrote a bit more about it on my normal blog...
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so I just saw this movie "Dead Alive," by Peter Jackson. It was amazing. It's about 15 years pre-Hobbit movies and it's a ridiculous, hilarious, insanely gory zombie type movie. It's just so over the top and bloody and clever, I recommend it highly. And despite being totally ridiculous, you can sort of see how he'd go on to do good stuff. But not really....
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I saw that a couple of years ago
it really is gorier than I expected...like that part at the end when everything turns into piles of what looks like blood and vomit puke
Have you seen Meet the Feebles?

equally bizarre Peter Jackson film
no, but i want to! blockbuster doesn't have it, which sucks