So, I'm assuming today is Journal Poetry Day again, and if it's not, oh well, I'm gonna post my poem anyways...


is a charred heart
pumping black bile
under the kitchen table
so your coffee's hot bitter
can cool to the gentle flavor
of chilled windowsill dust.
i like this there is nothing like a little bit of bitter every once in a while to soothe the soul. (unless im missing the point, 'cause poetry is beyond me sometimes). as for my little piece, its the beginning of a novel im writing and i will eventually be putting up more.
Never ever ever ever EVER stay up until six in the morning if you have to be at work at 8:30 in the morning... First time I ever woke up with a nosebleed...
a nosebleed that sucks. but my question is why did you even bother sleeping?
usually if i have to work really early, and i'm out pretty late i just don't sleep.......
i dont' know.......that works for me. i just did it last night. stupid having to work at 7 in the morning, when other people sleep.
Lately, I've had to deal with rampant mood swings. One hour, I'm brimming over with socialite giddiness, but the next, I'm nothing but antisocial disillusionment and despair. Both, of course, being far too exaggerated to be taken seriously.

Anyways, last night, against my depressed impulse, I went out to a club for a friend's birthday. To make a long story short, I met a lot...
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lifes to short to be taken too seriously man, and thats what im all about, most of the time. as for my "brilliant" post on the grand theft america board, most of the time i just use what little flashes of brilliance i have to get out the genius of bill hicks.
"A Ball" by Czeslaw Milosz

He gives to the chief the head of an enemy
Whom he pounced on in the bushes by a stream
And hefted with his spear. --A scout
From the enemy village. It's a pity
It wasn't possible to capture him alive.
Then he would have been put on the sacrificial altar
And the whole village would have had a feast:...
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Quite impressive. Very Hemmingway-esque. Excellent piece.
Not familiar with this one! Thanks for sharing - last couple pf lines are killer.
Sweet! Dirty Pretty Things is finally debuting in Orlando, and I won a free advanced screening pass for two... All I have to do now is find the second one in this equation so I won't end up being "that guy" at the movie theater...
So I bought a disposable camera just for the sake of one pic for the SGFL group... More proof for why I hate taking pics of myself... They always turn out awful... I just need to make some friends who know what they're doing with photography... or maybe just some friends in general... skull
Spooky... when I checked out my profile, I actually thought that Beck pic was me... tongue

(edited for stupid-ass redundancy)
Thanks for the kind words! Nice poem! I took you up on your offer to give merciless criticism...well actually I didn't criticize it, I just experimented by changing a few of the phrases and words - hope you don't mind!
Day two of my throat-ravaging sickness continues... That and a lumbar strain, but at least that's going away.. Oh, well, gives me more time to work on my writing and grad school applications...no excuses for procrastination now...