Cleanin' It
...Showing some love as well.
Hey Everyone. Got to thinking that it was about time I cleaned out my friends list here just to make sure I am paying attention to the regular crowd... Don't worry if you see this blog posted in your Friends Blog list than I didn't delete you. I have already went through and cleaned out the list and thought it was kind crazy that in such a short amount of time I have had the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of about 108 people here (just counting my friends list). So I thought I would spend just a few moments and go through the list to give shout outs so you all know I remember each and every one of you and our time here on SG. So here is my list, I'll keep comments brief but no that I think about alot more than what is just stated here:
Abra - I think Abs was one of the very first people posted a comment to on here and just have to love my PDXers.
Allure - What can I not say about you dear! LOL, you rock in every single way, shape, and form. Friends forever love. Ooh and gotta love the silly accent
Amiba - My PS skill loving lady. Incredible artwork she does, still waiting for you to show me some of those techniques lol.
AnnaMarie - My music loving queen lol. Such a sweetheart in so many ways. And yay for mini doxie love. Weenies unite lol.
Argosytech - Haha, Argo fuckin rocks and he knows it. This dude can dish shit to me anytime. And dude mac love all the way!
Atomicant - One of the fastest long-term friends I think I have ever made lol. And one of the few I have met in person. Homies for life my friend, you fucking cockwhore lol! Seriously great dude.
Azari - You mean the queen of chat blockage lol. Love my Washington crowd representin'!
Barbequebutt - STILL haven't hung out with this douchebag lol. NO BBQ is a fucking riot and has to be to maintain the PyroPixie. The funnest asshole I think I have met in a while, lol. Wait gross...
BeckyJane - UNF... enough said lol
. No BJ is more than a treat to have around in chat! She can hang with the big boys and crack my shit up anytime. And she is an absolute DOLL.
billiebillie - Billie... dude chat OG at its finest! Talk about a girl not afraid to hit you with a giant black cock lol, too cool. Total sweetie, yet STOLE pictures of cock
Bird - Bird is a fun chatter and I always love to hear what she has to say about life. Haven't seen you around in a while though dear? Where are you!
BiTMAP - Dude BiT... Talk about chat pimpage lol. A geek in arms like myself this guy knows all there is to know about the tech. Another OG chat homey.
blackbombay - My french connection! Just looove hearing her inquisitve tone when us boys say some stupid shit lol. And one of the few girls I think can pull of sexy while smoking a cigarette.
Brinny - OK OK I dont remember EXACTLY what we talked about; it was a while ago. But must say: 1) Natural Beauty and 2) Amazing photography, the girls got skillzzzzz.
Brite - The Netherlands connection (though totally she is an American). I dont know why but I cant help but to think of Rainbow Brite everytime I talked to her back in the day lol. Ooh, and shes down with the gamers.
BrokenGlassHeart - Used to see you in chat a bit dear but you've been away. Gotta love our dog and fooooood talks though.
Burmilla - New to my list but have already loved seeing her photography and hearing her rants about movies lol.
Cai - Smiles... beautiful beautiful smiles... (great taste in music too)
CharlieLove - Dude, how can you NOT love charles... she is my fucking party love. Can't wait to hang with you girly when I get to San Francisco.
Chris_Gore - Nuff said... lol no DVDuesdays and his geek stats, plus being able to take on a shit load of angry geeks (from GeekDrome) makes him tough shit and a homie.
CockZombie - awe my lovely Pirate Hooker... stalker extrordinaire
. Kisses love. Can't even figure where to begin with you lol!
CRITICALdiva - PDXers for life! If I remember Diva was another one of the very first people I talked to on here.
cyba_doll - Some UK love in the house! Total SG material.
CynicismDirect - PWNs me in the category obscure geek culture and the reigning champ of 80's cartoon attacks. PLUS, she is an f'n stunner! Love you dearly Tues, and you will always have a special piece of my heart.
Daleyy - Chat Original! TBNBU as well lol. And gave me the nickname Lionheart.
danielsonc - Chat homie and funny ass guy... always makes the room fun.
