So, week in review...My MLK holiday was a welcomed four days off from work. Certainly needed even though days off are a frequent and regular occurence in my work-world...welcomed nonetheless.
Sunday was sleeping in, lounging, cooking, drinking tea and reading the paper. It's all things that others have reported back to me that they do since they don't work on Sundays. I do so, it was my day to try it out and feel guiltless in reveling in. Towards the end was a call from DarkRabbit reminding me that I'd agreed to give him a ride to the airport in his whirlwind two-day tour of California.
I'd completely remembered and reissued the notion that it was just fine, not a problem whatsoever (I am a good friend). I'd remembered it as dropping him off @ JFK on Tuesday around 5:30-6:00am... He contextually reminded that no, it was on Monday @ 3-4 hours time from that same phonecall (I am a bad friend). I calmly hung-up the phone, kissed AlienPrincess good night and proceeded to will myself to sleep.
With my neighbor's TV audible through the floor, I tried the same tactic but with inner-earbuds jammed inside my ear canals. Much tossing and turning, listening to Michael Nyman piano scores, trying to regain long forgotten comfort in falling asleep to music. Anyhow after a three-hour long power nap, the trip was made with little affair, few direction problems and sadly little coffee. *gasp*
Mr. Rabbit was picked up again Tuesday night and was able to sample my spicy Chicken Tortilla Soup last night for dinner.
For the past couple of days, I've been cramming for a committee review board meeting for one of the clients I'm responsible for at the group home I work at. They're usually uncomplicated affairs when dealing with uncomplicated cases, which happily his is. Oddly enough there have been difficulty in finding chunks of paperwork I need to include for these doctors, administrators, etc. to view. What may happen because of this is a dismissal of the proposed date and a reissue of a new one. Something that won't be taken well by my higher-ups but something I'm willing to accept. Certainly that rather than unneeded, undeserved stress.
Tonight however shall make up for it... I'm going with chiquitabonita and a work friend to go see George Clinton & Parliment Funkadelic!
Some time since the last Toad's Place show though I've checked their calendar and I may have to make room for a Dresden Dolls show upcoming. I think the only thing bad that will come of this is it'll continue this week's theme of lack of sleep... Started by SGNY, continued through airport trips, concerts, SGCT movie night and ending on Sunday with a triple-bill blowout at Bar. The next non-bleary eyed date I have is Monday, maybe...

I'd completely remembered and reissued the notion that it was just fine, not a problem whatsoever (I am a good friend). I'd remembered it as dropping him off @ JFK on Tuesday around 5:30-6:00am... He contextually reminded that no, it was on Monday @ 3-4 hours time from that same phonecall (I am a bad friend). I calmly hung-up the phone, kissed AlienPrincess good night and proceeded to will myself to sleep.

For the past couple of days, I've been cramming for a committee review board meeting for one of the clients I'm responsible for at the group home I work at. They're usually uncomplicated affairs when dealing with uncomplicated cases, which happily his is. Oddly enough there have been difficulty in finding chunks of paperwork I need to include for these doctors, administrators, etc. to view. What may happen because of this is a dismissal of the proposed date and a reissue of a new one. Something that won't be taken well by my higher-ups but something I'm willing to accept. Certainly that rather than unneeded, undeserved stress.

Tonight however shall make up for it... I'm going with chiquitabonita and a work friend to go see George Clinton & Parliment Funkadelic!

Thanks again for the much needed transportation, and being an all around awesome friend. The soup rocked!
We'll see if we can hook up again this week for more FPS mayhem

oh man...we made it to the end of the song...and we didn't get to JAM!!!! ok, that was not something that was said...and fuck I'm glad. it was fun skippy...see you later...