It's been a while but I'm finally ready to give you that massive update I've been promising. Yay!!

I haven't really been feeling myself these last few weeks, and I'd love to say I'm out of my slump, but I'm not. I'm really just adjusting to it and trying to regain as much of the old me as I can.
With regards to my last blog
Thank you SO much to everyone who commented, you really helped to cheer me up!
And really I feel like much less of a total freak since you were all just as fascinated by child killers as I am.
I've reverted to my old love of serial killers now since there really isn't that many kiddy killers to obsess over.
Some killers are so hot.
Like hubba hubba.
Let me introduce you to my top 3.
Moving right along
The day after I posted my last blog, I received some SG stuff in the mail
This REALLY cheered me up! So thanks Powers That Govern!!
Body Mods
I got 2 new tats!!
Roses on my thigh/waist area
I read somewhere that red roses symbolize pure love, and I was sold.
I also finally got around to getting my septum pierced.
I tried baking last week to cheer myself up, it didn't work.
But I DID make some really great brownies.
They disappeared hella fast, don't even think they made it off the cooling rack.
A while ago, I did a 10 day fast, which wasn't so bad.
I ate only fruits, vegetables, water and bread.
It was kinda fun.
For my last meal, I had McDonalds.
It was soooooooo gooooood
And in the week leading up to the fast, I pigged out on all these goodies my dad bought.
And after my fast ended, I had McD's again
They recently released this new product called "Cuppa Cake" and, as their most loyal customer, I had to test it out.
It was Godawful. Yeug.
I like KFC's Brownie Avalanche better.
I know you're all wondering where all these carbs go, and I do wonder the same thing myself.
Given that I eat take-out 5 times a week and haven't set foot in a gym or engaged in any form of exercise (aside from walking between the fridge and the couch at regular intervals during the day) in almost 4 years, I must put it down to good genes.
Lucky me.
Life in general
It's been really cold here lately, given that it's winter.
We've all been bundling up as best we can.
Here's my mum in her fake fur blanky (note: FAKE FUR!!)
We have a really nice fire-place that I never use because the smell gives me a headache
So I keep myself warm by eating lots of warm pudding
Milktart Sponge Puddding. You CANNOT die before eating this. You simply CANNOT!!
I looooves chocolate volcanoes.
Red Velvet waffle what whaaaaat..
Lately, I've been seriously considering the choice of celibacy.
Speaking of modelling...
I've been doing quite a bit these last few weeks, again in an attempt to cheer myself up.
I love doing fine art nudes because it really challenges me.
Last year in September I did a shoot with a photographer called Robert Russel.
It was a really great experience for me and I learnt a lot.
Do you guys remember that music video I did with Autrum?
Well, it finished.
Here's some more behind the scenes pics..
Autrum and I also did this cool Zombie shoot together.
I made this little trailer for it:
Behind the scenes...
And some shoot pics:
I had such a hard time concentrating at this shoot and not laughing cause Autrum kept making funny sounds in my ear and claiming that's what Zombie's sound like.
ROFL I love that girl.
The next week, I did a Catwoman shoot. It was LOADS of fun!
Here's some pics from that:
And then I did a Boudoir shoot which was a lot girlier than I'm used to.
But I really love trying new things
More pics...
(I swear, I'm almost done)
And THEN I did a really cute kinda Disney Princess/ Vampire shoot.
Absolutely LOVED the Make-up for this one!!
SG stuff
I've been doing some things for the SG Blog that I'm really excited about because I'm very enthusiastic about getting more invlolved in the site.
I submitted one of the cakes I posted in one of my older blogs and it got a kitchen feature.
And I also did an Agony Aunt column. of which I am very proud
Because you've all been so patient
A few people have told me that my last set Enviable wasn't as good as my debut set Abnormal Behavior.
And I can take criticism, no hard feelings.
It just made me wanna put even more effort into my next set.
That's right, I have a new set!!
The thought process behind this set, you'll see is quite simple.
I talk a lot about what I think this site means and how I believe that people in general have no idea what Suicide Girls is about and it's frustrating to have to put up with just THE most ridiculous "WTF" faceial expression inducing, continous facepalm and smh comments, misconceptions, judgements and prejudices.
It is with this ideology that I, with the amazing camera skilfullness of the fabulous Talamia created:
Suicide Girls For Dummies.
Queued: 29 July 4a.m
I hate smiling, but there's a lot of smiling in this set so you better all be damn grateful!!
I will end this ridiculously long blog with my set intro:
This is for the hours you spent discussing questions that a 5 minute Google search would've answered
This is for the hundreds of arguments that a simple visit to the site could've prevented
This is for all the eye-rolls
Gritted teeth
Clenched fists
This is for every ridiculous myth
Offensive assumption
Judgemental remark
This is for your prudish aunt
Your pervy uncle
Your old-fashioned parents
This is for everyone whose neck you've wanted to ring
Face you wanted to punch
Groin you wanted to kick
This is Suicide Girls... For Dummies.
Have a great week everyone! I love you all!!