feeling the aftereffects of about 3 days worth of insomnia. Its icky. Crazy feverish dreams, being unable to move my head without almost passing out, all that fun stuff. puke

Other than that though, I think things have been going pretty well lately. And now its time to go write letters to friends. I've become a big fan of snailmail lately.
i'm sorry...insomnia no fun. but you know that, don't you? so was it just dreams, or hallucinations?

i love writing letters...but it's been so long. now that i've finally given myself over to email, i don't know if i'll ever have the concentration to get back into it....
I wrote a long-ass essay about marxism last night (when i was supposed to be writing a paper for a class, isnt that horrible?) I thought about pputting it here, but like i said its very long, so I'll just link you kids

maybe I'll put it on the Current events board and let them fight over it biggrin

LJ essay

You should be able to...
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Well, I guess I'm feeling a bit better today than I have been. I talked to the person who much of my recent unhappiness has been focussed on (I'm going to be vague because i'm not really sure yet how much of myself i really want to reveal on this journal). We talked, and I feel a little bit better, though I think things are...
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here's to swimming free of the rut! (because you can't have a rut in a body of water biggrin thank goodness for physical laws)

i'm glad you're feeling better. i wish i had known you weren't feeling well; but it's good to hear things are looking up.

be sure to stop by today! my journal is dedicated to you biggrin
Kant is too complex to put into practice. *Sigh* Categorical imperative? I'm not sure... he does use phrases similar to that though. Like I said, I didnt get far tongue

I'm I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. They say that healthy eating and regular excerise puts you on your way to feeling better again.

Not much is new, I guess. Still pretty unhappy with my life, but I can't complain too much. Everyone around me is miserable too though, and its been dragging me down. I wish my mood could be independent of other people's for once. But I guess its a good and a bad thing. It motivates me to make other people happy, in turn making me...
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Isn't it horrible how some of your friend's attitude can reflect on your own sometimes?

I've been to Carlisle a few times. You are actually not very far from me smile
Haha, that's my problem... NO CAR! I normally have no problems getting around (to the store, work, or other places in town).

The only time NOT having a car sucks - is when I want to drive anywhere outside of this town.


Depressed again. I've been tossed into the emotional ocean with a pair of cement shoes, and I've finally hit the bottom. This is where normal people kill themselves, but me, I've never been normal. I know I'll be better eventually, I've been down here before and I'll be down here again, so I guess I'll just weather it for now.

Today was one of...
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Interesting quote in my journal. Thanks for the insight smile

If you ever need anything, I'm always on AIM. Write me and we'll chat it up. I'm always lookin' to chat and stuff [when the work isn't killing me]

have a beautiful day!

Thanks, me too!


I wish i had the money to buy that. I'd put it up on the wall in my room, or maybe decorate my door with it, like people do with normal crosses. Oh boy, im sure id get lynched if i did that.

I think i need to try that....
I actually had some friends in high school who used to go to parks and do things like that (not quite so elaborate, but still)
They once tried to convince a minister to join their cult
that site is pretty cool... ive been checkin out the games and animations... could use some work on the visual look of the site, but the content is great.
Dentisist are trying to take over the world, and heres proof: Cavities do not exist. They are simply created when the dentist uses the pic, ostensibly to clean the "plaque" from your teeth. They then charge your insurance company extra to have the cavity removed. What they do with this money is the true conspiracy. They are using the money to create a secret base...
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Little do they know that GWAR are the true rulers of Antarctica, and will put an end to this nefarious scheme...