It pains me to say and do, but I will not be renewing my membership subscription when it comes up in a few days. I'm not even sure why my billing date is 23 November; I joined the site in June or July (of 2005!). I'd post a link to some earlier entries and pictures, but the site is so completely fucked up now that...
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yeah... so... I've pretty much given up on the site. This shit-tastic cacophony of user-un-fucking-friendly code utterly guarantees that I can't spend any time here anymore. It's a shame that the powers-that-be at SG have forgotten th--* ...oh, fuck it. nevermind.
So, I'm in another state. @flux is gettin' hitched, y'all! Congrat's to her and the lucky fella. Tomorrow should be a helluva good time.
So back in September I wondered about a new film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, based on an old short story I had to read in high school and that has stuck with me since.
So, here I am. Exactly how I was four years... seven years ago... and all the years before that. I have dabbled in SO many things, but I...
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So... on first try, I do not like the new site. Not at all. I will withhold my complaints; there's no point. All I can say is that I will give it till 23 November 2013, when my billing runs out; if I can't deal with this mess by then, then I'm just going to have to cancel my membership. Too bad. I know I'm...
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I was recently shocked to learn that there is a...
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I barely remember it, so here's the gist. A friend and I -- I don't think it was a real-life friend, but a made-up dream friend -- went...
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been away for a few months. been avoiding the internets, tv, the news, life, ...all the things. All the sucks.
things aren't bad. They're just... not good. Meh.
anywho, gotta sleep. will catch up later.
[ETA: goddammit!! it fucking figures that the time i decide to go on hiatus from SG for a bit...
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There are plenty of good newer folk around, but it's hard to keep a conversation going because most of them comment on their own blogs.

Some years ago, I started work on an anonymous online journal, a place where I could vent my deepest, darkest, rantiest hatreds for all that is wrong with the world. I already had been half-assedly making some of those rants in my personal journal, but I wanted to go full-tilt. It wasn't a good time though -- finally earning a degree after 21 years, then
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So anyway, yeah, def, we should try to get together this weekend. Any day/night look better for you?

I'm an OG in the SG game - all because of Lennon - I have seen her band in Flordia in 2002; then foundout she would be posing for a site I have never heard of called "SuicideGirls"...I hit the site, and the rest is history

Any good craft beer on your radar recently?