Diaz - OOFTA, Hotty! lol
My South African wife I swear lol. Amazing girlie and you know it.
digitaltides - LOL, we may have way too much in common. DT rocks and one of the main reasons I even started digging on street art. Thank you buddy for that, now get your ass to Cali when I get down there and we will have to tear shit up.
Digital_Ninja - OG straight up, another guy that I can totally crack up to for hours! Definetly gonna be someone to hang with when I move.
Disdain - Actually met her in real life before on here when at a PDX event. Funny shit gleams from her mouth lol.
DreadThis - Chat fiend and Guitar Hero Junkie just like me!
drewyoon - This guy has the skills that pay the bills literally lol. Love his photography and his website rocks too.
Echo - More love for my PDX friends, I think another one of the first few people I talked to on SG.
Eliska - Hmm... my jacket has a comfy home I guess lol. No, beautiful and sweet girl. Psycho driver (though she would say I drive like a fuckin grandma lol). Nothing but love for ya babe.
Emelye - Full Package... sweet, sexy, intelligent, and funny. Love talkin to you dear.
ephexis - My Chat HOMIE, lol this dude can DISH the shit out like a mutha fucka!!!! All in good fun though. Gotsta love the Eph.
evileyefirefly - Another chat OG. Hilarious with his wifey _claw.
EyesOfaTragedy - UMA!!! Can't help but watch her giggle like crazy in chat and through out some nasty ass comments lol. Always seems to end up at ass/shit jokes with you around lol. An absolute beauty as well.
Fychan - REALLY amazing artist... I mean check out his work... nuff said.
GlassDragon - My raving homegirl lol.
GoatsGoToHell - The real OOG. Gamer extrordinaire! One entertaining sonofabitch lol. Gotsta love the Goats!
greggster - Another OOG. Fuck greggy made me what I am today lol. Talk about a funny mother fucker, this is the guy. The beez kneez the shits giggle... erhm yeah.
GregWeed - Another PDX Homie I have gotten to actually hang with. Hardcore, only person I know that will ride a motorcycle year round in Portland.We gotta hang more Gregg!
HalSparks - Do I really need to explain lol. One of the main reasons I got hooked on VH1s Best Week Ever or I Love the 80's in the first place.
Helly - Aussie pride! Helly has rock my socks off since the first day I was here. A jazzhead too!
Hossenfeffah - Dude, dont know how many times I brought up Foghorn Leghorn to you lol.
Hydra - An OG chatter, not chatting much anymore. Another artist friend.
Jaime - LOL, gotta love ya James with your crazy love for Dice and Ice baby! Always great to hear what you have to say
Jamagick - Dude, new to chat but hilarious that one night! Must hang again buddy!
Jocelynn - Pocket crush from back in the day lol. Damn YOU POKES!!! (kidding) Sweetheart and amazing photographer... funny and witty as well.
KaiTHANX - Another OG. Uh oh what to say about KAI KAI... BUTTSECKS? hmm no lol. Too many things to even narrow down. All around "honey", sticky sticky honey lol. Love ya KAIKAI!
Kamikaze_Kid - The Seattle brotha! Fun guy and actually got to meet him in person. Yes we must hang again Kami before I leave!
KellyJoy - Dude, I remember some times in chat lol... wont go into details but KJ you rock.
kelseyvanity - If the world was destroyed and the world needed to be repopulated Kels and I would be sexual bunny lovers lol. She totally just wants my good genes lol.
KevKev - Oh GOD! Kev who??? LOL, dude he is like all the Ridalin I ever would need in a lifetime. Fuckin hilarious and shit. A quick homie and can fuckin light up a room instantly.
Kraven11 - Haha! Kraven has some funny shit to say when he talks at all lol. TeamDiaz united bro.
LCLgirl - Awe look at the mommies belly! Another chat rocking friend.
LeMansTheRogue - My brotha from another motha! SHAKE AND BAKE BRO! I swear if we lived in the same town watch out ladies, we would rock this shiznit hardcore. Friends for life bro.
leWhitelines - Moni, the sweetheart of chat... I swear one day that sheet is gonna slip and your going to give the boys all perma-rections, lol.
