It is the day after AlienPrincess' birthday and I think she enjoyed herself... I think we covered as many enjoyable and spontaneous ways to amuse ourselves to outrank some of our other efforts in the past. I'd spill about them now but, I'll leave that to her...wouldn't want to steal her b-day thunder.
In my usual traits of being lazy, I haven't fired off directions to you friends coming out tomorrow night. It's all painfully easy though, will be elaborate as not to get anyone lost. You can expect something in your in-box no later than tomorrow morning. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, celebrating and driving, lots of driving leave WelnTaod a boy away from his keyboard.
In my usual traits of being lazy, I haven't fired off directions to you friends coming out tomorrow night. It's all painfully easy though, will be elaborate as not to get anyone lost. You can expect something in your in-box no later than tomorrow morning. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, celebrating and driving, lots of driving leave WelnTaod a boy away from his keyboard.
So I have a weird question for you... what does WELNTAOD mean?
Thanks for opening up the house to us on Monday night. The food was amazing. You gotta explain to me again how you made that rice sometime. Pref when I have a pen and paper handy cause my memory for day to day things suck. Just ask anyone