not much to say in this blog really.
ive had a shit week, we found out my mums dog jimi( i kind of viewed him as mine too because i was so close to him) we found out he had tumours in his liver and spleen. big horrible nasty terminal tumours.
he had been out of sorts for a few weeks, but nothing extreme or...
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ive had a shit week, we found out my mums dog jimi( i kind of viewed him as mine too because i was so close to him) we found out he had tumours in his liver and spleen. big horrible nasty terminal tumours.
he had been out of sorts for a few weeks, but nothing extreme or...
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me and brian went to blackpool pleasure beach today and went on some rollarcoasters and had fun!
made a change from my daily routine, it was nice to get away, and spend some time with brian. its been the first time in nearly 2 years that we have spent the day apart from louis.
brian hasnt been on a rollarcoaster since he was 15 and...
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made a change from my daily routine, it was nice to get away, and spend some time with brian. its been the first time in nearly 2 years that we have spent the day apart from louis.
brian hasnt been on a rollarcoaster since he was 15 and...
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I'm soooooooooooo glad you two had such a great day together love

glad you had a great time 

louis is really amusing me, hes developing a real sense of humour! he makes me laugh all the time
he laughs when he farts, and then says " oooh farted!" hahahah
ive got loads done today, lots of washing, tidying, washing up, cleaned the stairs, tidied in the bedroom, empited bins, put the recycling out, sorted brians packed lunch for tommorrow, did a workout, posted...
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he laughs when he farts, and then says " oooh farted!" hahahah
ive got loads done today, lots of washing, tidying, washing up, cleaned the stairs, tidied in the bedroom, empited bins, put the recycling out, sorted brians packed lunch for tommorrow, did a workout, posted...
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Wow, the photo shoot sounds so exciting! And why wouldn't it be amazing, even with your 'ugly mug' in it (which of course I disagree with wholeheartedly!!).
I don't think you need to worry because you haven't been to ww for a few weeks, heck if you only need to go 5 times in a year, you're nowhere near failing by missing a bloody month, please try not to worry about it.
I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying your new weight and getting out and about more and making the most of it. However, I know when I was at my thinnest, I wasn't at my happiest. I spent far too much time worrying about maintaining my low weight, and it became too much of a focus for me that I actually forgot to keep living and enjoying my life. It's a weird one and I wouldn't want to see anyone else going through that (I'm not saying you are by the way, just kinda putting it out there I guess).
Well done you for doing the shred too, I need to investigate this more me thinks.
I hope you have a fab time at Blackpool this week too, I wish I could join you!! Much love xx
I don't think you need to worry because you haven't been to ww for a few weeks, heck if you only need to go 5 times in a year, you're nowhere near failing by missing a bloody month, please try not to worry about it.
I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying your new weight and getting out and about more and making the most of it. However, I know when I was at my thinnest, I wasn't at my happiest. I spent far too much time worrying about maintaining my low weight, and it became too much of a focus for me that I actually forgot to keep living and enjoying my life. It's a weird one and I wouldn't want to see anyone else going through that (I'm not saying you are by the way, just kinda putting it out there I guess).
Well done you for doing the shred too, I need to investigate this more me thinks.
I hope you have a fab time at Blackpool this week too, I wish I could join you!! Much love xx
It is good to laugh
Wow you have bee productive.
I dont think it is that big of a deal, they know you have worked hard, you can miss and they will not mind.
Well you know it takes a while for skin to catch up with weight loss, when we gain weight skin stretches, just need to do some weight training and sooner or latter everything will be where it is suppose to be
sounds like you are doing that already, so keep it up.
I hope you post photos of the photo shot, I would love to see them

Wow you have bee productive.
I dont think it is that big of a deal, they know you have worked hard, you can miss and they will not mind.
Well you know it takes a while for skin to catch up with weight loss, when we gain weight skin stretches, just need to do some weight training and sooner or latter everything will be where it is suppose to be

I hope you post photos of the photo shot, I would love to see them

hey all!
it feels wierd being here! i have no idea what ill do once this runs out....ill probably not renew it seeing as money is still pretty tight.
i cant remember what was going on last time i was here, but as i said last time, ive lost a lot of weight. im super happy about it. i feel so much healthier and fitter,...
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it feels wierd being here! i have no idea what ill do once this runs out....ill probably not renew it seeing as money is still pretty tight.
i cant remember what was going on last time i was here, but as i said last time, ive lost a lot of weight. im super happy about it. i feel so much healthier and fitter,...
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Wow missus you are looking amazing! Congratulations I know it can't have been easy! And the little man is looking so big now - why did kids grow so quick?!?
Congratulations to you once again for your massive weight loss.
And thanks, I love that picture too. I just saw the opportunity to take it and when it came out I thought it looked fantastic. Probably one of my favourite ones I took during the night.
As for me and the ex, we keep falling out. Well... She keeps getting pissed off at me when I've done nothing wrong. Pisses me off that she keeps being immature about the whole thing rather than discussing things like adults with me. But ah well. Never mind.
I hope you are well.
And thanks, I love that picture too. I just saw the opportunity to take it and when it came out I thought it looked fantastic. Probably one of my favourite ones I took during the night.