London - Amazing photog skills and gotta love Sinferno
Lynx - My other South African looove. Her smiles are to die for boys. Such sweethearts too. Love ya Lynxie!
MalenaSkye - Awe its Skye... havent seen you much in chat but thats because Im sure the boy has taken precedence (good times)
Maligne - All I can say is hot kitty mreoawrrrr..prrrr.
mamathunder - Ms. Dreamy EYES!!! Love the mama soooo much. And she is an incredible rock for her son! Kisses honey.
MarkyMoo - Chat homie from back in the day! Good ol Marky, lol.
Mason - Where art and beauty combine you get Mason, lol. Hmm I dont even think I have really talked to her that much if any... oh well lol.
MILO - Our PDX leader lol. Fuckin great dude and hilarious. Another person I have had the privelage to hang with and definetly need to hang more often brotha!
MissDuke - OMG DUKIE!!! An accent and personality to DIE for! Gaahhh I miss ya dukes lol. Talented as hell.
MissKristin - Hubba hubba, lol... yeah I gotta go corny when its MissK. She rocks my hotsauce. She has me rolling sometimes with her humor too.
MissShell - OMG talk about a freak-a-leak lol, dayuummmm.... This girl could own AU with her saucey sexy attitude. Hot stuff my friends hot stuff.
Neo - Awe NEO!!! My swiss loooove (wait I think swiss right?!) I really cant think of a way not to call her absolutely adorable. She gives me smiles no matter what is going on in life. Love you BABE!
NextTuesday - Ass Pirate extrordinaire!!! LOL, I love my TUES sooooo much. So many levels to this girl and all of them are amazing. Its a treat to ever have even known her.
Niccisky - Uh oh! It's _claw's wifey!!! LOL an absolute sweetheart and I need to see more of you guys!
ninjaphoto - Photography master blaster! All thats needed to be said.
NurseJill - Duuuuuuuude, if I was female I was be wetting my panties at thinking of ever getting a chance to be with this girl OMG! Brains, beauty, heart, humor... good lord she shouldn't be single at all! My homegirl, if I lived in her area we would totally have to hang. Love you NJ!
Onie - The hottstuff wrapped into a little Onie style package. Awesomeness inbodied in a beautiful girls frame.
PeaceOrchestra - OG as well. Love you Peacy! Great photographer, funny as hell and a sweetheart to boot. Friend for life honey.
Pistolita - I think I heard about Pistolita when I first ever knew about SG. This girl is an absolute sweetheart and her bf is cool too! Which means YOU BOTH need to come hang out again sometime K lol. I dont know where to even begin with Pistolita, I mean we all know she is spitfire fuckin hot. But there is so much extra sprinkles and topping to finish her off that its hard to begin. Maybe here are the words: my picture of the embodiment of what SG truly means in every sense. She IS SG, lol. Much love sweetie.
Posh - The final straw in getting me to come over to SG... Diggnation all the way Poshy.
providencia - Chat OOG homie!!! Dude Provey is all that can and will ROCK. This guy can be asleep at his computer and still make us bust up laughing.
pyropixie - Ball Thrash Master! Shredder of the nutsack, queen of peen mashing... ok not really just fucking epic in every way. What would Raptor Jesus do? Kick a fucker in the McNuggets with his red Cons? Yes.
Qwerty - An uber geek godess! Love her line art and another Diggnation fan!
Rachy - Another new girl but fun as hell. Great art and attitude and more UK love!
Ramona - Good ol' Ramona Quimby (age 8) lol. Miss you in chat girly!
Reese79 - A new homie in the ranks! Dude Reese cracks my shit up and is an all around cool guy. NW all the way bro. We definetly will be hanging when I get to Cali, cali.
Riz - I love being able to share my shitty B movie knowledge with you Rizzy!!! We would so be movie sluts together if we lived close by each other lol.
