I haven't been on in a while.
I am working way too much. I need a new job.. Even if I have to move. Any one withany suggestions.?????
I am so scared I just found out that I need to get my wisdom teeth removed. frown
I hate the dentist.. I hope everything goes ok.
I guess I am going to be stuck inside for a while, hopefully they give me some good stuff.

I had mine removed years ago and the process itself is not that bad. The bad part is afterward when the numbness wears off and your jaw starts to throb and it feels like you got smacked in the jaw with a hammer. smile
Today is my first day on the SG site and I am finally able to be myself and not care about what other people think. I always have to hide how I really feel to most of the people I know. I love how you can say what you like and also I love seeing the beautiful women that are so strong and can stand...
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