A brief break from the site taken over the weekend... More due to getting out and having fun than being with nothing to say to you fine folk!
For the past couple of days I've been trying to repair (in relative terms) the XBox that AlienPrincess and I bought for Xmas. I'd played a game ripped to its hard drive, saved it and rebooted to take a look at a configuration setting. What I then saw was the Box no longer recognizing of any of those same saved games as well as game saves (how far I'd completed the game).
Of course I own all these games, otherwise copying them would be illegal, non?
Replacing everything wasn't a problem. What was a concern was a) a month old device breaking -and- b) the near-complete lack of any costumer support one would expect from a computing device.
I own a Dell. Dell sent me an operating system disk, drivers and a sense that whatever problem I have can be amended, whether on-line or over the phone. The company we'd purchased the hacked XBox from supplied none of these. Luckily the Bit Torrent supported branch of the XBox family has welcomed me into its clammy handed embrace...
I downloaded via Torrent new dashboards, skins, applications and files to now deck out my Box far better than it had been in the first place. A happy ending certainly!
Saturday night the honorable ElmCityDrunk and I hungout... We were able to visit our friend Christian @ Lovecraft Tattoo who I'd passed along a SG membership to.
We huddled on my Mucha piece, talked placement and ground the gears into motion. ECD got some scouting done on the F. Scott Fittzgerald inspired work he's planning. We rounded off the evening w/ tunes from Uncle Tupelo, guffahs from Dave Chappelle and chinese food from Blessing II Go.
Tonight, for those of you in the immediate area, is Sushi Night w/ SGCT at Miya's in New Haven. Topic's up in the group and drinks are followed at Rudy's afterwards!

I own a Dell. Dell sent me an operating system disk, drivers and a sense that whatever problem I have can be amended, whether on-line or over the phone. The company we'd purchased the hacked XBox from supplied none of these. Luckily the Bit Torrent supported branch of the XBox family has welcomed me into its clammy handed embrace...

Saturday night the honorable ElmCityDrunk and I hungout... We were able to visit our friend Christian @ Lovecraft Tattoo who I'd passed along a SG membership to.

Tonight, for those of you in the immediate area, is Sushi Night w/ SGCT at Miya's in New Haven. Topic's up in the group and drinks are followed at Rudy's afterwards!

what a delightful series of events you are enjoying. continued joys, my friend.
I am back for a bit. I could no longer resist the lure of the artful (and art full) nakedness of SG.
Plus I have missed talking with you more frequently and reading arachne's wonderful musings.
You're such a cute geek! Is it scary that I sorta almost understand what you said by way of the osmosis that I get from my Boy? Teehee!