Sasquatch - Awe I know snakes is no longer here at SG with us but duuuude, Ill never take my homeboy off the friends list. Snakes you rock my brotha! A great man in so many different ways.
SAYshesCLASSY - Awe my Classy girl! This girl has more charisma in her pinky than alot of us do all together. Man-magnet would be a good word for her too lol. Great heart, great friend. Always love ya Chels!
Schmelectra - I feel for her, she can actually hand all that is ATOMICANT! No lol, fucking great girl and a great couple they make. When you guys are bumpin uglies we all need to hang more lol.
Seneca - YAY PDX. Our paths haven't crossed yet but she is an awesoe lady and a beautiful pregonant mommy!
ShandyLouHoo - Now his girl, whew!!! I mean she may look like a sweet shy girl but damn! She will knock you over with her sultry looks and wild attitude. Men will bow at her feet not knowing what hit them lol. A goddess among men
Sharonaaaaa - OMG Shar fuckin gets me rollin all the time... and must correct me when I mispronounce jewish words lol. Homegirl for life and a NY hangout must if or when I go there.
Sinope - UK Princess... been a while but she is hilarious and such a warm heart.
Starshine2Him - AKA Canelle, such a sweetheart and another chat friend.
Stumm - New chat homie and another wonder of the late night chat crack up squad. I swear we have an allstar team with Stumm up to bat lol. We will definetly be hanging out when im in San Fran Stumm!
suicide_pinkie - OOG again! Another one that makes me speachless, Pinkie is one of the reasons I kept coming into SG chat in the first place. This dude cracks me up nonstop and now has an amazing wifey to create a dynamic superduo. Love ya Pinks!
Sunshine - Uhm hooooooooot!!!! lol. Sunshine is another smiler like myself and seriously has the sweetest heart of someone I barely know. She rocks awesome sauce period.
Tease - I can't help but giggle when I think of the fun times we have all had with Teasy. Miss you babe.
teege37 - Dude dont get my homeboy started on the Star Wars, this guy will fire some shit off you wont ever expect lol. You rock teege.
testykitten - Gretta Garbo and Aubrey Hepburn come to mind immediately when I think of testy. She is such a classic woman that any many would die to have in their life. Such elegance and beauty and yet such personality. She maintains them all in perfect harmony. What an absolute doll.
TheDunnDeal - Geekdrome all the way bro, all the ep-tothemothafuckin-ic way.
thefreak - Dude, its the freak! No explanation needed. OOG all the way for SG. He is king among his people lol. Funny as hell and I cant wai to see what new stuff he says each week.
TheFuckOffKid - TFOK shed new light on what it means to be a crazy cool mother fuckin OZZIE. lol, he is the witches tit... I dunno what that means exactly but I guess thats him lol.
Tiki - Our beautiful chat regular that the boys swoon over.
Toki - My Tokilokes!!!! I miss you babe and ALWAYS seem to be gone when you are there. An OG that came around right about the same time I was here. Fucking brilliant and beautiful. Totally makes me think of a childhood crush when I giggle with her.
yennabear - Mr. Pussyfarts where did you go! Ahh good times had with Yenna! Such a doll and a freakin Hottie to boot.
OMG whew, that took fucking forever lol. Its all good though I have to give you all love and thank you so much for making the last year so fucking amazingly fun. You all are awesome and I love every moment of it. LOL, sounds like Im leaving or something; no my ass is staying here and this list of people will just continue to grow and grow!
A few people I dont want to forget that rock my fuckin socks off would be Odette (swoon, so awesome... my heart skips a bit everytime I get to laugh with you), and SarahLeeCupcake (such a studdette, I miss our hanging times and really hope the SF thing goes well so we can be roomies!).
Alright again I will leave you with a little taste of my music love this week which happens to be Blackalicious but seeing that I can't find the video I want to show you on youtube I will show this one that is comparatively good and has Gift of Gab (lead in Blackalicious). Enjoy:
Motion Man, KutMasta Kurt, Gift Of Gab - 1 Time For Your Mind
Dude, just makes me wanna pop n lock...
