Story of the last 2 weeks....................
Hey everyone - I know that I am getting extremely bad at this whole updating thing but life has taken the fast road and I have no breaks right now
As you all know, Pete and I have been house hunting for the last 2 months and last post I put up a picture of a house that we were interested in................................well that fell through
After that, we went on to find another house to put an offer on and even before we had an inspection done on it we were warned that the house had major termite damage
So last weekend we found the perfect little starter home and put our offer in. All looked good until Monday morning when we found out that we were out bid so it was back to square one
Still looking and to be honest we are both getting tired of it all. Time is running out with Pete leaving the first part of July so chances are that I am stuck in this hell hole for the time being
We have 5 houses to look at tomorrow but after the last 3 houses I have learned not to get my hopes up.
In other is going well - I got a crash course in how to manage solo when my co worker got sick for 3 days leaving me to run the entire front office by myself. I didn't burn the building down so I guess I did somthing right at least.
Finally (sorry - short post since I am exhausted) last weekend Pete and I found a little time to take a drive through the Ortega mountains and fun times were had. So much infact that a set found it's way onto Petes camera
. It has been accepted for member review so I'll post the link when it goes up
For now it is queued up for 12am on the 17th as you can see HERE
(My set is called "Yellow Brick Road".......guess what the theme is??
Other than that - nothing new to report. How have you all been doing?? Any big plans for the weekend??

Hey everyone - I know that I am getting extremely bad at this whole updating thing but life has taken the fast road and I have no breaks right now

As you all know, Pete and I have been house hunting for the last 2 months and last post I put up a picture of a house that we were interested in................................well that fell through

In other is going well - I got a crash course in how to manage solo when my co worker got sick for 3 days leaving me to run the entire front office by myself. I didn't burn the building down so I guess I did somthing right at least.

Finally (sorry - short post since I am exhausted) last weekend Pete and I found a little time to take a drive through the Ortega mountains and fun times were had. So much infact that a set found it's way onto Petes camera

(My set is called "Yellow Brick Road".......guess what the theme is??

Other than that - nothing new to report. How have you all been doing?? Any big plans for the weekend??

How's the house hunting going? I know it can be stressful and somewhat depressing, but hang in there. You'll know when you find the right house.
Love you.