As for me and the ex, we keep falling out. Well... She keeps getting pissed off at me when I've done nothing wrong. Pisses me off that she keeps being immature about the whole thing rather than discussing things like adults with me. But ah well. Never mind.
I hope you are well.

whoa! someone reactivated my account???
thanks whoever you are!
well, lots has changed, ive lost 103 lbs in total now, so im officially normal! and have gone from a size 24/26 to a 10/12
my little boy louis is nearly two! cant believe how fast that has come around!
right well im gonna leave it that, i dont even know who would be reading this...
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thanks whoever you are!
well, lots has changed, ive lost 103 lbs in total now, so im officially normal! and have gone from a size 24/26 to a 10/12

my little boy louis is nearly two! cant believe how fast that has come around!
right well im gonna leave it that, i dont even know who would be reading this...
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Wow, 103 lbs is amazing! Welcome back. 

think ive pulled a muscle or something, better not go on the rower today, let it rest, ill walk about instead.
i actually worked out how much im lost in real total, because i actually lost a fair bit before starting weight watchers, but i kinda just class my total from the start of ww.
but i wanted to work it out just to see...and...
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i actually worked out how much im lost in real total, because i actually lost a fair bit before starting weight watchers, but i kinda just class my total from the start of ww.
but i wanted to work it out just to see...and...
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Great work on the weight loss
and sounds good news about the job, saving on the petrol may even out the pay drop. And petrol is only gonna get more expensive, hope all goes well x

How did I miss this blog?! You've lost a shit-ton of weight and I'm extremely proud of you lady!! 
By now I'm guessing Brian got the new job too - we really need to catch up with each other more you know!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend, lots of love xx

By now I'm guessing Brian got the new job too - we really need to catch up with each other more you know!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend, lots of love xx
lost another pound and a half, so in total 20 and a half lbs, yey!!!
im getting there, i told you all i was gonna lose weight this year and i am!
im getting there, i told you all i was gonna lose weight this year and i am!
Good job mama! I'm proud of you! ^ 5
You are doing so good, Im so proud of you, I knew you could do it.
i asked my mum a bit ago if she wanted to come to ours for christmas dinner, she told me today that shes not gonna bother cos im inexperianced at it......i mean yeah im not the best cook, but jeez, ive cooked christmas dinner loads of times. i told her that cos brian might be working on xmas day that, i would be waiting for...
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Glad you liked the ST tracks, all i wnted was a pepsi LOL great reference to a classic song
just read your blog, thats really hurtful what your mum said, you really were being nice offereing to cook for her. I think focus on your own family now, thats where the real happiness is x

just read your blog, thats really hurtful what your mum said, you really were being nice offereing to cook for her. I think focus on your own family now, thats where the real happiness is x
I know I'm not the only one love, I'm sorry you're having to deal with it too
PS: Sorry to hear your mum is still being a bitch; I guess they don't change

PS: Sorry to hear your mum is still being a bitch; I guess they don't change

lost another 3.5 LBS so my total weightloss is now 19 lbs. not bad!!!
dont have much to report really other than the fact that i am tired tired tired!!!!
dont have much to report really other than the fact that i am tired tired tired!!!!
that ain't bad at all, in fact it is fanfreakingtastic
Go you, Im very proud of you.
THIS IS IT was amazing.....would have been one hell of a show thats for sure.
today my plan is mainly to be busy busy busy, in beween sorting louis out, playing with him, feeding etc, i have to cleana nd tidy this house, its a mess, and ive let it all get on top of me. its just so hard to keep a house...
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today my plan is mainly to be busy busy busy, in beween sorting louis out, playing with him, feeding etc, i have to cleana nd tidy this house, its a mess, and ive let it all get on top of me. its just so hard to keep a house...
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im glad you enjoyed the movie.
I hope you got all that stuff done, Im sure it is hard when you have a little kid.
I hope the rower does you a lot of good.
That is a lot and your doing it slow witch is the only way to do it, people try to lose a lot to fast and it hurts them.
I have not seen the movie, I know all about it, but I didnt like how it was suppose to end so I never saw it.
I dont know if they will or not, It hurts so bad.
I hope you got all that stuff done, Im sure it is hard when you have a little kid.
I hope the rower does you a lot of good.
That is a lot and your doing it slow witch is the only way to do it, people try to lose a lot to fast and it hurts them.
I have not seen the movie, I know all about it, but I didnt like how it was suppose to end so I never saw it.
I dont know if they will or not, It hurts so bad.
lost 2 more lbs
ive also now got a pedometer so im hoping i can really get even more fit now.
im going to the cinema tonight to watch michael jacksons this is it!!!!
thats all folks

ive also now got a pedometer so im hoping i can really get even more fit now.
im going to the cinema tonight to watch michael jacksons this is it!!!!
thats all folks
im really happy for you.
I hope that does help you out a lot, I hope you can get fit a lot faster.
I hope you enjoyed the movie.
I hope that does help you out a lot, I hope you can get fit a lot faster.
I hope you enjoyed the movie.
I know, I refuse to try it. Fish is good, candy is good, fish candy is 9 kinds of wrong 

fuck!!!!!!!!!!! beyonce has sold out everywhere!!! so i tried to get tickets for paramore ( i saw them when they were just starting out and loved them ever since so it would be interesting to see them now that they have made it) but nope! sold out!!!!!!!
so nevermind, im gonna get a rowing machine instead to help me lose more weight.
and my friend...
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so nevermind, im gonna get a rowing machine instead to help me lose more weight.
and my friend...
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Now I want a yorkie pud
I've not had a decent one in ages...

im so sorry, you do need a nice day out, live music is good for the soul.
Im glad Brian went with you, I walk by myself all the time and it is always so lonely.
I really hope you lost at least as much as you wanted to.
Yorksire pudding looks good, but not at all what I thought it was going to be, pudding is totally different over here.
Im glad Brian went with you, I walk by myself all the time and it is always so lonely.
I really hope you lost at least as much as you wanted to.
Yorksire pudding looks good, but not at all what I thought it was going to be, pudding is totally different over here.
At least he's at peace now and knew nothing but love and warmth from you while he was alive. Not many animals get to feel that.
I love you darling, please take care of yourself in the coming days, it's gonna be hard sometimes xx