Talk to you all soon,
JP
...Showing some love as well.
Hey Everyone. Got to thinking that it was about time I cleaned out my friends list here just to make sure I am paying attention to the regular crowd... Don't worry if you see this blog posted in your Friends Blog list than I didn't delete you. I have already went through and cleaned out the list and thought it was kind crazy that in such a short amount of time I have had the opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of about 108 people here (just counting my friends list). So I thought I would spend just a few moments and go through the list to give shout outs so you all know I remember each and every one of you and our time here on SG. So here is my list, I'll keep comments brief but no that I think about alot more than what is just stated here:
Abra - I think Abs was one of the very first people posted a comment to on here and just have to love my PDXers.
Allure - What can I not say about you dear! LOL, you rock in every single way, shape, and form. Friends forever love. Ooh and gotta love the silly accent

Amiba - My PS skill loving lady. Incredible artwork she does, still waiting for you to show me some of those techniques lol.
AnnaMarie - My music loving queen lol. Such a sweetheart in so many ways. And yay for mini doxie love. Weenies unite lol.
Argosytech - Haha, Argo fuckin rocks and he knows it. This dude can dish shit to me anytime. And dude mac love all the way!
Atomicant - One of the fastest long-term friends I think I have ever made lol. And one of the few I have met in person. Homies for life my friend, you fucking cockwhore lol! Seriously great dude.
Azari - You mean the queen of chat blockage lol. Love my Washington crowd representin'!
Barbequebutt - STILL haven't hung out with this douchebag lol. NO BBQ is a fucking riot and has to be to maintain the PyroPixie. The funnest asshole I think I have met in a while, lol. Wait gross...
BeckyJane - UNF... enough said lol

billiebillie - Billie... dude chat OG at its finest! Talk about a girl not afraid to hit you with a giant black cock lol, too cool. Total sweetie, yet STOLE pictures of cock

Bird - Bird is a fun chatter and I always love to hear what she has to say about life. Haven't seen you around in a while though dear? Where are you!
BiTMAP - Dude BiT... Talk about chat pimpage lol. A geek in arms like myself this guy knows all there is to know about the tech. Another OG chat homey.
blackbombay - My french connection! Just looove hearing her inquisitve tone when us boys say some stupid shit lol. And one of the few girls I think can pull of sexy while smoking a cigarette.
Brinny - OK OK I dont remember EXACTLY what we talked about; it was a while ago. But must say: 1) Natural Beauty and 2) Amazing photography, the girls got skillzzzzz.
Brite - The Netherlands connection (though totally she is an American). I dont know why but I cant help but to think of Rainbow Brite everytime I talked to her back in the day lol. Ooh, and shes down with the gamers.
BrokenGlassHeart - Used to see you in chat a bit dear but you've been away. Gotta love our dog and fooooood talks though.
Burmilla - New to my list but have already loved seeing her photography and hearing her rants about movies lol.
Cai - Smiles... beautiful beautiful smiles... (great taste in music too)

CharlieLove - Dude, how can you NOT love charles... she is my fucking party love. Can't wait to hang with you girly when I get to San Francisco.
Chris_Gore - Nuff said... lol no DVDuesdays and his geek stats, plus being able to take on a shit load of angry geeks (from GeekDrome) makes him tough shit and a homie.
CockZombie - awe my lovely Pirate Hooker... stalker extrordinaire

CRITICALdiva - PDXers for life! If I remember Diva was another one of the very first people I talked to on here.
cyba_doll - Some UK love in the house! Total SG material.
CynicismDirect - PWNs me in the category obscure geek culture and the reigning champ of 80's cartoon attacks. PLUS, she is an f'n stunner! Love you dearly Tues, and you will always have a special piece of my heart.
Daleyy - Chat Original! TBNBU as well lol. And gave me the nickname Lionheart.
danielsonc - Chat homie and funny ass guy... always makes the room fun.
Diaz - OOFTA, Hotty! lol

digitaltides - LOL, we may have way too much in common. DT rocks and one of the main reasons I even started digging on street art. Thank you buddy for that, now get your ass to Cali when I get down there and we will have to tear shit up.
Digital_Ninja - OG straight up, another guy that I can totally crack up to for hours! Definetly gonna be someone to hang with when I move.
Disdain - Actually met her in real life before on here when at a PDX event. Funny shit gleams from her mouth lol.
DreadThis - Chat fiend and Guitar Hero Junkie just like me!
drewyoon - This guy has the skills that pay the bills literally lol. Love his photography and his website rocks too.
Echo - More love for my PDX friends, I think another one of the first few people I talked to on SG.
Eliska - Hmm... my jacket has a comfy home I guess lol. No, beautiful and sweet girl. Psycho driver (though she would say I drive like a fuckin grandma lol). Nothing but love for ya babe.
Emelye - Full Package... sweet, sexy, intelligent, and funny. Love talkin to you dear.
ephexis - My Chat HOMIE, lol this dude can DISH the shit out like a mutha fucka!!!! All in good fun though. Gotsta love the Eph.
evileyefirefly - Another chat OG. Hilarious with his wifey _claw.
EyesOfaTragedy - UMA!!! Can't help but watch her giggle like crazy in chat and through out some nasty ass comments lol. Always seems to end up at ass/shit jokes with you around lol. An absolute beauty as well.
Fychan - REALLY amazing artist... I mean check out his work... nuff said.
GlassDragon - My raving homegirl lol.
GoatsGoToHell - The real OOG. Gamer extrordinaire! One entertaining sonofabitch lol. Gotsta love the Goats!
greggster - Another OOG. Fuck greggy made me what I am today lol. Talk about a funny mother fucker, this is the guy. The beez kneez the shits giggle... erhm yeah.
GregWeed - Another PDX Homie I have gotten to actually hang with. Hardcore, only person I know that will ride a motorcycle year round in Portland.We gotta hang more Gregg!
HalSparks - Do I really need to explain lol. One of the main reasons I got hooked on VH1s Best Week Ever or I Love the 80's in the first place.
Helly - Aussie pride! Helly has rock my socks off since the first day I was here. A jazzhead too!
Hossenfeffah - Dude, dont know how many times I brought up Foghorn Leghorn to you lol.
Hydra - An OG chatter, not chatting much anymore. Another artist friend.
Jaime - LOL, gotta love ya James with your crazy love for Dice and Ice baby! Always great to hear what you have to say

Jamagick - Dude, new to chat but hilarious that one night! Must hang again buddy!
Jocelynn - Pocket crush from back in the day lol. Damn YOU POKES!!! (kidding) Sweetheart and amazing photographer... funny and witty as well.
KaiTHANX - Another OG. Uh oh what to say about KAI KAI... BUTTSECKS? hmm no lol. Too many things to even narrow down. All around "honey", sticky sticky honey lol. Love ya KAIKAI!
Kamikaze_Kid - The Seattle brotha! Fun guy and actually got to meet him in person. Yes we must hang again Kami before I leave!
KellyJoy - Dude, I remember some times in chat lol... wont go into details but KJ you rock.
kelseyvanity - If the world was destroyed and the world needed to be repopulated Kels and I would be sexual bunny lovers lol. She totally just wants my good genes lol.
KevKev - Oh GOD! Kev who??? LOL, dude he is like all the Ridalin I ever would need in a lifetime. Fuckin hilarious and shit. A quick homie and can fuckin light up a room instantly.
Kraven11 - Haha! Kraven has some funny shit to say when he talks at all lol. TeamDiaz united bro.
LCLgirl - Awe look at the mommies belly! Another chat rocking friend.
LeMansTheRogue - My brotha from another motha! SHAKE AND BAKE BRO! I swear if we lived in the same town watch out ladies, we would rock this shiznit hardcore. Friends for life bro.
leWhitelines - Moni, the sweetheart of chat... I swear one day that sheet is gonna slip and your going to give the boys all perma-rections, lol.
London - Amazing photog skills and gotta love Sinferno

Lynx - My other South African looove. Her smiles are to die for boys. Such sweethearts too. Love ya Lynxie!
MalenaSkye - Awe its Skye... havent seen you much in chat but thats because Im sure the boy has taken precedence (good times)

Maligne - All I can say is hot kitty mreoawrrrr..prrrr.
mamathunder - Ms. Dreamy EYES!!! Love the mama soooo much. And she is an incredible rock for her son! Kisses honey.
MarkyMoo - Chat homie from back in the day! Good ol Marky, lol.
Mason - Where art and beauty combine you get Mason, lol. Hmm I dont even think I have really talked to her that much if any... oh well lol.
MILO - Our PDX leader lol. Fuckin great dude and hilarious. Another person I have had the privelage to hang with and definetly need to hang more often brotha!
MissDuke - OMG DUKIE!!! An accent and personality to DIE for! Gaahhh I miss ya dukes lol. Talented as hell.
MissKristin - Hubba hubba, lol... yeah I gotta go corny when its MissK. She rocks my hotsauce. She has me rolling sometimes with her humor too.
MissShell - OMG talk about a freak-a-leak lol, dayuummmm.... This girl could own AU with her saucey sexy attitude. Hot stuff my friends hot stuff.
Neo - Awe NEO!!! My swiss loooove (wait I think swiss right?!) I really cant think of a way not to call her absolutely adorable. She gives me smiles no matter what is going on in life. Love you BABE!
NextTuesday - Ass Pirate extrordinaire!!! LOL, I love my TUES sooooo much. So many levels to this girl and all of them are amazing. Its a treat to ever have even known her.
Niccisky - Uh oh! It's _claw's wifey!!! LOL an absolute sweetheart and I need to see more of you guys!
ninjaphoto - Photography master blaster! All thats needed to be said.
NurseJill - Duuuuuuuude, if I was female I was be wetting my panties at thinking of ever getting a chance to be with this girl OMG! Brains, beauty, heart, humor... good lord she shouldn't be single at all! My homegirl, if I lived in her area we would totally have to hang. Love you NJ!
Onie - The hottstuff wrapped into a little Onie style package. Awesomeness inbodied in a beautiful girls frame.
PeaceOrchestra - OG as well. Love you Peacy! Great photographer, funny as hell and a sweetheart to boot. Friend for life honey.
Pistolita - I think I heard about Pistolita when I first ever knew about SG. This girl is an absolute sweetheart and her bf is cool too! Which means YOU BOTH need to come hang out again sometime K lol. I dont know where to even begin with Pistolita, I mean we all know she is spitfire fuckin hot. But there is so much extra sprinkles and topping to finish her off that its hard to begin. Maybe here are the words: my picture of the embodiment of what SG truly means in every sense. She IS SG, lol. Much love sweetie.
Posh - The final straw in getting me to come over to SG... Diggnation all the way Poshy.
providencia - Chat OOG homie!!! Dude Provey is all that can and will ROCK. This guy can be asleep at his computer and still make us bust up laughing.
pyropixie - Ball Thrash Master! Shredder of the nutsack, queen of peen mashing... ok not really just fucking epic in every way. What would Raptor Jesus do? Kick a fucker in the McNuggets with his red Cons? Yes.
Qwerty - An uber geek godess! Love her line art and another Diggnation fan!
Rachy - Another new girl but fun as hell. Great art and attitude and more UK love!
Ramona - Good ol' Ramona Quimby (age 8) lol. Miss you in chat girly!
Reese79 - A new homie in the ranks! Dude Reese cracks my shit up and is an all around cool guy. NW all the way bro. We definetly will be hanging when I get to Cali, cali.
Riz - I love being able to share my shitty B movie knowledge with you Rizzy!!! We would so be movie sluts together if we lived close by each other lol.
Sasquatch - Awe I know snakes is no longer here at SG with us but duuuude, Ill never take my homeboy off the friends list. Snakes you rock my brotha! A great man in so many different ways.
SAYshesCLASSY - Awe my Classy girl! This girl has more charisma in her pinky than alot of us do all together. Man-magnet would be a good word for her too lol. Great heart, great friend. Always love ya Chels!
Schmelectra - I feel for her, she can actually hand all that is ATOMICANT! No lol, fucking great girl and a great couple they make. When you guys are bumpin uglies we all need to hang more lol.
Seneca - YAY PDX. Our paths haven't crossed yet but she is an awesoe lady and a beautiful pregonant mommy!
ShandyLouHoo - Now his girl, whew!!! I mean she may look like a sweet shy girl but damn! She will knock you over with her sultry looks and wild attitude. Men will bow at her feet not knowing what hit them lol. A goddess among men

Sharonaaaaa - OMG Shar fuckin gets me rollin all the time... and must correct me when I mispronounce jewish words lol. Homegirl for life and a NY hangout must if or when I go there.
Sinope - UK Princess... been a while but she is hilarious and such a warm heart.
Starshine2Him - AKA Canelle, such a sweetheart and another chat friend.
Stumm - New chat homie and another wonder of the late night chat crack up squad. I swear we have an allstar team with Stumm up to bat lol. We will definetly be hanging out when im in San Fran Stumm!
suicide_pinkie - OOG again! Another one that makes me speachless, Pinkie is one of the reasons I kept coming into SG chat in the first place. This dude cracks me up nonstop and now has an amazing wifey to create a dynamic superduo. Love ya Pinks!
Sunshine - Uhm hooooooooot!!!! lol. Sunshine is another smiler like myself and seriously has the sweetest heart of someone I barely know. She rocks awesome sauce period.
Tease - I can't help but giggle when I think of the fun times we have all had with Teasy. Miss you babe.
teege37 - Dude dont get my homeboy started on the Star Wars, this guy will fire some shit off you wont ever expect lol. You rock teege.
testykitten - Gretta Garbo and Aubrey Hepburn come to mind immediately when I think of testy. She is such a classic woman that any many would die to have in their life. Such elegance and beauty and yet such personality. She maintains them all in perfect harmony. What an absolute doll.

TheDunnDeal - Geekdrome all the way bro, all the ep-tothemothafuckin-ic way.
thefreak - Dude, its the freak! No explanation needed. OOG all the way for SG. He is king among his people lol. Funny as hell and I cant wai to see what new stuff he says each week.
TheFuckOffKid - TFOK shed new light on what it means to be a crazy cool mother fuckin OZZIE. lol, he is the witches tit... I dunno what that means exactly but I guess thats him lol.
Tiki - Our beautiful chat regular that the boys swoon over.
Toki - My Tokilokes!!!! I miss you babe and ALWAYS seem to be gone when you are there. An OG that came around right about the same time I was here. Fucking brilliant and beautiful. Totally makes me think of a childhood crush when I giggle with her.
yennabear - Mr. Pussyfarts where did you go! Ahh good times had with Yenna! Such a doll and a freakin Hottie to boot.
OMG whew, that took fucking forever lol. Its all good though I have to give you all love and thank you so much for making the last year so fucking amazingly fun. You all are awesome and I love every moment of it. LOL, sounds like Im leaving or something; no my ass is staying here and this list of people will just continue to grow and grow!
A few people I dont want to forget that rock my fuckin socks off would be Odette (swoon, so awesome... my heart skips a bit everytime I get to laugh with you), and SarahLeeCupcake (such a studdette, I miss our hanging times and really hope the SF thing goes well so we can be roomies!).
Alright again I will leave you with a little taste of my music love this week which happens to be Blackalicious but seeing that I can't find the video I want to show you on youtube I will show this one that is comparatively good and has Gift of Gab (lead in Blackalicious). Enjoy:
Motion Man, KutMasta Kurt, Gift Of Gab - 1 Time For Your Mind
Dude, just makes me wanna pop n lock...
Talk to you all soon,

Pls make some new cool stuff.
a tire hit her in the face!
what was she doing putting her face near tires?
no no no, this tire hunted mary down. this tire murdered mary.